"The Liberal" is just a code for anything the Party members don't like; they just use propaganda to smear and effectively silence opposition.
At least a majority of the nation knows our government is full of crap, and needs to be changed immediately.
2007-03-08 01:45:09
answer #1
answered by eatmorec11h17no3 6
Conservatives never have an original thought so I would think that would go for neo-cons as well. They swallow ever bit of propaganda out there so that they will believe anything right down to gender roles not being socially constructed. What they need is to introduce someone into their political parties that can boast some new ideals and help these poor sots to learn the truth.
2007-03-11 09:10:34
answer #2
answered by Deirdre O 7
See I am not sure exactly that Liberals WANT Muslims to take over the United States. I believe that Liberals only wish to go against EVERYTHING that Conservatives believe in so bad that the lengths they are going to might lead to this Muslim take over.
For example: Nancy Pelosi wants to make a law against profiling Muslim and people who look like Muslims at airports and train stations etc. Now I am not saying I agree with the racial profiling of Muslims and people who look like Muslims (even though it's the Muslim extremest that are causing our terrorist problems) but by making a law banning such a thing would only open the door to about 1 million law suits. What I am trying to say is that a law like this would make it IMPOSSIBLE to randomly search anyone who was a Muslim or looked to be Muslim because said searched person could then sue for racial profiling.
Are you picking up what I am dropping?
2007-03-08 01:51:21
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Muslims do not per say want to take us over. Instead they want us to change our way of life or die. This follows a predictable pattern. First muslims come to a country in small numbers, establishing a beach head so to speak. As these numbers increase in western countries the muslims begin to ask for accommodation of their particular beliefs (Arraigned marriages to underage cousins, female circumcision, dietary regulations, time out for prayer, closing of bars, censorship of sexually explicate publications, denial of gay rights,) If this allowed the muslims press for acceptance of shira law, first in civil cases(Canada) and then in criminal matters as well. At this point the host society has become dhimmini, or subservient to the muslim minority(France) . The reason liberals have such a hard time resisting this is because they are infected with the suicidal virus of political correctness, which teaches,all cultures are morally equivalent, evil can only come from white or Jewish males, and being judgmental is the worst of all sins. In the guise of tolerance liberals are unable to fight intolerance. Case closed
2007-03-08 01:54:06
answer #4
answered by espreses@sbcglobal.net 6
I do not consider a person who does not support the military to be a "conservative," by ANY definition.
Radical Islam doesn't want to take us over, they want to make us dead. Islam is the world's fastest growing religion. The "religion of peace," yet they cannot even reign in their radicals.
And instead of combating the terrorists, Liberals are combating their own nation. How does that add up for you?
2007-03-08 02:30:15
answer #5
answered by ? 3
Because that's what the Liberals want to see happen. Just look what's happening in France. It's a great mirror of what the Liberals want to see happen. And by watching the fashion shows from France you can see that they are starting to create burqas style garments.
2007-03-08 01:54:27
answer #6
answered by Mikira 5
Your knowledge on Muslim women is shocking. As a Muslim woman myself i would have to say i have more knowledge on the subject than you. Muslim women are free to drive cars for goodness sake get a grip. There is no "have to" about wearing burqas it is not a requirement in Islam to wear one, I dont wear one and no one has ever suggested "I have to". Maybe if you had real facts your points would be more valid. What is it your suggest Muslims want to take over? America? Ha that's the funniest thing I've read all week. I would not set foot in that country not for £1,000,000 why on earth would you think we want to take over? Don't you have that in reverse is it not America that wants to over take the middle east? Sort yourself out and get a clue why dont you?
Muslim do not want to take over your way of life. How stupid are you people. I have lived in the west all my life, I am a westerner and there is nothing about the west Islam wants to take over. Like what for example you are all propaganda media sheep believing ignoramuses. Congratulations.
2007-03-08 02:15:48
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Let me start off by saying that by living as close as I do to Dearborn and going to school here, there is hardly a shortage of Arab women driving cars. Liberals don't want Muslims to take over, nobody does. Even if somebody would want to use liberal stereotypes, they still wouldn't want it to happen. If liberal caricatures are flashy and love to show off, why would they all want to walk around with burkas over their heads?
2007-03-08 01:46:58
answer #8
answered by Huey Freeman 5
They would be plotting against the government if all of this wasn't going on. The paranoids have seemed to have taken over popular opinion.
2007-03-08 01:53:28
answer #9
answered by fooding 2
Many conservatives are very, very desperate. Like Rush and Ann Courtlier. They will drop to any level to hold power. Cash has not given them the power they spent it to get. Have you ever wasted your money? Another issue that I always wonder about is. Why do Conservatives think they are more religious than Democrats? They have no problem at all supporting Bush, who is a proven liar.
2007-03-08 01:52:48
answer #10
answered by jl_jack09 6
They over-simplify on everything. There were Iraqis in the Taliban, the Taliban attacked us, we must attack the Taliban and every country one of their members came from. The problem is that there are American citizens that have joined the Taliban, so should we attack ourselves?
I think it is funny when they say things like we support Al Qaeda because we don't want to be in war against them. It isn't that I don't want to go to war against them, it is that I don't want to go to war against Iraq. It was a bad idea based on bad data and we need to 1) realize this as fact, 2) realize that WE were the ones that brought all of the suicide bombers out of hiding and our occupation of Iraq has converted some regular people into insurgents, 3) realize that the only way to win the war we started in Iraq is o blow them off the face of the Earth or split all of their groups into states and patrol their borders forever.
It's also quite comical when they say we're anti-American because we don't support the decision our President made. Isn't the reason we are a great country based on us having that right to an opinion and to speak on that opinion? Also, I don't like the war because it makes us look bad to the rest of the world. I also don't like the war because we now don't have the resources to force Iran to stay in line. This is truly me not liking the war because it hurts our country and there is no good that could come of it.
I'm pro-America, sounds to me like they are anti-American.
2007-03-08 01:44:05
answer #11
answered by Anonymous