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as a black person i do not think it was a racist attack,it shows what certain men are capable of when they have power over another- abuse and savagery-even when that person is suffering from a severe medical condition

im truly not suprised that most white people support the police as they see nothing wrong with abusing others. how the hell is it acceptable to have four men jump on and punch a woman-have you ever seen a child abuser get such treatment off the police ???? why because they would not treat their own that way

how many people who have got drunk have had the police treat them that way - no thought not

if you see nothing wrong with with the clip, just do a quick test for me watch the footage again then if you can look yourself in the mirror and say that you would feel the same if a white person was treated in the same way!!

again i state that this was not a racist attack,but normal behaviour displayed by some people who have an instinct to abuse their power

2007-03-08 01:11:59 · 15 answers · asked by pam28 3 in News & Events Current Events

15 answers

I've seen it. I just another neo nazi police man.
In honestly it comes as no suprise. I never met a non racist police man. Have you ever heard a police man saying "I don't want f-u-c-k-i-n-g p-a-k-i-s in the force? I have.

Remember that behind the sences special with the undercover reporter and all the racist people man.

Why is this man using full force punches on a woman?

Punches maybe to warn her, full force? because she is black.

2007-03-08 03:15:33 · answer #1 · answered by Michelino 4 · 1 3

1. The female in question had commited a criminal offence and was resisting arrest (£3000 worth of damage. pleasant girl). Now, I know it's great to shout down the police when you 'think' they've done something wrong, but how about if your car had been damaged by a white male yob, and the police had to use force on him to arrest him as he was kicking off in a disorderly, violent, aggressive, drunken stupor? I guess there would be far less people moaning - well lets have a sense of equality shall we? It is one rule for everyone - the police will use force where necessary regardless of gender, colour etc. It doesn't surprise me that this has turned into a race row however - after all, we're in the UK.

2. It is a perfectly legitimate form of defence to throw a clenched fist in a 'hammer' style towards someone and this is taught to trainee officers. It is called a "Hammer Fist Strike". The police officer who did so is not attempting to hide the fact in any way whatsoever. He is perfectly within his rights to use this level of force if he thinks it necessary. I imagine that those of you who are not police officers would be able to control all the people officers have to deal with nowadays with a few stern words and no force whatsoever? Dream on.

3. CCTV is misleading. That said, the officer has stated that yes, he did hit her. The force have stated that they are happy with the actions he took. It's funny how she only decides that she can make a complaint out of this after her solicitor gets hold of the cctv - she doesn't even remember what happened, apparently (obviously the bit where she was punching him, biting him and going for his testicles slipped her mind then).

4. I sometimes wonder why any person would want to join the police. If you're not moaning at police driving standards when using blue lights, you're moaning about the level of force. We can't win. I just wish people would sometimes consider how exactly they would like the service run, because clearly nothing done by the police is ever good enough. Perhaps if we refuse to ever enter into any situation where conflict might arise, we leave the drunks to roam the streets until they're sober and sensible, we deal with those with guns/knives only once they have decided to put the gun/knife down, we attend every job at 30mph in rush hour traffic, we don't act on any terrorism intelligence in case we get it wrong (depsite the fact that 99% of the time it's right - you hear about the 1% that's not).... I could go on as the moans from the public are endless. Trust me - for the scrutiny and criticism we get, most officers would feel a whole lot safer if the examples above were true. In your day job, what's the worse that can happen if you mess up? Think about it - officers find themselves risking their life, freedom etc. every time they act.

Show some support, wait to hear the proper facts and stop jumping on the media band wagon.

2007-03-08 13:36:34 · answer #2 · answered by Ben G 2 · 0 0

I am glad you don't agree that it is a racist attack however I think you have very little experience of White people!!!

We are not violent by nature as you seem to think we are we do not agree with violence nor do we participate as a whole (of course some white people are violent just like black)

But if you want to get technical (statistically Black people are more likely to rape, mug or attack someone for no reason!) I am not saying that black people are violent though am I!!! that is the Facts!!!

I am not racist I am not anti black and I am from a mixed race family!!! Your comments about White people make you more of a racist than most of the White people I have heard on here!!!

By the way look at the CCTV again and you will see she is holding the policeman's arm and resisting arrest he may well of been hurt while she was resiting but no-one cares about him do they!!!

She wasn't hurt at all no bruise not a thing, does that say he abused her, I think not!!!

2007-03-08 09:36:40 · answer #3 · answered by Peachy Girl 4 · 2 1

Yes, but what you're saying is that white people "see nothing wrong with abusing others". That IS a racist comment. I am white and I have a MAJOR problem with anyone abusing their power in ANY way. Don't stereotype people. It makes you no better than the people you point your finger at. Hold a mirror up to yourself too. Being white does not automatically make you one way or another. Judge individuals, not a whole race. I will do the same. Peace, honey.

2007-03-08 09:18:21 · answer #4 · answered by pookiemct07 5 · 6 0

again, why the racist thing?

at that point in time she was a criminal.
police are getting beaten up and stabbed/shot at on a daily basis but this is not news, because of this they see anyone resisting arrest as a possible problem that could get out of hand so they restrain criminals the best way they can.
seems no one is making a point of the fact she was trying to grab his scrotum.
epileptic fit my @rse

2007-03-08 11:47:09 · answer #5 · answered by safcian 4 · 0 0

I reserve judgement until the matter has been investigated. I do not jump to the conclusion of racism. I would feel no different if the person involved had been white.

(The clip can be seen on the BBC Newsnight webpage)

2007-03-08 09:17:52 · answer #6 · answered by migelito 5 · 3 0

Talk about tarring people with the same brush! Not all whites hate blacks and not all Police officers abuse their power, all you have done is put yourself across in a racist manner.

2007-03-08 09:26:56 · answer #7 · answered by BigRig 2 · 4 0

White people get rough handled all the time by the police in such situations: it is just not called news then.

2007-03-08 09:26:56 · answer #8 · answered by Bob M 1 · 4 0

She didn't seem to have a medical condition when she was damaging the car!!!! Are the police suppost to say, 'Eh lads, we can't get the hancuffs on her, so just let her go!

2007-03-08 10:46:14 · answer #9 · answered by jimbob 4 · 0 0

It has nothing to do with race!!! but because they are the Police that certainly didnt give them the right to beat the crap out of a girl who was clearly intoxicated and could not defend herself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-03-08 09:47:50 · answer #10 · answered by Sazzle Knight 2 · 2 2

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