it is very correct that people are in need of friends, going along with life without having a good friend -that understands you, love what you love, hate what you hate, understands you without you even speaking- is almost impossible...
however, you may meet through your life people who are not kind hearted as you put it, that it's impossible for you to befriend them, those kind of people may have been like this forever, or they have gone through a hard time that made them the hard hearted people they are, you can try to talk things out of them and help them if they really mean something to you, but this is a hard task, cannot be done easily, if you have the time and energy to spend, then you'd be doing a good thing... but otherwise try to avoid such people if possible...
2007-03-14 10:29:31
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
It's true that everyone needs true friends.
When people are not kind-hearted it is because they have been deceived by false thinking into believing that they can be happier through self-centredness, greed, cold-heartedness or other vices. Love is the true nature of reality, but fear is the false appearance that infects many minds. Love is letting go of fear.
How can you change them? Only by loving them:-) Gains made by force don't last. Love is slower and often needs patience but is the only thing that works and love's gains are permanent.
2007-03-11 14:46:04
answer #2
answered by MBK 7
~The most important part of your question is that you can not MAKE anyone kind or CHANGE them in any way.
Not everyone is kind and not everyone is mean all the time. No one is perfect, everyone has bad days.
I think most people understand the basic facts of life.
Yes, we are all alone without friends and family.
So, if you come across someone who you find to be (unkind), move on, you can't do anything about it.~
2007-03-08 04:04:40
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
You can not change some one unless they truly want to change. You also have to remember people's experiences and the environment in which they've been come into play as well...
...if anything, show them through your kind spirit and if this does not do anything stay away.
Afterall, there is a saying that goes, "how do you expect someone who treats themselves poorly to treat you any better?"
Something like that...but you get the gyst. Good luck
2007-03-08 03:56:07
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I don't have any friends ihave my family and thats fine with me im nice to people but i have been stabbed in the back so many time that it really does not matter if i make a friend fine if not that is fine too and by the way nobody is trully alone especially if they have god in the lives
2007-03-15 17:42:53
answer #5
answered by Beth G 2
You're right, even the coldest heart needs someone.
You certainly cant make someone change, but, in the words of Ghandi, ''Be the change in the world that you want to see'' (or words to that effect, tis not verbatim).
Basically, effect change in other people through your own example.
2007-03-15 11:55:13
answer #6
answered by Alex :) 2
You can not change the whole world, just start with yourself. If someone is not kind to you give them a smile, and reply positively. You will not believe how that changes ones demeanor.
2007-03-15 22:55:04
answer #7
answered by Carlene W 5
Yes,it is indeed true that everyone needs a friend. Let us accept the fact that there are really people who r not that kind.
2007-03-16 01:09:44
answer #8
answered by michael e 1
One has to want to change, and only then it's up to he or she to change themselves. No one can make another person change. Only guide them to the path.
2007-03-15 22:48:33
answer #9
answered by Rick A 5
Some people are miserable and they don't know why. They don't even know how to be happy. You are right, so show them how happy you are being happy. Maybe they will be jealous.
2007-03-15 16:08:01
answer #10
answered by LindaAnn 4