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Friends, Please help me with answers to these questions ... Please do not abuse, if u don want then pl do not?
1.is death the logical conclusion of life ? reason ?
2.what is a perfect life
3.can you define love ?
4.love to live or live to love ?
5. what does it take to love ?
6.behind every successful man , there is a woman.. who is behind the woman ?
7. what are the attributes of perfect marriage ?
8.if man is polygamous by nature then why does he marry?
9.how would you describe colour red to a blind person?
10. what is your idea of a complete human being ?
11. describe your personality in three colours ?
12.what has been greatest contribution of politics to the society ?
13.if polittics is a game then whata are its rules ?
14.which sport does politics resemble in nature and why ?
15.what does it take to inspire others ?
16.three things about modern society which should change ?
17.is society a necessary institution , reason ?
18.if all work and no play makes jack a dull boy, what all play and no work will make him ?
19.whats important ? to know the game or to know how to win

2007-03-07 19:46:49 · 8 answers · asked by maanuv B 1 in Social Science Psychology

8 answers

1yes, because its the ONLY conclusion to life. you can finally conclude a segment of your life, but still your life will end in death
2that depends on the person and what they want. its not the same for everyone.
3love can define you. it can change you, it can take away from you who you used to be, your view on life, your value of life. so no, you cant define love.
4that depends on what you want. if you have an extreme fear death, then your main love is life no matter what the costs. if youre willing to die doing something you love, then you live to love
5 a spirit
6 hopefully the man is
7communication, trust, being faithful, love (money dont hurt)
8because of love and not wanting to be old and alone
9passion. heat
10 anyone who is born
11blue, grey, red
12 i cant answer that one...
13 lol dont get caught
14 hockey because of the constant fighting
15 goals, dreams, an almost despirate desire to meet them...
16violence, selfishness, lack of common sense
17 yes because people need society in order to be people. a person can not stay sane and be constantly by theirself. people need order and others to verify that order.
18 a wild thang! lol
19to know the game. you cant win without knowing how

2007-03-07 20:14:49 · answer #1 · answered by babygirl_of_texas 4 · 1 0

1.is death the logical conclusion of life ? reason ?
* Yes.... it's the end, I suppose there's no other reason.
2.what is a perfect life
* To help and love, to know you're loved.
3.can you define love ?
* Love makes you do foolish things, makes you smile. Love is what's in the room at Christmas, if you stop opening presents and listen.
4.love to live or live to love ?
* Live to love
5. what does it take to love ?
* Compassion, and in many cases dependancy
6.behind every successful man , there is a woman.. who is behind the woman ?
* Assuming that's true, I'd say a woman.
7. what are the attributes of perfect marriage ?
* N/A
8.if man is polygamous by nature then why does he marry?
* I'm sorry I don't know what "polygamous" means...
9.how would you describe colour red to a blind person?
* I'd tell them to sit outside on a warm day and eat a pepperoni sausage. I'm not sure how that'd work out...
10. what is your idea of a complete human being ?
11. describe your personality in three colours ?
* pastel blue, pastelyellow, brown
12.what has been greatest contribution of politics to the society ?
* I'm sorry, I know nothing about politics
13.if polittics is a game then whata are its rules ?
* No idea...
14.which sport does politics resemble in nature and why ?
* No idea... ^^
15.what does it take to inspire others ?
Originality, sincerity, emotion
16. three things about modern society which should change?
* Over-all awareness [I mean with EVERYTHING], gratefullness, acceptance
17.is society a necessary institution , reason ?
18.if all work and no play makes jack a dull boy, what all play and no work will make him ?
* An uneducated, free, troubled spirit
19.whats important ? to know the game or to know how to win
* Know the game

2007-03-07 20:09:51 · answer #2 · answered by XXX 2 · 0 0

1. No. Biologically, unless you smoke etc there is no reason for your heart to stop, and few people choose to die, many who die want to carry on living. And as for accicental deaths how can an an accident be a logical end to a life.
2. One free of pain, jealousy, hatred, suffering. One full of people who love you and care for you. One where there is no contoversy, no religion, no war.
3. I've never personally experienced it, but i guess it differs from person to person.
4. Love to live
5. A great amount of trust and time, and a certain amount of vulnerability.
6. Their kids and family
7. Absolute trust, love, loyalty and comfort with each other
8. To show that even thought he has lots of wives...the wives belong to him and him alone.
9. I would't, they've lived their whole lives without it, so why would they need it?
10. One who is true to themselve and others, of sound mind, is not jealous, depressed, bad tempered. Not persuaded to change
11. White, Dark Blue and Red
12. Is there one?
13. If there are any rules, they have been bent and broken so many times.
14. Trying to find food. Just get what you want, doesn't matter how, as long as you get to the goal.
15. To be strong, forthright, intelligent and passionate
16. a) The amount of leniency given to the media, they should be curbed. Many things in the media eg skinny models have extremely negative effects on people, especially children
b) The constant fights over who really is God. Religion has caused a lot more problems then each deity claims to have stopped
c) The hypocrisy of rasicm. We have black history day, and schooling schemes aimed specifically at multi cultural children. If we had a white history day or 'come to this school especially for white children' We would most likely begin a war because we were being rasict.
17. Society is a prison we can't see, feel, or touch, therefore we can never escape
18. An exciting boy? but he will most likely be stupid
19. How to win. If you win nobody cares how you did it just that you were the first to win.

Hope this is useful.....(sorry if it int...)

2007-03-08 12:58:10 · answer #3 · answered by Lifeless Energy 5 · 0 0

1. Death is the only logical conclusion to life. What lies beyond that, nobody knows with exception to those who have gone there, and they arent talking. Faith is the key to getting beyond that hurdle.

2. Perfection is in the eye of the beholder, us humans tend to set our own rules for perfection. My perfect life would be to live longer than my children, and leave them better than I was at their age.

3. Love has many meanings in English, from something that gives a little pleasure ("I loved that movie") to something one would die for (patriotism, pairbonding). It can describe an intense feeling of affection, an emotion or an emotional state.

4. Love to love.......living is easy. When living is no longer possible, love is no longer relevant.

5. No more than it takes to hate. Emotion and stimulus.

6. Her mother, who was behind her successful man.

7. honesty, integrity, trust, and just about everything else we naturally dont do.

8. If women are not polygamous by nature, then why do they cheat? Variables! Its all in the variables.

9. Blind people dont see color, so you have to relate the color to an emotion.

10. A complete human being is a human who is being.

11. mauve, lavendar, ultraviolet.

12. Not a damn thing.

13. The rules in politics are, there are no rules. Politicians make them, govern them, and police them.

14. Politics resembles golf. They hit the ball, run after it, hit it again, and knock it in the hole as fast as they can.

15. Inspiration comes from within. You can only give ideas to inspire, but ultimately, its up to the individual.
16. There is no such thing as something for nothing, you are responsibile for your own self, nobody owes you anything.
17. Society is created when you have more than 2 people in the same space. Therefore it cannot be done away with.

18. It will make him broke, bored, and bankrupt, and most definatly, single.
19. You cannot win the game without knowing it. If you can, you are cheating.

2007-03-07 20:18:33 · answer #4 · answered by Dan The Answer Man 3 · 0 0

1) Yes, Everything has to come to an end.
2) When "you" believe so.
3) Nope, it can't be defined, it's eternal and without boundaries.
4) Both.
5) Slef-lessness.
6) Love.
7) 80 year olds holding hands.
8) Men are insecure, they need support.
9) As a flame would feel to his hands, so the color to his/her eyes.
10) Believe in humanity and benovelance.
11) Black, White and Gray.
12) Organisation of society.
13) None.
14) Kabaddi.... (Search the net for this) coz you want to defeat evry one else in one shot to the line.
15) Leading by example.
16) Terrorism, Corporate manipulation, Poverty in thrid world countries.
17) Yes, wat else can it be.
18) A Loser.
19) It's important to know how to lose.

Phew! :)

2007-03-07 20:22:29 · answer #5 · answered by Infernal Monarch 2 · 0 0

I suggest asking 1 or 2 of these at a time.

2007-03-07 19:55:27 · answer #6 · answered by winkcat 7 · 0 0

you just ask too many question, one at a time please. i agree with both of them.
one thing in life that i am sure off is there is no short cuts to all the thing

2007-03-07 20:08:10 · answer #7 · answered by anderson 6 · 0 0

post all these questions separately... u will get clear answers.

2007-03-07 19:55:03 · answer #8 · answered by harish 1 · 0 0

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