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alright here it is my best friend is alyssa. It is really strange. Here is where it starts. She has a brother named greg who is dating a girl named alyssa. I have a cousin named alyssa and is dating a guy named greg. Then her and i can finish eachother's sentenses and we were watching tv and she goes to me do you like that shirt and i was thinking that i wanted it. Then i was thinking about something and said it to her and she was thinking about that too. We say we are twins. What do you think?

2007-03-07 15:57:36 · 5 answers · asked by themainevent0814 2 in Social Science Psychology

5 answers

Cool story. But you have to view this logically. All the Alyssa and Gregs you share in common are not evidence that you and her are twins, or something like it. They're just related to you in some way. You might say these are coincidences.

Second, considering that you are best friends, the chances of you having the same thoughts about clothing, or how you phrase sentences, is higher than usual. After all, liking (as in best friends) is highly correlated with similarity. So, you both chose each other because, knowingly or unknowingly, you already share much in common. You also share a common culture, and have probably spent so much time together that your personality, preferences, or habits have somehow blended. It's completely natural. That said, I'm happy that you have such a friend. Have a nice day!

2007-03-07 17:03:14 · answer #1 · answered by ELI 4 · 0 0

Is there any chance that the two of you could actually be twins (like, were each of you adopted, or do you both have the same birthday, etc.)? Do you greatly resemble each other in looks as well as in thoughts?

Could it be that the two of you have just been friends for so long that you have started to think alike? That would answer a lot--and also the reason for your friendship.

Sometimes, however, things happen merely by coincidence. It is possible that the two of you have been through a lot of coincidences.

2007-03-08 00:06:58 · answer #2 · answered by Holiday Magic 7 · 0 0

Whah??? Whathfock!

2007-03-08 00:00:58 · answer #3 · answered by ~Gypsy~ 2 · 0 0

u make no sense, but i get 2 points for answering...

2007-03-08 00:00:26 · answer #4 · answered by wilthompson8 1 · 0 1

I think that's impossible.

2007-03-08 00:02:59 · answer #5 · answered by heckovdanielle 1 · 0 1

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