I smoked with both my kids and they were born healthy and on time and an average size and weight. No major health problems ever (6 and 4 now). I think I cut down to about maybe 5-10 a day or less depending on how I was feeling.
But it is really dangerous to stop now as you are so far along. It can really harm the baby. So just cut down as much as you can and look after yourself.
I know how guilty you feel and people judging you doesnt help.
2007-03-07 16:46:45
answer #1
answered by Monkey Magic 6
Oh hun, I am so sorry you are feeling so down on yourself.
You are trying, so stop this self blame. It is causing you stress and that is just as bad on the baby.
Are you smoking outside only? Do this it will help till you stop.
Try Tar Bar filters. ( Safe while pregnant unlike a patch) They are at most Gas Stations. They are plastic tips and take out alot of the junky stuff. It looks nasty after a few and you can see what your saving from going into your lungs. I use them. And they are working!!!!!
I did not smoke when pregnant or before. I started after.
My mother did smoke and most of the problems with health low birth rate so on came true with my birth at 7 months. I weighed 4.5 pounds. And have many allergies as a adult.
My mother tried her hardest to stop smoking. She failed. And just found out she has a few years to live. That alone i should of stopped right then. But I have only slowed down. Do you think i am a bad person? I do not think so. I am just weak at this time. Lets get really personal. I just went to the Nuclear Heart Center for test today.(Chest pain) I still had 4 cigerettes today. As I said i am weak. But I pat myself on the back when I have to, like today. And so did my nurse. Two weeks ago i smoked Full Flavor and 2 packs a day. Now I smoke ultra lights and less then a half a pack a day.
Talk to your doctor about the babies health and tips on your smoking habits. Maybe they can give you what you need for yourself to quit.
2007-03-07 23:44:06
answer #2
answered by charontheloose 6
No I never would smoke if I was pregnant.
You ARE hurting your baby.
Babies born to mothers who smoke have higher rates of low birth weight, premature birth and Sudden Infant death Syndrome. In infancy and childhood, they have higher rates of ear and bronchial infection, and it's been found that they have more heart attacks once they grow up. Some evidence points to speech delays being linked to in utero tobacco exposure.
How will you feel standing next to an incubator watching the baby struggle to breathe and knowing you did this to your child?
Talk to your doctor about cessation and do it right away. You CAN quit- you just haven't done the right way for your yet. You could do the patch, the gum... all the other by-products of tobacco like polyaromatic hydrocarbons and cyanides are crossing into the baby's bloodstream, so the nicotine products circumvent these toxins.
Sorry if I sound harsh, but do you really think people are going to tell you "sure smoke all you want" when it's not true? You are responsible for starting this baby's life- don't start it out with health problems.
Talk to your doc and good luck!
2007-03-07 23:39:15
answer #3
answered by CYP450 5
Well I did smoke when I was first pregnant & didn't know I was pregnant. When the nausea set in, it was easy to quit b/c smoking made me so ill. I do know 2 women who smoked thru their pregnancies & their babies were fine, but there is a higher incidence of low-birth weight in smokers, also a higher incidence of SIDS after the baby is born. If you can even cut down on the amount you smoke, it would be helpful. Maybe talk to you dr. to see what they say, also if they can help you quit. I guess you can't do nicotine patches or gum while pregnant, but I don't know. It's best for you & the baby, as you know, if you quit now and you certainly don't want to smoke in your house with a newborn around. Good luck!
2007-03-07 23:33:19
answer #4
answered by sweet pea 5
I stopped smoking the day I found out I was pregnant with baby #1 and never started back.. My sister however smoked the whole way thru all 3 of her pregnancies and all 3 of her children are healthy and beautifull. Not saying that this is a go ahead to smoke, but telling you the truth about her children.. If you are worried about the baby then stop smoking problem solved....
2007-03-07 23:33:00
answer #5
answered by auntietawnie 4
im 4 1/2 months pregnant now and i dont smoke but im taking a psychology class right now and we had learned of the statistics of smoking during pregnancy. The biggest concern was low birth weight and premature babies. It's weird but most of the babies turned out fine other than the increase in those two things.
2007-03-07 23:56:48
answer #6
answered by articulate02 2
I feel you. I have quit for good now at 20 weeks but I still have the urge. But for me it was kinda easy bc cigs started tasting weird and the smell made me want to puke. To me it really seems they tell you to quit though just bc they always want you to quit. "you have a kidney stone, why don't ya quit smoking"lol. But really my mom smoked heavy with all three of us and we all came out fine, actually healthier than most peoples babies it seems and none of us had any breathing problem or allergies and we weighed over 7 lbs. I had a good friend who smoked heavy and had a 10 lb baby. The 2 people I know who quit smoking completely, 1 had a baby with spina bifida and one had rsv. But you should cut down atleast. I had a doctor in my school tell me 4 or less a day. also they say not to quit cold turkey bc if the baby is addicted it can be harmful to quit like that. even though your this far along you should cut back. I lost one before and im doing every in my power to keep myself healthy. last week i wanted a cig and when i lit it i felt so guilty i put it out, it was like giving a baby a smoke. but anyways just try and cut down just to be safe
2007-03-08 00:15:03
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
not giving you advice- but history.....
My mother smoked with both my brother and I. As far as I know we were both healthy babies- I had lots of problems in my upper teens with bronchitis (but was a smoker myself).
I smoked with my older son. He has been healthy. He is 23. Back when I was PG with him, wasn't a big deal.
My younger son - 11- not as much (stigma of doing so was much greater), but still some.
They both were in the average weight/length and both exceled in growth (both upper 90% until 7-8 years) then the hright leveled off. They have both been healthy.
I quit smoking 2 years ago. I am 42. If I can quit- you can quit....if you want to.
2007-03-07 23:31:53
answer #8
answered by Mommyk232 5
Not that I condone smoking while pregnant at all. I think if there is anyway possible to quit, you should do it. I smoked through my pregnancy..I cut down to about two to three cig's a day. My daughter is fine, but it isn't a chance I would want to take again. I got lucky. You should try to cut down as much as possible if you don't think you can quit.
2007-03-07 23:28:54
answer #9
answered by poseyschic 2
I was advised not to quit smoking all together...Since the baby was concieved and started growing with the nicotine in her system, that quitting abruptly would be more harmful. I did cut back....from about 1 pack just before I found out I was prego....to about 5/day. She was healthy and happy....now according to the dr. she's showing no ill effects. Good Luck!!
2007-03-07 23:31:28
answer #10
answered by colorfulswanson 2