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I Beleive they would make a good team Together they could make some big changes for the Poor and Middle Class People. Besides who else could turn things around in our Country?? We do not need any more Republicans Running things they are the reason why things are so Screwed up now. So lets hope Clinton And Obamba can Get Elected to the White House.

2007-03-07 14:43:23 · 22 answers · asked by Coolbreeze 3 in Politics & Government Elections

22 answers

I hope clinton and obama run.

I cant stand Clinton. Read her hillary for prez and senate pages, then read the American communist party's page.

They are very similar in position.

Obama is not such a bad guy...thus far. But Hillary...

I would vote for satan before clinton.

2007-03-07 14:59:58 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

Your question is interesting, but probably too optimistic. This is not some "Dream Team" put together by pundits. It is a real presidential election, without an incumbent president for many decades (last one was Dukakis/Bush) , Whether or not they would make a good ticket for the Democratic Party, the chances of it happening are little to none.

First, and foremost, I have read some articles and commentators that indicate that these two people REALLY don't like each other ! Not only are they rivals for publicity and the nomination, but also they just don't get along well in the US Senate. They both are appealing to the same constituency of liberal Democrats, and both are hugely ambitious. So, a Clinton/Obama ticket or an Obama/Clinton ticket just might not be the first choice of either of the candidates.

Second, it would be tough enough to get a ticket elected with one "First"--either the first woman candidate, or the first black candidate of a major party for president. But to have a ticket with BOTH the first woman AND the first black might be a tough "sell" to the American people. Would they buy the concept? Too early to say, but it would not be easy.

Third: remember that the Democrats have blown it in the last two presidential elections, even with the benefits of incumbency to aid Vice PresidentGore. This is a country so evenly divided (49-49%) that the party that can claim the center will win, not the far liberal Left or the deeply conservative Right. Change would have to be gradual, not revolutionary.

2007-03-07 23:04:03 · answer #2 · answered by JOHN B 6 · 1 1

"you are a really funny kid. They are the worse possible poeple for this coutry right now. The reason we are doing so bad is because the democrats are scared to do anything.
They will get us bombed. Barrack is a terrorist sympathizer- but terrorist wont sypathize us bank. Clinton was born with no brain and the only reason she made it so far is because of her husband. Democrats are another word for communist. Yoiu know wat commies do? they believe that everyone should be equal. When in america, every one has an equal chance, and you have to work to go somewhere. CLinton and Obama are communist. They think that GIVING away free health care is good and all, but that is a commy idea and it is unfair to those who actually earned it. lets hope those war magnets dont go into white house beecause they will be clueless if we are attacked "

I feel I must reply to this blast of ignorance.

In what way, exepting the cost of war, the ignorance of Republicans, the failure of responce to the plight of New Orleans, inadequate health care, the plight of the poor, your foreign policies and all that Republican clap trap, is keeping your country doing so bad? The idea of a nation is to take care of all of it's people.

I guess the writer of this foolishness is a throwback to the infamous McCarthy era. Now that's something to worry about! Commie here, commie there. Behind every bush a commie. Everyone with a different point of veiw is a commie.

Actually, the 9/11 took place under a Republican regime that wasn't paying attention and then they went off to fight Iraq for no good reason and our boys over there dieing for a Republican lie.

As far as clueless when attacked I remember the video of Bush's confusion when it was reported to him. Instead of getting up from the tiny desk he was sitting at and taking charge. Bush sure looked impotent.

Its interesting that you would say that the kid is funny when, obviously, he has better thinking ability than you.

2007-03-15 19:57:53 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think any ticket with Clinton on it would be the biggest mistake the Dems have made in their entire life. Obamba is not a good pick either at this time for the ticket, yet maybe by 2012 or later.
You can look at Clinton and see her so called record in office, see that her whole time she spent campaigning to get reelected and now it all for the great ticket, with her looser husband. if she really was good she would have left in in the White House, showing she had the guts to do something right.

2007-03-13 20:29:06 · answer #4 · answered by allen w 7 · 0 0

Hitlery and Gumbie wouldnt that be cute to lead our country. You have to wake up man we are in a war to destroy terrorism and all these fools want to do is destroy the morale of our troops and they will never succeed. If we had of cut and run during WW2 you would be speaking German now and worrying about the Gustapo troopers and what people like you dont understand is that we are fighting an ideology that is far more evil than Hitler was. If we pull out of Iraq before victory the next step is that they will come after your *** and it will be your head they are cutting off you wont be watching it on TV they will be building terror camps all over the middle east and then where would we be. I was in WW2 and i was proud to fight for my country and if i were still young I would fight again in a heartbeat but under Clinton this country would have no convictions you dont vote for a war and say you are standing behind the president and then when the going gets tough run away from what you said like a coward. Wake up

2007-03-08 09:34:36 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

you are a really funny kid. They are the worse possible poeple for this coutry right now. The reason we are doing so bad is because the democrats are scared to do anything.
They will get us bombed. Barrack is a terrorist sympathizer- but terrorist wont sypathize us bank. Clinton was born with no brain and the only reason she made it so far is because of her husband. Democrats are another word for communist. Yoiu know wat commies do? they believe that everyone should be equal. When in america, every one has an equal chance, and you have to work to go somewhere. CLinton and Obama are communist. They think that GIVING away free health care is good and all, but that is a commy idea and it is unfair to those who actually earned it. lets hope those war magnets dont go into white house beecause they will be clueless if we are attacked

2007-03-07 22:56:33 · answer #6 · answered by a cool person 3 · 2 2

Lets hope not, unless of course you want to be a military state. Hilary is a power hungry dictator, if we had her in power, the America we know and love and take for granted would cease to exsist. The freedoms we enjoy would be taken from us. She has admitted that two of her heros are Karl Marx and Stallin. That is very scary.

I am not sure that we need a Republican either. I think what we really need is a non partisan, non politician who isn't afraid to shake things up a little.

2007-03-07 23:56:09 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

There are only 2 reason's they would win. It isn't for what they stand for, it isn't for their personal beliefs, and it isn't for what they could do for any of us. They would get elected for nothing more than to have the first woman and black man in the white house. That is all. Obama would have a better chance if he would wait until he made a name for himself. Nobody knows anything about him. Hillary is no President. I fear for what would happen to this country if she did win. Why should we bend over backward and give to the poor when they won't try to get it for themselves. Come on how long are we going to keep the Clinton/Bush reign alive? Is Zeb next with little Chelsea to follow up? Doesn't anyone see that they are one in the same and to keep this horrible mess going on is pointless and the death of our country?

2007-03-07 22:54:19 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

For the left winged base..yes...a good ticket. However, middle of the road voters decide the election.

2007-03-14 08:31:29 · answer #9 · answered by patriot138 1 · 0 0

A Clinton/Obama ticket is something I hope for as well. I believe that combination would be unbeatable.

Clinton/Obama '08

2007-03-08 01:52:57 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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