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example: when I was 17 I was walking home from work on a beautiful summer afternoon when the sky became very over cast and then just opened up and rained. The smell and feel of the rain was undefinable, I didn't even try to take cover

2007-03-07 14:22:19 · 3 answers · asked by frogenstien 3 in Social Science Psychology

3 answers

Any time my husband rubs my feet. I am in seventh heaven. Something about a foot rub that just gets to me.

2007-03-07 14:31:48 · answer #1 · answered by CROSS-EYED PENGUIN 4 · 0 0

I was at the point of drowning in the KCMO flood in '77. Brush Creek, an otherwise beautiful meandering creek through that area, had flooded the whole shopping area. It happened so quickly during a torrential rain, that people got caught as I did. I was knocked down by several cross-currents, swept under a car but I managed to hold onto the front bumper and was slowly being sucked under. My mind was clear as to the situation, but there was no emotion. Then I lost all memory of Earth and people and felt ONLY a most overwhelming euphoria and feeling of total love! At that point, a voice said emphatically, "You can't do that to KAREN! You can't do that to KAREN!" Instantly, I remembered everything and yelled and screamed for help. It took two men who risked being swept away, too, to pull me out. 33 People drowned in that flood. I don't know if all drowning people experience that....

2007-03-08 09:00:45 · answer #2 · answered by Martell 7 · 0 0

having sex with a girl and not knowing her name. What a turn on!

2007-03-07 22:39:00 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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