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like their personality etc?

2007-03-07 14:04:38 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Horoscopes

12 answers

hello Kristy

Capricorn THE GOAT - the sign of Consistency
Capricorn's symbol is the sea goat, rather than the mountain goat and this represents a sure footedness but also an ability to be a lot more fluid and flexible than their reputations suggest. Often having a superbly dry sense of humour Capricorns are instinctively knowledgeable about timing and will know when to make the most of opportunities. Tending to be quite career orientated, they will focus on making a name for themselves or finding their life's purpose. Practical, pragmatic and realistic they can have a no-nonsense approach to life but with a strong sense of simple elegance and good looks.

Get More from Life
By having less need to control others and let them find out through their own experience.

Ideal Careers
Medical practitioner, CEO, administration, farmer, builder, engineer, dentist, civil servant, politician, comedian.

Advice for Partners & Friends
A good idea - help your Capricorn to lighten up and to consider that buying that expensive present is actually a great investment.

Not so useful - ridiculing their dreams (they don't have that many to start with).

We love you at your Best ...
One of Capricorns best assets is its sense of humour, and also the ability to do the jobs which require patience and persistence. A Capricorn will not wimp out when faced with difficulty but can provide a step by step guide to getting out of trouble. It's a good idea to take their advice, or at least consider it. These people are very grounding, and to some may seem to depressing. However, here is someone you can rely on and we all need that from time to timed.

Reliable, determined, ambitious, careful, prudent, disciplined, hard working, persevering.

.... Difficult to Live With!
A negative approach to life can dampen early enthusiasm and they can be naturally suspicious of anything new an untested. Capricorns quite often begin a sentence with 'You should...' or have the ability to point out the downsides to any venture or idea. They can make great accountants, assuming that success is measured with money. But ultimately, Capricorns are just realists and can save a great deal of time and energy by cutting to the chase, even though their nearest and dearest see that this parsimonious attitude gets in the way of fun and frivolity! Bah humbug.

Sun Signs You are most Compatible with
Cancer - a rather good match.
Capricorn - solid & long lasting.
Scorpio - very strong.
Aquarius - straight meets weird.

Sun Signs You are not so Compatible with
Libra - sorry, its not going to work well!
Gemini - hard work may pay off.
Sagittarius - unsuitable.
Leo - so very different.
Aries - likely to argue & fight.

Your Opposite Sun Sign
is Cancer

The Capricorn's life is a constant uphill climb toward greener, loftier pastures. He wants the view from the top of the mountain, and will work long and hard to get there. Capricorn knows he has a tedious climb ahead, so he may take it slow, enjoying life while he can, or he may dig in his hooves at any time and get moving.

Capricorn will do whatever is necessary to achieve the goal he has set for himself. He will conform to the standards of his chosen profession, he will seek help along the way from those who will give it, and he will start from any lowly position offered. Once he gets to the top, watch for some amazing leadership abilities.

They say that Capricorns look old when they're young and young when they're old. Their spirits age backwards. The young Capricorn is wizened before his time with a foreknowledge of a long hard life ahead, while the old Capricorn, having reached a good height of accomplishment already, may relax and return to the fun, capricious nature of the playful young kid.

The Capricorn sees his life as a series of steps. He is in no big hurry, so he makes it a point to stop and have fun along the way. He combines the joys of living and loving with his goals as if they were integral to them - and so may make a life out of his career and a career out of his life.

The Capricorn is determined, hardworking, businesslike, ambitious, and also fun to be with. His earnest nature is not confined to practical matters. He also takes love and lovemaking very seriously.

Your Capricorn is so much more than a mischievous mountain goat. This playful kid can merrily prance to the top of any hill. Life is a cherished challenge for your Capricorn, who is always prepared for the long haul. His tremendous patience and perseverance is only possible because he also knows how to enjoy life. Picture impish Pan with his alluring flute. To Capricorn, it is all one, great long game.

If you have the good luck to have captured capricious Capi, rest assured that you will never go without. Your Capricorn never gives up - your life will only get better and better. Practical, persevering optimism is built into your Capricorn, along with a strong sense of responsibility and keen powers of observation. Capi goes for the ultimate in personal achievement.... and you are in for one long goat-ride! And I mean that in every sense of the word!

How can you show proper appreciation for your hooved companion? Well, first off, remember that Capricorn is a leader. Either go with the program, or come up with something better. Second, your Capi needs to feel needed. Tell him how successful he is and recognize his monumental efforts. Take notice of every step up the ladder. Third - make your Capricorn take time out for fun and adventure. She might only see in one direction - up! Encourage her to turn her head around from time to time and look at the scenery. Finally, take your Capi's love completely seriously. He might be having a wonderful time, but when it comes to love - there's no funnin'. Capi plays completely for keeps!

Don't be put off if she shows a serious demeanour in public - that's just her way of assuring a spotless reputation. Be his partner in the business of life. Recognize the playfulness in your Capi's heart. Remember that you are blessed with a companion who will get younger and younger with time, and who willl give you many years of devoted attention to your needs.....and good, long lovin', too....no kidding...

Personal Traits
The Capricornian is generally a serious character possessing a wry sense of humor. Independent, steady as a rock, Capricorn reflects earthy qualities that range from clever to vacuous. Mostly cautious, confident, strong willed, reasonable and hard working, Capricorns are a rock upon which to build. They are often aloof, shrewd, practical, responsible and persevering. They are capable of great endurance Reliable in any profession they undertake, but lacking in originality, they usually excel in following up on what someone else has started.

Within prescribed areas, Capricorn is a resourceful, practical manager. These folks set high standards for themselves and others. They are self critical, and work well in a disciplined environment, demanding equal measure from their subordinates.

A careful, ambitious planner, Capricorn moves forward with quiet, deliberate persistence. They can be frugal, possessing the ability to achieve results with minimum effort and expense. Highly organized, they excel in managing several projects simultaneously.

Capricorn will often vie for a position of authority. Once attaining control, they are demanding and exacting in leadership. Although firm, they are usually fair to people they deal with. They value tradition

Positive Traits
A person born under the sign of Capricorn will have a tendency to be goal oriented. They seek positions where they can have great control and authority. They don't function well in subordinate positions. If they believe they can succeed in attaining a goal, they will persevere until it is reached.

Capricorns tend to be profound thinkers. To them life is a serious business, and the need to be in control of it is paramount. They are seekers after knowledge and wisdom. Rational, logical and clearheaded, they have excellent concentration, and delight in all forms of debate but will maintain these bonds their entire life.

They are loyal to intimates. Never impetuous, they consider business and personal relationships carefully before becoming involved. These are family people, and family usually comes first, except where business is their primary concern.

Main positive traits: Ambitious, hard working, responsible, practical, perseverance, self-discipline.

Negative Traits
Their naturally pessimistic nature explains their wry sense of humour, which some think is no humour at all. They can spread gloom and tension in a minute and are quite capable of depressing everyone else around them. Never really up, but often down, they need a positive environment to enliven their spirits.

In personal relationships they tend to be uncomfortable. Rather self-centred, they are wary and suspicious of others. They often have few close friends,but indifferent and sometimes callous to those outside their circle.

Main negative traits: Stubborn, overbearing, unforgiving, inhibited, fatalistic, condescending.



Key phrase

I Use

Prudent, Aspiring, Calculating

Main Trait



Dark Brown,



Body Parts
Bones, Knees

Lucky Number
8 and 2

Lucky Day


Ivy, Pansy,



India, Mexico,
Afghanistan, Cuba,

Oxford, Delphi,
Mexico City

Endearing/positive qualities:
ability to set and work very hard towards their goals (workaholic and have ability to stand nights without sleeping). Vulnerable when in love as due to their over logical nature, they can’t balance their emotional side and it can deeply overwhelm them. When they have outburst it may scare you.

Qualities that can drive you a bit crazy:
too over friendly that will drive the love partner crazy with jealousy Suggested ways to show endearment: don’t ever try to tie the person down, give space (u see, there are certain people that can be very friendly with others but they heart only belongs to one person. so dun worry. Because worry also no point. Once his/her heart is not with you, the person will definitely leave. No point of holding on, anyway)

Zodiac in which they develop mutual understanding:
Virgo and Taurus.

Zodiac in which a bit challenging and need more patience and understanding:
Cancer (potentially explosive combination), Aries and Libra.

2007-03-07 21:08:30 · answer #1 · answered by ♥gigi♥ 7 · 0 0

I have an Aquarius rising and Scorpio moon so this may or may not be a good example:

In my opinion, Capricorns feel that they have a specific mission or goal to make themselves known...however they are so stressed by their own opinions about how their lives should be, that they often are negative people in general.

Capricorns are very compassionate people in actuality, even though they seem to have cold hard exterior. But this is only false. They like to give people the idea that they are aware of who they are and what they want when in fact, they have no idea where to begin.

Capricorns are very easy going. In fact, I personally feel that I spent most of my life waiting for something to happen, or doing something very mundane that requires a lot of attention to it. It seems that I feel like I'm accomplishing something if I continue to do the same thing for long periods of time.

Capricorns love to talk about themselves. I think this stems from them being natural introverts.

I mean what can I say... they analyze everything but are often afraid to take the first step of making it happen. Their glass is ALWAYS half empty, unless they're consoling someone other than themself.

Cynical, mellow, and enigmatic, yet quick to justify their neighbors.

Well this is only my opinion.

2007-03-09 05:43:14 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well... mainly, they are more reserved. My best friend is a Capricorn and she's really shy and doesn't talk that much. I'm pretty much the same way.

Also, they are supposed to be smart and hardworking. I know a Capricorn guy and he's hardworking, but I wouldn't exactly call him the smartest guy in the world.

Some have good sense of humours. I know at least five capricorn guys who can make everyone laugh.

They are good at finances, so if you have financial issues go to one for help.

2007-03-08 08:33:10 · answer #3 · answered by Sarah* 7 · 0 0

The typical Capricorn female has a small but well-shaped body and deep eyes that exude an enticing glow. You also have shapely legs, slim ankles and small feet. You are very self-conscious and because of this your public persona is very reserved and ladylike -- you are afraid of making the slightest faux pas.

You find domesticity to be a tedious trap that seduces you away from your real work, but, when necessary, you can run a tight ship in your home. You cannot stand being teased, and normal humor fails to entertain you, but when someone does manage to get a smile out of you with some chance observation, it lights up the entire room. You appear to be a very constant and well-grounded person, but inside you can be a bit moody when the weather turns.

The sure-footed Mountain Goat can climb to higher altitudes than any other mammal. And you sure-footed Capricorns are also well-suited for climbing. Capricorn sets high goals for yourself and then you overcome whatever obstacles may appear between you and the top of your personal mountain. As Capricorn climbs the ladder of success, your ambition pushes you forward. Status can be important to Capricorn and often, at the top of your game, you gain personal satisfaction by knowing that others respect you for what you have accomplished.

Capricorn can dance out on the edge of a cliff, but will never fall. Why? Stability plays an important role, but so does practice. As a typical Capricorn, you may appear reckless, but chances are that your actions will have been very well planned, and probably also rehearsed. Capricorn is always calculating what will happen if you do something. You Capricorns are energetically conservative, only expending enough to get you to where you want to be. No silly impulsive actions for you. This is your best insurance to get to the top of the mountain.

The Capricorn motto might be Milton Berle's "If opportunity doesn't knock, then build a door." But this doesn't mean that if there are no mountains to climb that you must build the mountain. For you, hardships can be your path to fulfillment, but for the sake of happiness, it would be good for you to learn to appreciate what you have, instead of always striving to reach the next plateau.

Element: Earth
Earth signs are naturally practical. In this lifetime we are bound to Earth. There is no escaping the reality around us. The Earth is about as real as it gets; it can be felt, weighed and it has substance. Accordingly, the earth signs base their life on what is real, not what is imagined. Sensation is valued over thoughts or feelings. Earth signs live with their feet on the ground. Others seek their advice because of their basic sensibility. For earth signs, seeing is believing.

The earth of Capricorn is that of foundation and structure. It's about having a stable base so we don't build our life on shifting sand. Even the great mountains earth, and if it weren't for their foundational integrity, we couldn't climb upon them.

Tenth House: Career
The Tenth House is the House of the Father. It is where we pursue the outer world, which is often related to our career. This isn't about our personality. It's about how the outer world sees us through the role we play in it. It is here, in the Tenth House, that we look to find out about status and recognition.

Key Planet: Saturn
Saturn, the ringed planet, is etymologically tied to the word "Satan." But, as demonstrated in the Tarot, the "Devil Card" is not a bad card. It's only difficult if we've made the deal with the devil that we believe the physical world is all there is. Saturn is the planet of boundaries and limitations. If we succumb to those limitations, we are doomed to live within the laws of cause and effect. But if we do the hard work of spiritual practice, we can be rewarded by the wisdom that exists beyond the material plane. As the key planet for Capricorn, Saturn does symbolize that we get what we deserve. Take shortcuts in life and we'll meet up with problems later on. But if we do things with integrity, then the rewards will be ours.

Capricorn Greatest Strength: Your ability to overcome obstacles

Capricorn Possible Weakness: Too much work and not enough play

2007-03-08 04:11:59 · answer #4 · answered by ♥!BabyDoLL!♥ 5 · 0 0

Capricorn males are highly insecure and the women are notorious for putting on a facade of holier-than-thou yet secretly coveting the lives of the more "loose" women. Okay maybe that's a little extreme. Elvis Presley was a capricorn and so is R. Kelly so there are your two extremes. I dated a capricorn a LONG time ago, and she was a freaking liar and a cheater. Many of my male friends however have been caps, and they are definitely intellectuals.

2007-03-08 00:42:17 · answer #5 · answered by green sky means run 4 · 0 0

Well, my husband is a Capricorn and I notice he is stubborn at times, but he is very laid back and ny far the best lover I've ever known.

2007-03-07 23:01:40 · answer #6 · answered by zianneaaliyah 3 · 0 0

I'm a Capricorn. I'm as crabby as ever. And to Sunkeeper, your answer hit it right on target.

2007-03-08 01:25:51 · answer #7 · answered by Craig G 6 · 0 0

hey im a capricorn!! I know one thing, there independent. But the weird thing is i'm not.

2007-03-07 23:21:45 · answer #8 · answered by aLLY D 2 · 0 0

they're stubborn and hardworking, but the thing about them is that they're not big on shows of emotion.

by the way you can't make those blanket statements like "all of this sign are jerks or cheaters" ... there are good & bad people of all signs

2007-03-08 01:39:34 · answer #9 · answered by some_one1234 4 · 0 0

the men are liars and the women are partiers

2007-03-08 00:20:43 · answer #10 · answered by sexie 3 · 0 1

Hi I am a capricorn, born December 23rd.

Capricorn is one of the most stable and (mostly) serious of the zodiacal types. These independent, rocklike characters have many sterling qualities. They are normally confident, strong willed and calm. These hardworking, unemotional, shrewd, practical, responsible, persevering, and cautious to the extreme persons, are capable of persisting for as long as is necessary to accomplish a goal they have set for themselves. They are reliable workers in almost any profession they undertake. They are the major finishers of most projects started by the 'pioneering' signs; with firm stick-to-it-ness they quickly become the backbone of any company they work for.

Capricornians make of themselves, resourceful, determined managers; setting high standards for themselves and others. They strive always for honesty in their criticism of self, they respect discipline from above and demand it from those beneath them. In their methodical, tough, stubborn, unyielding way, they persist against personal hardship, putting their families and/or their work before their own needs and welfare to reach their objectives long after others have given up and fallen by the wayside. In fact when practical ability allied with the drive of ambition are required in employees to make a project succeed, Capricornians are the people to hire. They plan carefully to fulfill their ambitions (which often include becoming wealthy), they are economical without meanness, and able to achieve great results with minimum effort and expense. Because of their organizing ability they are able to work on several projects simultaneously.

They have a great respect for authority but may not, if they reach high rank, be willing to listen to other opinions on things they are directly responsible for. As the ranking authority figure in a given situation they expect their underlings to be as self disciplined as they themselves are, and to perform every task undertaken to the highest standard.
They are, nevertheless, fair as well as demanding. Among their equals they are not always the most pleasant of work fellows for they are reserved and too conservative, valuing tradition more than innovation, however valuable the latter, and they are often humorless. There is also a tendency to pessimism, melancholy and even unhappiness which many Capricornians are unable to keep to themselves, especially if they fail personally. In the extreme this trait can make them a very depressed individual; ecstatic happiness alternating with the most wretched kind of misery which is so subconsciously buried that he or she should seek help if such emotions become frequent. For the above reason, capable Capricorn should spend many hours in meditation, gathering the strength to control such inner emotions.

The swings in mood are not the only reason some Capricornians deserve the adjective based on their name - capricious. They can be surprisingly and suddenly witty and subtle for the quiet, reserved individuals they seem to be, and they also have a tendency to ruin things by unexpected and utterly irresponsible bouts of flippancy. In certain individuals in whom the characteristic is strong, the temptation to do this has to be resisted with iron self-control. Another unexpected quality in some Capricornians is an interest in the occult which persists in spite of their naturally skeptical turn of mind.

Their intellects are sometimes very subtle. They think profoundly and deeply, throughly exploring all possibilities before deciding on a 'safe' alternative. They have good memories and an insatiable yet methodical desire for knowledge. They are rational, logical and clearheaded, have good concentration, delight in debate in which they can show off their cleverness by luring their adversaries into traps and confounding them with logic.

In their personal relationships they are often ill-at-ease, if not downright unhappy. They are somewhat self-centered but not excessively so, wary and cautious around people they do not know very well, preferring not to meddle with others and in turn not to allow interference with themselves, thus they tend to attract people who do not understand them. Casual acquaintances they will treat with diplomacy, tact and, above all, reticence. They make few good friends but are intensely loyal to those they do make, and they can become bitter, and powerful enemies. They sometimes dislike the opposite sex and test the waters of affection gingerly before judging the temperature right for marriage. Once married, however, they are faithful, though inclined to jealousy. Most Capricornians marry for life.

Their occupations can include most professions that have to do with math or money and they are strongly attracted to music. They can be economists, financiers, bankers, speculators, contractors, managers and real estate brokers. They excel as bureaucrats, especially where projects demanding long-term planning and working are concerned, and their skill in debate and love of dialectic make them good politicians. They are excellent teachers, especially as principals of educational establishments where they have the authority to manage and organize without too much intimacy with the staff members. If working with their hands, they can become practical scientists, engineers, farmers and builders. The wit and flippancy which is characteristic of certain Capricornians may make some turn to entertainment as a career.
Possible Health Concerns...

Capricorn governs the knees, bones and skin, so its subjects may be liable to fractures and strains of the knees and other defects of the legs. Skin diseases from rashes and boils to leprosy (in countries where that disease is prevalent) are dangers, and digestive upsets may be caused by the tendency of Capricorns to worry or suppress emotions. Anemia, Bright's disease, catarrh, deafness, rheumatism and rickets are also said to threaten the natives of this sign.

2007-03-07 22:17:04 · answer #11 · answered by Sunkeeper 3 · 3 0

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