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*** i know its long but please read i need HELP ***

I'm 15 & I'm a busy person look at my typical week:

Monday thru Friday
& i dont go to bed untill 11:30-12:00pm & wake up at 6:45

I WORK (at a pizzeria [phonegirl])-
Sunday 12pm-5pm
EveryOther Monday 5pm-10pm
Friday 5pm-10pm

On the EveryOther Monday that i don't work

IM ON LAX(Lacrosse)-
I have practice Monday thru Saturday
M,T,W,Th,F - 2:45pm-5:00pm
EveryOther Monday & Fridays i leave practice at 4:30 so i'm not late for work
Sat-7:30am - 9:30 am

PLUS** i didnt even add in going out w/ friends, seeing my family, my LAX games, shopping, chores, self dicipline/hygene times when i cover for people at work, studying, talking to people on the phone, doctors appointments, etc etc

idk what to do except cut down but i just cant! HELP!! =/

2007-03-07 13:06:49 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Women's Health

4 answers

Your putting yourself & your body to have a meltdown. You're placing yourself to have a mental & physical breakdown. Looking at your schuedule even made me tired. You all ready get your work outs with LAX, why do kick boxing? You NEED a day off! I also suggest taking vitiams. I know you want be super student, employee and jock but come on now! take break. I tell you this from experience. Your body is telling you all ready that it needs time off by being over tired. It's your choice if you want keep this up attain to the consequences if you keep going like this/

2007-03-07 13:18:30 · answer #1 · answered by Ce Ce 2 · 0 0

Your post explains why you're so tired. You need to slow down and experts say that teenagers require at least 7 hours of sleep a night.

2007-03-07 13:10:13 · answer #2 · answered by Misty Eyes 6 · 0 0

i am tired now, what a list! try a power-nap close your eyes for five minutes in between your list,and take a multi-vitamin for active people

2007-03-07 13:15:59 · answer #3 · answered by gone fishing! 5 · 0 0

be a freaking teenager and stop acting grown ur gonna kill ur self on that kind of scudule

2007-03-07 13:36:41 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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