It is really up to you if you think you are going to regret it I wouldn't. If you know you are not then do it. Your choice do not let anybody or anything tell you different If you want to wait I will support you and I am sure other people will to if you do not, we will all do the same. Good luck and God bless.
2007-03-07 12:32:32
answer #1
answered by camopaiser 3
It is to some people. It's a big deal for me. I want don't to be one for ever. That would suck. We have our parts for the sole purpose to have sex.
The act of losing one's virginity, that is, of a first sexual experience, is commonly considered within Western culture to be an important life event and a rite of passage. It is highlighted by many mainstream Western movies (particularly films aimed at a teenaged audience). The loss of virginity can be viewed as a milestone to be proud of or as a failure to be ashamed of, depending on cultural perceptions. Historically, these perceptions were heavily influenced by perceived gender roles, such that for a male the association was more often with pride and for a female the association was more often with shame. (See Double standard.)
The partner during the loss of virginity is sometimes colloquially said to "take" the virginity of the virgin partner. In some places, this colloquialism is only used when the partner is not a virgin, but in other places, the virginity of the partner does not matter. The archaic term "deflower" is sometimes used in modern times to also describe the act of the virgin's partner, and the clinical term "defloration" is another way to describe the event.
One slang term used for virginity is "cherry" (often, this is the term to refer to the hymen, but can refer to virginity in males or females) and for a virgin, deflowering is to "pop their cherry," a reference to destruction of the hymen during first intercourse.
A curious term often seen in English translations of the works of the Marquis de Sade is "to depucelate." This word is not normally found in English dictionaries, as it is not an English word. It is apparently a literal translation of "dépuceler," a French verb derived from "pucelle" (n.f.), which means "virgin."
Until the late 20th century, if a man did not marry a woman whose virginity he took, the woman was allowed to sue the man for money, in some languages named "wreath money".
2007-03-07 20:40:39
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
You start to have HUGE changes in you body once you let that hymen get broken by a penis.
You have to start going to the gyno, to prevent cervial cancer, STD, HPV virus, PAPS tests.
Plus the emotional burden you carry. The questions. And the fear in keeping secrets from family and friend.
SEX IS A HUGE CHANGE. Don't let people tell you different.
2007-03-07 20:25:55
answer #3
answered by psucaspurr 3
it was to me and even though i lost it physically i still ahve it mentally so it still a big deal for me
2007-03-07 20:18:13
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
It shouldn't be.
There is nothing wrong with being a virgin and choosing if/when you want to lose it.
2007-03-07 20:19:54
answer #5
answered by Nancy 6
not really anymore, depends on which generation your speaking to. in mine, it's just another thing to cross off the list. oh yeah, make sure you wrap it up though, thats important.
2007-03-07 20:13:36
answer #6
answered by ♥ღαмαиdα♥ღ 7
i myself dont think it matters so its not important to me, but to the people who do care could be because of one of these
- lost puridy and inocence
-if they are religious and not married its considered adultury (wich is a sin)
-people think it should be saved fo ''the one''
-and just their family values.
2007-03-07 20:23:04
answer #7
answered by {mish d!tsy [[&]]mi empty head} 2
no, it isn't. some people get all wound up over the silliest things.
2007-03-07 21:44:22
answer #8
answered by kyla_bean 4
yes it is. to me it is. im 14 and i want to wait. its sad to see people my age do it to please their boyfriends or because they THINK theyre in love.
2007-03-07 20:20:28
answer #9
answered by Kimberly2010 3