When our company re-paints fire or water damaged drywall, we use Zinsser's Bin. It's a sealer made specifically for this purpose. It works great. After applying this to the walls, you can repaint. You could also call a local paint store and see what they recommend.
2007-03-08 08:40:47
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
When we had a housefire, we just let the insurance company hire professionals to do the job. They primed every wall with Kilz and painted over the primer.
We have used a mixture of isopropyl alcohol and water to get rid of nicotine stains from walls. That might work for smoke.
2007-03-07 11:17:30
answer #3
answered by tlbs101 7
If you've got smoke damage your best bet is to use a sealer like "cover stain" or "kilz" an oil based product though no water based.
2007-03-07 11:18:38
answer #4
answered by Les the painter 4
what i used once, and it worked, was baking soda,,,, make a solution of it and water,,,, was down the walls,,,,,, also put it in the carpet cleaner (if carpet is involved, it wont harm it ),,,,,, wash everything down with it,,,,,,,, a few times,,,,,, not sure what you mean by drywall, if its painted then the baking soda will work,,,,
2007-03-07 11:17:18
answer #5
answered by dlin333 7
ozonr generator, ionic air filter - smoke removal companies use'um....
s/r clean in sections as not to get one area too wet!
2007-03-07 11:36:25
answer #6
answered by Bonno 6