The reason that you can feel the tampon is because it may not be in far enough, or it may be crooked.
when inserting a tampon, put a personal lubricant (K.Y.) on a PLASTIC UNSCENTED tampon applicator (w/ tampon inside)
insert the applicator into your vagina. position the applicator so it is a small slant, towards the small of your back.
then push the applicator up into your vagina, untill only less then 1 inch of the applicator is showing.
then, proceed to push the tampon in.
(change tampons every 5 hours)
if you are still having problems, go to see a gyno. or go to your regular doctor.
hope this info helps!
2007-03-07 10:28:47
answer #1
answered by me 3
A lot of women find they just don't like wearing them. Either they're uncomfortable, don't sit right, or cause cramping to increase. I'm one of them, if I use tampons, my cramps are about ten times worse than normal. Take them out, cramps go away. It's not real common, but it's not unheard of either. Some women just can't use the dang things. You might try a different brand too, some are shorter than others and seem to work better for some people.
2007-03-07 18:23:09
answer #2
answered by Jadalina 5
When do they hurt? In the last couple of days of your period? In 1980 a girl died from leaving a tampon in too long. If the thing is lasting for more than four hours, switch to a different method for a few hours and give your body a rest. It was not the tampon that killed the girl. It was her trapped body fluids.
2007-03-07 18:24:39
answer #3
answered by shirleykins 7
Sometimes when I am rushing and I put one in and it doesn't go in all the way I can feel it..and this may sounds really really disgusting but you have to use your finger to push it in till it feels comfortable or just pull it out and get a new tampon. But i guess if you just put it in right the first time then ya don't have to worry about that part
2007-03-07 18:28:45
answer #4
answered by Ankh 2
Switch brands. Try something that is different in length and smaller in width. Many tampons are long, but OB tampons are about half the length (and just as, if not more, effective). I find that they are less feel-able.
Also, use ones with applicators. If you use ones without applicators, they don't go in as far.
2007-03-07 18:22:49
answer #5
answered by Esma 6
sometimes they hurt if they are not in right. You may have them in the correct spot but not all the way up. If the you keep having the problem I would go see a doctor/gynecologist and check it out. Maybe something is wrong.
2007-03-07 18:22:48
answer #6
answered by marinesprincess 3
Try using Tampax Pearl
2007-03-07 18:22:09
answer #7
answered by daredude120 2
Youre not supposed to feel them.
Try a smaller version.
2007-03-07 18:21:55
answer #8
answered by Mayonaise 6
u may not have them in far enough or may have an absorbency thats too high....
2007-03-07 18:21:28
answer #9
answered by Sam 2
I dunno I cant use em becouse i have a real bad issue with em i think im allergic to the cotton in em or somethin maybe you are as well??
2007-03-07 18:21:27
answer #10
answered by kayanbean24 5