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ok soo i am young and just started doing stuff with guys.. well like i am REALLY self concious and i never like for ppl to touch me.. well me and this guy was together for a while and i let him get in my pants.. then like a week later he left me.. so then like the past few weeks i have let like 2 other people finger me and stuff and i feel nasty now.. i dunno what to do.. cuz now he wants me back and i dont want to keep doing stuff with him .. so help me plezz i am only 14

2007-03-07 09:05:42 · 16 answers · asked by lilmissthang025 2 in Health Women's Health

16 answers

you are not ready young one..
never do anything you don't want to.
doing it to please others is just letting yourself be used..
just say NO!

2007-03-07 09:10:33 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Well first of all don't let your parents find out. Second I think 14 is a tad too young but I'm an old lady compared to you. Tell him you don't want to do it anymore b/c it makes you uncomfortable or whatever & if doesn't like he's NOT worth it. Sorry if that sounds harsh. In the future don't get intimate unless you know the guy likes & respects you & WAIT! Take it from some1 who's been there : you have plenty of time to have more "fun".

2007-03-07 09:10:52 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

If you don't feel good about it, don't do it. If the guys don't want to see you after you say no, they aren't worth your time. You are so young, and you may not be ready emotionally to handle this stuff. Just tell him it was a one time thing, that you don't feel right about doing stuff with him, and hold to it!! It's hard to say no and stick to it, but you will feel much better about yourself if you can. And trust me, NO GUY IS WORTH DOING SOMETHING YOU DON'T WANT TO DO!!!! I'll let you in a secret- I was a virgin before I got married. I had never had sex. I'm not saying that I didn't fool around with guys, but I never let it get too far. Kissing was fine, but anything else made me feel like you are describing, so I made a pact with God that I wouldn't have sex before I was married. I stuck to it. There were guys that wouldn't date me because I wouldn't "put out", but the man I married was also a virgin. We learned about each other by being with each other, not in a physical way, but we really got to know each other as people before we got married. You are still so young, and sex is something very big. Don't give in just because the guy wants it!! Try doing something to build your self esteem in yourself. Good luck honey!!!

2007-03-07 09:19:16 · answer #3 · answered by odd duck 6 · 1 0

you feel nasty because you know its wrong. just stop. nobody says you have to do these things and if you dont want to, then its your body and you make the rules for your body and life. understand? it should always be your decision. there is plenty of time when you get older and can handle all of this mentally and physically. so slow down before you ruin your future and not to mention your reputation. i would much rather someone make fun of me because im a virgin/good girl with good sense than to make fun of me because im a ho.......so think about those things and put your nose in those books girl before you end up pregnant with the guy saying it aint mine and your education and life ruined with a child to be responsible for and on welfare because you dont have a proper education. females often dont realize how much power they have or could have by saying no and keeping their heads held high and being a smart, strong, self respectable and self sufficient woman some day. then later in life when you have all you want and you want a child....you wont be an embarrassment to your child with your torn up reputation.

2007-03-07 09:37:45 · answer #4 · answered by hammy 3 · 0 0

yep its ok sweetie .i wont tease you or anything i promise.but i think mabe you should slow down wait till your older and wiser to fool around. i waited till i was (18 to have sex so it would be my own bussiness who i was doing stuff with)that way i could tell my parents to but out!people at 18 years of age are alotyou need to be picker. alot more picky then you are being. hold your head up high, sweetie you need to walk like you have diamonds between your legs because it is that special.YOU ARE THAT SPECIAL. do you love these boys? if your with someone you love then how can that be wrong?or do these guys take advantage of you? chances are if you are a pretty girl they will try and you ,and only you can say no!. dont feel bad for saying no . i used to feel bad for saying no and do you know where that gets you ?..it got me raped so if you dont like someone dont try to spare thier feelings be blunt and honest dont let anyone talk you ever into doing more then you want!only accept the best of the best.and dont get back with the boy that dropped you like that he has to learn his lesson and how will he learn if you basicaly say what he did was alright? he will only do the same thing over again.

2007-03-07 09:33:07 · answer #5 · answered by brown_eyed_girl_mandy 2 · 1 0

Sweetie, Sweetie, Sweetie. You are too young. Save yourself, and don't be afraid to tell them no. If they can't accept no for an answer then they're not worth having around. Trust me I was 14 once, and there are a lot of things that I done that I wish now I could take back. You have plenty of time to find that special someone that you want to dedicate yourself to. Be strong, and most of all BE SAFE....

2007-03-07 09:11:13 · answer #6 · answered by tamulah 1 · 0 0

Why are you lettign guys touch on you like that? sounds like you are letting them touch you just so they will like you and you should think more of yourself than that. For goodness sake you are only 14. Why are these kind of things going on with you anyway? I hope you are not gonn be on Yahoo Answers a few months from now asking us "Help!! I'm pregnant, what should I do?"

2007-03-07 09:30:19 · answer #7 · answered by tantalizin1 5 · 1 0

There's you problem....you are only 14. You do not need a guy to make you feel good about yourself. That is wrong. You should take more pride in yourself then this. You should try and boost your self esteem. Try doing some self esteem boosters.
-do good things for yourself and others
-do something for you, just for you
-take care of yourself (eat well, exercise)
-Do things that make use of your own special talents and abilities
-Dress in clothes that make you feel good about yourself.
-hang around with people who make you feel good
-notice good things about yourself. Try writing down all the good things about yourself. If will seem hard, but it helps!

2007-03-07 09:15:25 · answer #8 · answered by Popsicle_1989 5 · 2 0

You need to think about your own standards-do you really want to be doing these things with any of these guys? I would suggest writting some things down like what you are going to allow yourself to do with these guys or any guys for that matter. Do you have feelings for one of these guys particularly? If the one guy left after doing physical things with you-he is probably as clueless as you are. I really don't mean any offense.Taking a break from all the physical things and figuring out your feelings, emotions, and your values would be a good start. You don't want to do something your going to regret. It is so easy to get in these situations and get cought up in them without thinking about it. I would really encourage you to go on dates-no physical things for a while untill you at least really get to know them and like them. They should want to know about you and be your friend if they don't or for periods go back and forth or worse force or pressure you to do physical things-YOU DO NOT WANT TO GET INVOLVED WITH THEM ANYWAY! You certainly deserve respect-if they want to be with you(Dating) let them take you out and show genuine interest in you. Being intimate in any way is a big deal something you should think about how and when you want to do this-if you are religious you may want to talk to others from your youth group if you have one or pastor. They usually support staying abstinent. If this is something you do not think you will do please talk to a planned parenthood or other organization or doctor about birth control pills. Please take care of yourself and your body. Do talk to someone you can trust and give you good advice if not your parents someone older than you-not one of your friends or classmate.

2007-03-07 09:38:49 · answer #9 · answered by Rachel 2 · 0 0

Sweetheart, you are way to young for all of this. You don't let guys do these things to you. Pretty soon word will get out and you will have ALL the guys wanting a piece of this action. Save yourself for someone special.

2007-03-07 09:15:04 · answer #10 · answered by nthernlites40 4 · 0 0

You are 14. WHY are you letting guys touch you? Just stop. If you don't like being touched, then stop spending time around guys that keep touching you. Don't you have any female friends to hang out with?

2007-03-07 09:10:12 · answer #11 · answered by badkitty1969 7 · 1 0

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