ok, i will try to put myself in a position where i would be dating a dude that is a pothead...
i don't think i would have a problem dating a pothead...but how can the pothead find me if i'm at the club and he is at home with his dudes smokin all night??? i think you should try and find a pothead chick and get down on some smoke togetha! that's what i think
haters, go home...or don't answer questions if you are simply here to hate on! urghhhhhhh!
2007-03-07 09:37:14
answer #1
answered by **Lil QT** 4
Because potheads are usually in a 'world of their own'. When a woman looks for a mate they want to share the time they have with the person they are with, by this I mean their undivided attention, lets face it, when you smoke you are so relaxed that anything goes , so if a girl is looking for a challenge you are totally lost. My advice to you is smoke when you are alone and at home. I think those you wrote about are trying to find a guy who could be another focus instead of drugs.
2007-03-07 17:08:18
answer #2
answered by djdundalk 5
The trick is to find a girl who smokes too. And there are PLENTY of those. I too find it hilarious that the ones who usually have a problem are the ones on COKE and liquor. Those yuppie skanks are the worst form of human trash and deserve the daterapist guys who beat them.
Just be lucky you don't date a Christian. Religion's the worst drug of all, especially in the form of a depressing doomsday death-cult like this Zombie-Jesus movement.
2007-03-07 17:01:24
answer #3
answered by DarkLord_Bob 3
Well, I guess it's just the same as people who don't want to date smokers or drinkers or whatever. . .just a personal preference. I personally don't date people who smoke pot because I can't stand the smell of pot. I think it should be legal and all, but I just don't like the smell. Like i said, it all comes down to personal preference.
2007-03-07 17:02:27
answer #4
answered by Casey 4
OK, you call yourself loser and say you are a pot junkie. It makes me wonder the validity of your question, but I'll bite:
People listen to the propaganda of pot too much. They assume that if you are doing pot that you are snorting coke as well. Or that pot will make you rob little old ladies on the street for your fix, like a heroin addict.
2007-03-07 17:00:37
answer #5
answered by FaerieWhings 7
What's pot junkie anyway honey?
pass me the magazine, you're making me bored
2007-03-07 16:59:44
answer #6
answered by Spark S 5
simple ... most woman in the US are taught to have expectations, and grow up with a sense of entitlement ... and pot can cause low sperm count and birth defects ... not to mention most pot-heads dont have good jobs
the goal of most young women in America (weather conscious or un-conscious) is to meet a man with some money and get knocked-up ... so they can sit around in your house and spend your money ... and pot-heads simply lack the drive to make the kind of money they want to spend
2007-03-07 17:00:23
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
hummm... i dont know. You're a pot-head, they're a junkie... seems like a match made in illegal narcotics heaven.
2007-03-07 16:59:48
answer #8
answered by Kaya808 2
Lets see....Potheads are lazy, only care about pot, you can go to jail for possession of pot, pothead usually hang out with other worthless druggies, need I say more? You need to get some priorities, or be happy with your hand, the one that is not holding the doobie.
2007-03-07 17:02:30
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Because they are trying to get away from it and you could just be pulling them back in from their troubles. And who wants to hang around with a guy who sits on his couch all day stoned? Not saysing that you do, unless you do.
2007-03-07 16:59:32
answer #10
answered by emd1021 2