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Ok we just bought a new peice of land and we are interested in buying sheep
we need them to eat the grass because in the summer years it get fairly long and the first thing that came to mind was getting sheep.
I have no problem with doing any of the work that come with them but i wanted to kno a good type of sheep for the job?
im am also worried, we have cyotes, is there anyway to keep them away from my livestock i can shoot them but i really dont want to be up all night hunting.
if any sugestions about these catogories please feel free to answer them
Cost of sheep
cost of feed
types of sheep
cleaning up after sheep
and getting rid of cyotes

2007-03-07 08:22:13 · 5 answers · asked by kklm 2 in Home & Garden Other - Home & Garden

5 answers

On that amount of acreage, depending on grass growth you will probably need about 6 sheep. They will need to be shorn annually (unless you get the breed that doesn't need shearing)they will need to be wormed regularly also.
they should be able to survive on grass alone. You will need excellent fencing as sheep can get through very small gaps and push their way through. In Australia we have Marema dogs that live with the sheep in the paddock and protect the flock from foxes.

2007-03-07 10:24:09 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Having lived on a farm all of my life I would really recomend a few goats instead of sheep one of the main draw backs to sheep is they will have to be sheared at least once a year. Goats will eat more than just grass but also any weeds that come up. Goats are browsers so they would rather eat weeds and bushes first then tackle the grass. Different breeds are better than others in North America from a health standpoint. Spaish goats are very hardy and they don't have the problems with parasites as other breeds (especially the breeds from Africa). A good option is half Spanish and half Boar goat. You get the hardiness of the spanish breed and the size and gentle nataure of the Boar. Goats go for around a dollar per pound it may vary depending on the region of the country in which you live. So far as cleaning up after them they will need a good suppliment provided that has minerals and parasite protection. This comes in a block about 12" square. It gives the goats (and sheep for that matter) all the minerals and parasite protection that they need to remain healthy. Now waste is just fertilizer and will return right back into the soil. You need to make sure they have plenty of clean water and it dosent hurt to feed them by hand a little every once in a while (high protene feed) from your local farm supply store. So far as coyotes are concerned your best bet is a good dog such as a Great Peranies (not spelled right sorry) or another herd dog. Just dont make a pet out of the dog because if you do it will not do the job for which they where bred to do protect the flock/herd. You might also think about adopting a BLM burro they are partially broke and they hate coyotes and they also need a home. Check with the BKM about your local adoption program. The burros will keep the coyotes away and they are no more trouble to take care of than the goats. They eat much the same feed except never feed a burro a cotton seed based feed because it will kill them. Now goats can eat cotton seed with no problem but it will poison a burro. I think you will enjoy having animals on yous new micro farm. You might also think about Barbido goats (fainting goats) they are good grazers and they are also good for laughs in that if they are startled they faint.

2007-03-07 08:48:10 · answer #2 · answered by wzant1 2 · 0 0

we had sheep and goats on our acreage, and i can tell you from our experience that the goats ate the grass faster than the sheep,. Plus the goats are not as easy prey for the coyotes as the sheep. our goats put the run on the neighbors german sheperd, and the sheep just ran away and panicked every time they saw it. Only problem is that goats will also eat everything in their path, not just the grass.
As for getting rid of the coyotes, you should invest in a well trained sheep dog--border collies are great, and very good with kids.

2007-03-07 08:47:30 · answer #3 · answered by mickey 5 · 0 0

well with sheep you they will rip the grass it out of the ground becuase they only have one set of teeth. the best types are dorests or oxfordes.

2007-03-08 08:52:31 · answer #4 · answered by ♥rachel♥ 3 · 0 0

Cheese wood take in to 5 years to produce cheese. everyday toddler Bel takes 3.5 years. toddler Bel lite takes 2 years. and you pick the two everyday and Lite to be sure they pass pollinate. Cheese wood strengthen extra perfect in Wisconsin, nevertheless.

2016-11-23 13:49:26 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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