It is great that you drink water - as most Americans don't drink enough! If you are an adult, 1 gallon a day should be sufficient. Anything over and you are probably getting into dangerous territory.
If you work in dehydrating situations, try to switch it up with Gatorade to keep a good sodium balance, however it is still advisable to keep your water intake at or below a gallon a day.
I was in the Marine Corps when a Marine died from Water Intoxication, or Hyponatremia. It can happen and it is a dangerous condition.
See the link below for more information or go to WebMD and type in hyponatremia.
Good luck and be sure consult a doctor if you still feel unsure or have other questions.
2007-03-07 08:32:32
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I think it is one of those things that there is no such thing as too much water; except of course, if you drink like an unbelievable amount. I heard stories of people dying...when hazing, instead of using alcohol, they binged on water, but they still died because you can't have that much. I doubt that you could even physically drink enough water to be in any danger. Otherwise, just stick with your 8 glasses a day rule.
2007-03-07 16:24:47
answer #2
answered by Pooky 4
you'll only do damage if you drink a whole lot in a little period of time. It's called water intoxication. If you drink water faster than your body can get rid of it, it dilutes the blood plasma and yada yada yada something about long as you're peeing and aren't suffering from massive headaches on a daily basis then feel free to drink as much as you want.
2007-03-07 16:25:06
answer #3
answered by cxboobersxt 1
You can drink too much. That's how the woman who drank all that milk in the radio contest died. Just don't drink more that an ounce for every 2 lbs. you weigh and you should be fine. Spread it out through the day. When in doubt, see your doctor.
2007-03-07 16:22:09
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
8 - 10 glasses a day is recommended ( a glass being 250ml), i drink this plus other fluids (tea, coffee etc). the reports you have heard probably relate to people who are using ecstasy or other drugs as apparantly they develop and insatiable thirst and drink huge amounts of water over a relatively short period of time
2007-03-07 16:23:07
answer #5
answered by sydneygal 6
What a bunch of sorry answers
TOO much dilutes your electrolytes, to the point of heart failure
About 1/2 gal a day is plenty
2007-03-07 16:53:30
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
well. i think you are supposed to have 64 oz. a day. but, if you drink waaaay too much at one time, the water dilutes the salt concentration in your body and you could die from it. just dont drink a gallon in 2 minutes and you will be fine!
2007-03-07 16:22:09
answer #7
answered by .... 2
i drink a glass with every meal, when I wake up and go to bed, and with almost every snack. That is enough. Just remember soda, and juices contain water, so they will only add to you total daily comsumption.
2007-03-07 16:23:23
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Yes water intoxication can be deadly. About a quart and a half of all fluids is adequate, unless it hot and you exercise.
2007-03-07 16:23:35
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I've heard the same thing but i don't think there's anything wrong with it. If you let people tell it, there's always something wrong with everything, i even heard that certain lipsticks cause cancer!! Just keep praying that God will keep us safe cause now, it just seems like nothing is safe.
2007-03-07 16:23:19
answer #10
answered by Anonymous