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Americans are generally deluded and brainwashed about America's wealth and power when America has been decaying for at least 30 years. America generally just exists in name. No nation can be considered "first world" with no national health, rampant crime, general poverty and substandard education. The "America" people are deluded by is basically for the top 5% of Americans. If you want to witness where America really is just visit it's major cities and withness the massive poverty. You can also simply "test" any individual on the street and you will find most of little knowledge.

2007-03-07 08:04:46 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Government

Don't forget..all you have to do is VISIT the major cities of America too see the massive poverty. Anyone can quote some stats and there is plenty to show anything you want BUT those stats do NOT erase the massive poverty,etc. Just travel and see how MOST people really live in America.

2007-03-07 08:14:52 · update #1

17 answers

It is not the America that I grew up in that is for sure. Our freedoms, and constitution has been eroded over especially the last 6 years, we no longer worry about civil, or human rights, we now torture prisoners and hold them without benefit of even visits from the red cross, we hold them in secret prisons, God only knows what goes on there, It is a long way from the 50's that is for sure.

2007-03-07 08:12:19 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Thankfully, America does indeed exist. I grew up in Wisconsin and most of my family still lives there. There is a very high quality of life there, and everyone is kind and friendly to eachother.

After college, I moved to a suburb of Washington, DC in Northern Virginia with exactly $500 to my name, having no idea what I was going to do with my life, and I am happy to say that America is alive and well here too! I got a great job (after a few not so great ones), met the love of my life and married him. We bought a house and had a baby!

People here are informed about politics, history and what is going on in the world. Crime is generally low and Fairfax County has one of the very best school systems in the nation.

We own our own home and two cars, we both work in jobs we love, we can afford to send our daughter to a great before and after school program, and we are really living the American Dream. We are solidly middle class and love it, we are not rich (less than $100,000 combined income) but we have enough to pay the bills, do fun stuff and save for the future.

Our kindergartener can sing the National Anthem, tell you about George Washington, the Revolutionary War, the Declaration of Independence, the Civil War and Abraham Lincoln and slavery, she knows who was in the Axis and the Allies in WWII, and much more...she knows history, math, science and is a great reader.

This is America and the American dream, and I love it.

And, as to the big city thing - MOST people in big cites are not living in poverty. I visit NYC and Chicago and San Francisco frequently for work, and we are just outside of Washington, DC. Your assertion that most people there are in poverty is incorrect in my opinion.

2007-03-07 08:20:08 · answer #2 · answered by ItsJustMe 7 · 1 0

Maybe America has a bad Karma. I don't think you can settle in to a new territory which you have taken by force and violence, by ousting the native peoples and making them homeless and expect it to last. In any case, considering how long the country has been here, it has amazingly little to offer with respect to progress and development of culture

Gandhi liberated India from the British by Ahimsa, non-violence. But America was established through violence, war, destruction of an established civilization, which is NOT non-violence. Then we brought in unfortunate people bought from a group of crooked Africans; one needs to be careful where one shops in this world. It does not matter how much you whistle in the dark and write on your money, "In God We Trust." If you have settled in an unGodly way, well then ...... something is bound to happen, or not happen as the case may be.

If you want to "test" a little more, post the same question on Yahoo!Answers for the United States site, and at the same time on the Yahoo! Answers UK site. You will be astonished at the difference in level of not just education and general knowledge, but by the sheer joie de vivre, humor and wit from the UK . The comparison is very sad-making and very alarming.

Peace & Love

2007-03-07 08:31:21 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Do you mean America = USA.
Right, you are a good observer it started just a little before 30 years ago, matter of fact JFK started it in early sixties. . . .
Education for those with the ability has been going down, it is now fashionable to hang your pants between the knee caps, the louder the rap is the more militant the listener become, the demographic revolution brought have-nots into cities closer to welfare distribution centers, graffiti became a way of expression since those who practice it can not properly read or write. . . .that is why your 'test on the street' will have negative results.
Oh sorry I have to go and water my 50ft tall bamboo. . .bye-bye

2007-03-07 08:29:19 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Yea, just like god, America is dead. There is no respect anymore. Our government has been decaying, not following the acts of the peoples needs. Taxes are enforced on lower and middle class while the upper class gains wealth. Our country is about to soon undergo a depression unlike any other. Only the rich will be able to live efficiently. The minimum wage increase will only create inflation. With our nations debt growing more everyday due to the selfish act of our president, we will soon lose banks and other major industries. Needless to say, everyone is blind to the fact that our president is horrible and country is falling to pieces. If our next president can not salvage what is left, I believe it is over for America. We will just end up killing our own freedom, fighting ourselves instead of working together.

2007-03-07 08:16:56 · answer #5 · answered by Kalinakona 3 · 1 2

I'm of the same mindset, but for different reasons. We are most assuredly not the America we were in the days of the Constitution: the document, peoples' thinking, and indeed the spirit of the country itself were based upon justice. The government was small and constantly squabbling, which allowed people to find their own solutions to problems. This also permitted the economy to thrive without limits, as people were left to run an institution which really is theirs in the first place.

Over time, that gradually changed. I believe the first real decay began with business regulations in the late 19th century, specifically the anti-trust legislation. Without going into all the gory details, suffice it to say that such things essentially limited the levels to which the economy could be successful -- and thus, people wealthy and productive. Things continued in that mild vein for fifty or so years -- then the Great Depression hit. People didn't want to take responsibility for their actions for some reason (they'd been doing pretty well with it for most of history), so they went crying to the government and demanded they fix it.

The government, naturally, jumped at the opportunity to grab such massive power. Within a few short years, FDR's New Deal had reduced the economy to a pale shadow of itself even at the beginning of the Depression: businesses were unproductive money holes (when they hadn't been branded enemies of the state, as was all too common), people were lazy and unproductive, and the government found ways to oversee it all. The Depression wouldn't have been nearly as long -- I'm guessing on the order of 50 to 75% shorter -- if people had just fixed the problem themselves and not demanded the government do it for them.

But we couldn't be so lucky. Most of the other nations in the world were turning to these new ideas that the government supported everything, and the people of the United States were only too eager to jump on the bandwagon. Since then, the government's focus has shifted drastically: from the original idea that government is only intended to protect the rights of its people -- no more, no less -- governing ideology now mandates the support of and responsibility for all citizens. Independence is a thing of the past; should one have a problem that requires him to think (God forbid), the most common response is to ask the government to do the thinking for him. Should one encounter a problem that is not immediately soluble, he once again calls upon the government to fix it for him. As a result, there is little sense of what it means to do anything for oneself anymore, and the idea is slipping further and further away with each of the thousands of new laws created each year.

Being American used to mean something: that one knew how to take care of himself, could be counted upon to make the right decision in most situations, and never stopped fighting to keep his and others' rights secure. Now to be American means that one holds an undying loyalty to a political party (as opposed to what is truly right), and is continually searching for a way to make others shoulder his burdens; he has little knowledge of his own rights, or the steps that were taken in the past to ensure that he has them today. Even so, we are far better than lost Europe, who reached this stage not long after World War II -- and have continued to go downhill from there.

Rome ended in a very similar way: it began as the pinnacle of justice to the ancient world, then turned off that path and became self-serving, greedy, and corrupted. By the time the Huns swept through from the north, Rome was merely a fragile shell; the heart was gone. Similarly, the America of the past, the true America, has died; what's left is only a shell, a corpse, a shadow of the great power of truth and justice that once existed in this spot; it's only a matter of time before the corpse is buried, the light of our past extinguished so as to make the shadow indiscernible. The trouble is, I'm not even sure if we can fix it, as doing so would mean returning the government to its state in the early 1800s; I don't think the country would be able to handle that without tearing itself apart over some minor squabble.

God bless the true America. May we someday rediscover thee.

2007-03-07 08:33:31 · answer #6 · answered by Richard S 5 · 0 1

Yes, America still exists. It does not exist today the same
as it did yesterday. The beauty of America is that it constantly changes- therefore, it constantly exists. The
America that my eighty year old mother loves does not
exist. The America that lives in the mind of the Mexican
immigrant and Indian Doctor that I spoke with today
does not exist - BUT there is an America somewhere
between the two that does exist...and that is a beautiful
thing..the promise of America .......The positive America..
The Hope of the World...The World's breadbasket...
The Marketplace of the World...The financial center
of the world....THE HOPE OF FREEDOM IN AN UN-FREE WORLD..Yes, sir or ma'am, America still exists.

2007-03-07 08:20:52 · answer #7 · answered by sgt3884 2 · 1 0

Dude, your lack of knowledge is astounding to say the least. America is the most wealthy and most powerful nation in the world. Your BS doesn't even come close to truth. Even a child can see through your lies.

2007-03-07 11:06:35 · answer #8 · answered by Kevin A 6 · 0 0

Why do you sit here and complain about it? Do you live in this country? Have you visited other countries? As far as economic stability and living conditions, America is one of the best countries to live in (I say "one" of the best because it depends entirely upon your life style). Go to Guatemala, see the slums there then b**tch about the poverty conditions.If making money is what the citizens of this great nation wish to do, it is their right to do so. Otherwise America wouldn't be a democracy, it would be a communistic government. If you have a problem about the inner-city living conditions take it upon yourself to change it, sell all of your worldly possessions and give it those you feel are needy.

2007-03-07 08:16:20 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Actually, when Lenin said: " when they hang the next to last capitalist the last one will sell them the rope". he wasn't far off. They have sold America to the highest bidders and ownership now rests mostly in Japan and China. With Trillions of debt they have mortgaged America to Asia. Luckily for your kids the Chinese and Japanese hate each so much that thaey may destroy each other over which one owns America.

2007-03-07 08:20:25 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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