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I am christian and am not sure where i stand on the issue...

I was wondering what your opinions were... please back them up...

I am open to any, and all views on this topic

2007-03-07 07:59:51 · 49 answers · asked by Chris 1 in Politics & Government Politics

I am 14, and am considering going to a prayer session outside an abortion clinic near my town... i thought i should first see what side i truly support...

2007-03-07 08:03:39 · update #1

49 answers

Pro Choice, only because of Roe V Wade. It has been discussed now for years with argument on the Supreme Court level. I agree that a woman has the right to her own body with the help of her doctor...this is the ruling.

2007-03-10 23:57:45 · answer #1 · answered by leonard bruce 6 · 2 1

I do not like abortion. I think it has helped destroy personal responsibility in this country. However, I also do not believe that I have a right to tell anyone what they can do with their body. So I am Pro-Choice. This is a very personal choice for most people and it is based mostly on your own conception of right and wrong. I doubt very seriously if you will find the answer you are looking for here. Your best choice would be to look inside yourself and decide where you stand, but do not buy into the idea that you cannot be a good person or a good Christian just because you might end deciding to be Pro-Choice. Nor should you let anyone tell you that you are a fascist or against a womans rights if you decide you are Pro-Life.

2007-03-07 08:13:48 · answer #2 · answered by Bryan 7 · 3 1

Let me give you a scenario.

You are a 14 year old who, due to immaturity, had sexual intercourse and became pregnant. You can't tell your parents because you believe they will kick you out of the house. You are too young to marry, there is really no adult in your life to turn to....you are afraid and want to have an abortion.

Another, you are an adult woman who had unprotected sex and you are pregnant. You are barely able to take care of yourself and have no resources to take care of a child. The man has moved to Bolivia or somewhere - he isn't around. And you want an abortion.

You are a mother, living in a marriage environment, with children. You and your husband have a risky moment and you are pregnant. You and your husband don't have the means to take care of another child...you are 45 and he is 50. You decide to have an abortion.

Before Roe v Wade, making abortions legal...ALL of these women would have had one anyway...one way or the other. A woman who doesn't want to give birth WILL NOT GIVE BIRTH.

The 14 year old would probably try to do it herself - coat hangers used to be popular (think about that for a moment). She could throw herself down a flight of stairs, or - go to the local person who "takes care of these things" and have an abortion on a kitchen table using knives and other items.

The young single woman might "know" of a doctor somewhere who will do it for her - for several thousand dollars which she doesn't have... so she may use the same means as the 14 year old.

The married couple may fly to Sweden or Switzerland and have it done in a hospital over there.

You must believe it - a woman will not have a child if she doesn't want to. Roe v Wade permitted ALL women to have a safe abortion in a medical environment. The death rate for abortion plummeted...so many women had died from self induced abortions or the coat hangers, kitchen table.....

Please note that it is usually the men who have a problem with this. There are women but the majority are men. A woman, every woman, any woman knows she wouldn't give birth if she didn't want to.

Men who oppose abortion really have no say in it. It is a womans body and she has the right to make ALL decisions about her own body. NOBODY should FORCE you to give birth.

I say, if you don't have a uterus - and you never had one, you don't belong in the debate.

I say if you are opposed to abortion, don't have one.

But don't try to tell a woman what she MUST do with her body.

2007-03-07 09:19:52 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Personally, I put this issue way down the list of something that needs to be addressed. But if I had to choose: Pro-Choice but I am not offended by Pro-Life proponents (except the small number of them that have killed doctors and nurses over this issue).

I pick Pro-Choice because I feel it is not my business to dictate morality and/or a pregnant woman's choice to continue her pregnancy. Another reason to consider is what happens to a un-wanted pregnancy. I see a lot of people telling everyone that abortion is wrong but I don't see a tremendous surge of adoptions (I know people will argue this but look at the stats for children of ethnic backgrounds). I don't see a lot of people making the sacrafice to take in a unwanted kid or asking the government to spend more on foster homes... Like I said, I don't have a problem with the Pro-Life movement, I just don't see them attempting to raise children out of their own families.

2007-03-07 08:13:10 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

I am pro-life. A fetus is alive from the moment of conception - I actually looked up the definition of "alive" once because I was having trouble explaining my view on this subject. The dictionary defined alive as being able to feed, grow, adapt, reproduce, etc. Well, being that a fetus can do all of those things in as much as a 1-month old infant can, it must be alive. Therefore, if it is alive, killing it would be murder (by the way, killing a pregnant woman results in 2 murder charges in many, if not all, states).

Also, some people argue that it's a parasite feeding off the mother, but I don't see how that makes it not alive or somehow not human.

As for these feminists screaming that they don't want the government telling them what to do with their own bodies, the fetus is NOT part of the woman's body - it is only ATTACHED to her body. Her body could not develop a fetus without the help of a man, so how could it be "her" body? It is a part of both the man's and woman's bodies.

2007-03-07 08:14:11 · answer #5 · answered by Galaxie Girl 6 · 3 2

I am with a few posters that have already reflected my views. I am pro choice because I insist on defending the fundamental right of a (stay with me on this one, because this part is important) LIVING HUMAN to decide on her own health and what happens with her bodily functions.

There are lots of reasons a woman might want an abortion, but I don't think pro choice advocates want to see abortions occur any more than pro life advocates. I wish abortions would never happen, but I don't want it to be because it's illegal. I would never encourage a woman to have that operation and I would never recommend it to anyone. But I would never tell them that they should never consider it or omit abortion as an option. I concede that I am a man, so it will ultimately never be up to me what a woman does with her body; I just don't think it should be illegal or unsafe if it's an informed choice that the woman wants to make.

2007-03-07 08:14:26 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

It all comes down to when you think it becomes a baby. If it's a life at conception, then killing it is immoral. If you believe it's not really alive until it's born then you can eliminate it whenever you want before that. In California, it isn't a baby until it's more than 3 inches outside the mother which allows them to pull out the babies head 2 inches and sever it's spinal cord in partial birth abortions.

For me, the process begins at conception. I'm not interested in choosing an arbitrary point in it's development to state that it has now become a life.

2007-03-07 08:16:19 · answer #7 · answered by VoodooPunk 4 · 2 1


yes, its entirely possible. I believe most Americans are.

Abortion is a horrible thing. In many cases its necessary.
I dont want govt to make that personal decision. I dont want govt to have even MORE power of individual lives.

Education is the key. Making abortion a legal but RARE medical procedure is more reasonable than the view of the extremist.

BTW- I'm liberal and Christian.

2007-03-07 08:07:04 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 7 0

I am Pro-Life but against the court legislating abortion, I wish more people would have the babies and give them up for adoption, but it really is the woman's body and if ONE Woman died from a dirty, illegal back alley abortion then that is ONE too many, but also too many people use Abortion as birth control which I think is horrible. The fact is, deciding to have an abortion is a terribly emotionally gut wrenching decision for most women and they do not need the Govt involved in it, How is that for straddling the fence

2007-03-07 08:07:20 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

I believe a woman's right to choose is a fundamental right no one should take away. I'm pro-choice. Even my husband who worked as a missionary about 2 years before I met him is now pro-choice. I do not believe ANYONE has the right to demand a woman do what they want. Only the woman in question knows what type of confusion and fear an unwanted pregnancy brings. Not only she will be the only one who has to go through the physical and physiological burden of an unwanted pregnancy. If people are so concerned about saving a life of a fetus they should be the ones giving at least half their pay checks to charities that support adoption agencies and possibly consider adoption of those unwanted babies. Are they willing to help with the eduction,food, shelter and health care of the unwanted children? I see all talk about those pro-life people but do they practice what they preach?

2007-03-07 10:47:08 · answer #10 · answered by already_enuff_spice_in_this 5 · 2 3

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