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I m 19 yrs old and I donno for wat reason I just have this feeling tellin me I have breast cancer,its crazy,isnt it? anyways, its not so annoyin coz I m not realy scared of having it, I read some stuff online about the self test that V can do, I ve tried it, I feel sth rounded and hard in my right breast. Im not sure if I feel it in the left one though! so I just wanted to ask is this round thing in the breast normal? does everyone have it?
thanks for any answer,

2007-03-07 07:37:28 · 11 answers · asked by suny 1 in Health Women's Health

11 answers

Statistically the odds are in your favour. though it is possible to get breast cancer at any age, only 5% of it occurs under the age of 40 years. self examination is only suggested to start in women over the age of 25 years.

Go see your GP who will examine you, If you have a strong family history of breast cancer also chat to him about risk counselling. I am also a little concerned that this is an illogical health worry, this is also something to discuss with your GP.

2007-03-07 11:27:47 · answer #1 · answered by Dr Frank 7 · 0 0

I know exactly what you mean since I was about 25 I was absolutely sure that I was going to get breast cancer at 32, for no apparent reason. It was a real gut feeling and I was sure of it. Luckily here I am at 34 and fit and healthy without breast cancer.

I did get a couple of lumps and bumps and went straight to the doctors. They turned out to be harmless cysts that were drained. If you have any lumps or bumps that you are not sure about check them out with the doctor it is what they are there for and it is better to be safe than sorry.

Otherwise enjoy your life and try not to worry too much.

2007-03-07 15:46:16 · answer #2 · answered by Jolly Jo Jo 3 · 0 0

Lumps in the breast should be checked by your doctor. Unfortunately many people die of embarrassment each year because they put off seeing their doctor till it's too late.

2007-03-08 15:57:15 · answer #3 · answered by doctor 5 · 0 0

What round thing? You should not feel any lumps or irrgularities. See your doc to ease your mind and have him/ her show you how to preform a breast exam properly and then do them monthly like you are supposed to.

2007-03-07 15:43:44 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You most likely have cystic breasts, which is normal and not to be worried about it, i have them and there are lumps and bumps all over the place.....BUT.....please go see the doc....always better to be safe than sorry....good luck to you....

2007-03-07 15:40:40 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

seriously if you are worried get to your docs quick.

my auntie has had it 3 times and she has had to have a mascetomy because the last time she didnt find it quick enough.

please go to the doc's

2007-03-07 15:40:45 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's a common thing to worry about. The best thing is to stop worrying and go to your doctor...

2007-03-07 15:39:47 · answer #7 · answered by Doodie 6 · 0 0

if ur worried about it hon go and speak to a doctor they will maybe give u a little check and put ur mind at rest

2007-03-07 15:39:52 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It could very well be a muscle, you need to check with your doctor. I have diffrent bumps but there all muscle

2007-03-07 15:40:40 · answer #9 · answered by Alexis221 4 · 0 0

try to move the bump, if the bump moves don't worry but if it didt go to doc right away

2007-03-07 15:40:49 · answer #10 · answered by Jillian H 1 · 0 0

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