It's not just parents... It's society and their environment outside of their home. Although, parents are def. not free of blame.
Honestly, it's so many things... Society is so sad... There are many, many social problems. I don't even want to go into it... It breaks my heart. I don't want to live in a world like this anymore. I wish I could change it all.
2007-03-07 07:36:27
answer #1
answered by :-) 3
I have no facts or anything to back this up and I don't "believe" it moreso than I think it seems to make some sense is that kids are overbabied now. A simple example is all the cool stuff being taken out of playground, like merry-go-round deals and the witch's hat thing, etc. This leads to such a bore and dull existence for kids that they start to look for some trouble and danger.
These kids can't find any excitement in what's now acceptable, so they turn to violence, crime and whatnot. Although, my whole spiel here might be a big load, because I don't even know if things are more violent, etc. now. I don't have stats for kids, but I know that people seem to think the world is so much scarier now, but the statistics (I don't have a source, read it a long time ago) indicate that the world we live in (well North America specifically) is safer now than ever. So maybe it's all just people overreacting to kids as well.
In short, parents, for the love of everything, let your kids scrape their knees every once in a while. They probably won't die if they go do a little exploration out in the woods.
2007-03-07 07:39:29
answer #2
answered by Tim 4
Wow, that is a good question. The truth is, it's not the parents. It's the people at the school. Most students who take part in school shootings have been bullied before, or are currently being bullied.
Parents can help, I guess, by teaching kids not to bully. I mean, it's fairly simple, but not a lot of parents specifically ask children to do just that.
And don't bully anyone yourself. Not just physically, I mean, emotionally. It eventually builds up.
2007-03-07 07:37:35
answer #3
answered by ♥ Mischa S. ♥ 5
Apparently something has gone terribly wrong somewhere down the line. Look at the demand that's needed for Supernanny to come over from 5,000 miles and get the kids arses whipped into shape.
2007-03-07 07:36:46
answer #4
answered by Bunny Lebowski 5
human beings decide to understand what is going on. Mainstream media is a pathetic joke at present nevertheless. attack sort weapons should not be banned. the persons are going to need them to combat the corrupt government in charge, this is between the main advantageous motives human beings have the superb suited to bear arms. places which ban weapons have larger crime expenditures. once you go away human beings defenseless, the thugs on the line and in Washington could have their way with you.
2016-09-30 08:32:24
answer #5
answered by clawson 4
The problem is alot of us are not parenting our children. Too busy or something.
2007-03-07 07:35:19
answer #6
answered by SKYDOGSLIM 6
Parents are not being parents thats the problem
2007-03-07 07:35:43
answer #7
answered by Commander 6