shut up!!!
he is the best!!!
2007-03-07 06:18:56
answer #1
answered by MiZz RuBy 6
Bahh Jeremy is a legend, along with Richard and well it wouldnt be the same without James either! Yes maybe most the car none of us will never get to even think about buying but the point is they show the cars and whats importent about them! And Jeremy does this well, he also adds humour to the equation and whats even better he stands up and says what he thinks and dosnt care whos listeing most the time he is saying what most of us are thinking like the speed cameras etc..
2007-03-07 15:07:16
answer #2
answered by sco_jam 2
He is brilliant, literally larger than life in size, manerisms and opinions. He says things that other people only dare to think. he doesn't court popularity or pander to minorities. He is refreshingly politically incorrect, extrovert, outspoken, never boring and an object lesson in what journalism should be about. He is the first example that comes to mind if you want to explain to a trainee what journalistic prose should be like.
2007-03-07 14:31:59
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I dont think he would survive as a presenter by himself.
The 3 presenters of top gear work well together as a comic trio.
Not be long before the BBC forces a token muslim onto the team though.
2007-03-07 14:22:07
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Leave him alone - all three top gear presenters are great
Hold on though your avatar looks a bit like Richard hammond - are you trying to get Jeremy out so that you can take over?
2007-03-07 14:21:20
answer #5
answered by crazylady 6
He plays to an expected persona that has built up over the years. He is in fact surprisingly mild-mannered, urbane and (I'm told) a remarkably great person to have round for dinner. He is unassuming away from the cameras, and comes across as somewhat perplexed by his own celebrity.
2007-03-07 14:23:06
answer #6
answered by Buckaroo Banzai 3
have you had a sense of hummer transplant or what, Clarkson is very funny and his books are even better than the t.v. shows. Clarkson for prime minister
2007-03-07 15:20:19
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
No, he most certainly isn't! I think he has a very funny sense of humour and makes the programme worth watching. I'm not really into cars but I watch it each week to laugh at the interaction between the presenters.
2007-03-07 14:19:02
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Jeremy Clarkson is ther BEST. Period.
2007-03-07 14:27:27
answer #9
answered by Logan J 2
The man is a genius, he is a fortysomething car geek being paid handsomely by us idiots to live his fantasy, not really rubbish really!
(But James May is much funnier!)
2007-03-07 14:28:12
answer #10
answered by RedSnook 5
Rubbish at what? Depends on your point of view I suppose, nobody appeals to everybody, I think he's very entertaining.
2007-03-07 14:20:14
answer #11
answered by Ahwell 7