Cats. They are independant, fuzzy, soft, they purr and snuggle up with you. They can walk on a leash, come when you call them and they aren't roundy.
You can leave them at home for days and not have to worry about taking them out to go potty or eating all their food at once. Cats are great with kids. Meow.
I have:
5 kittys.
4 fish
3 shrimp
2 kids and
1 dog
lol but its all true, how funny.
2007-03-07 06:10:24
answer #1
answered by 2shay 5
My favorite pet has been my skunk, Reece. I've owned cats, dogs, ducks, chickens, geese, a bat, a lizard, fish, rabbits, cows, pigs, etc. All animals are nice in their own way, but my skunk is great. She'll sit with me and watch a movie and she's really playful.
2007-03-07 10:42:49
answer #2
answered by CJ 3
My wolf hybrid, she's better behaved then any dog out there without training. Her only down fall is she hates other female dogs of similar size. We have two other male dogs. She has to put up with 14 cats as well. She likes to run with our Pygmy goat and red sheep in their pen too. They keep her in check. She's now 11 yrs and 9 months old. She has cataracts and is losing her hearing. She's a cross of Arctic & timber wolf with a pinch of white German Shepherd.
2007-03-07 06:19:25
answer #3
answered by wolfinator25840 5
I love me some ferrets! lol :)
I like them so much because they are interesting animals with A LOT of character. They are also a bit of a challenge to take care of so it gives me a sense of pride that I keep them so well.
I would recommend a pair of ferrets to anyone who has the room in their budget, the knowledge to take care of them, and patience.
2007-03-07 06:21:00
answer #4
answered by ? 6
I absolutely love ferrets. I am owned by 8 of these little fuzzbutts. It brings joy to my heart to take care of them and love them. In return I get so much more.
2007-03-07 06:11:20
answer #5
answered by Naru 4
A cat. They can take you or leave you, they are able to be left overnight without causing too much havoc and they can always be counted on to keep you warm in bed.
2007-03-07 06:07:53
answer #6
answered by slykitty62 7
i love to raise ducklings...i dunno, they are just so cute from when they hatch to when they swim around in our pond... and if you give them enough love, they never leave.
i also love my horses and dog. horses are great, funny and lovable animals that are ALWAYS just gorgeous wherever they go.
Dogs are faithful. no matter what you do, they are almost always by your side... you just gotta love em.
it mainly depends on what type of person you are, maybe try writing a bit about yourself...(if you are looking for a pet and you want good advice)
2007-03-07 06:16:29
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Cats are cool. They're easier to take care of than dogs.
2007-03-07 06:06:55
answer #8
answered by The FFX Blitz ™ 6
Chickens. They give us eggs and we don't have to get them at the store. People love to see them when they visit us....and NO, I don't live on a farm. :0)
2007-03-07 06:07:09
answer #9
answered by Jennifer L 4
ferrets as long as its a good one that dos not bit alot only play full bits like mine they dont hurt at all
2007-03-07 07:03:23
answer #10
answered by Anonymous