I am 20yrs old girl. I'm good looking but I dont have a boy friend. I hv frnds who r boys and they r many guys who wants to be my boy frnds, many of them proposed me also but I dont like any of them, I like them as frnds thats all!
Almost all my frnds have boy frnds. I feel like having one but I dont want to have a boy frnds just for the heck of it.
I'm decent and a little shy. I dont talk to every guy just the known ones. Often people find hard to talk to me and approach me.
I have a serious look on my face when I am with strangers or just on work. How do I keep a friendsly expression on my face so that people come up to me n talk? or how should I approach people? I often dont find anything to talk abt?
I have a fear of rejection. I avoid all the things in which there is selection, I dont want to get rejected.
pleasetell me what should I do. I feel like I dont have confidence. please please help!
7 answers
asked by
Social Science
➔ Psychology
These people you say , are they really the ones you want to go out with? so your seriously, but you want that speacial one, I'm like you don't have any one, good looking and serious, the other day , some guy told me to go ,to some queue, I werent looking at him until I had finished on the till, looked back he was staring at me, he was the boy I would have liked when I got home I thought oh why didnt I say sometthing lol, I'm now believeing its gonna happen , it must like that , someone got to talk to me , only he who would like me, same for you, he'll will approach you he will come one day, I hope for me too
2007-03-07 06:16:36
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You could just try this for something......look at a guy for 6 seconds with a come and check me out look and don't look away for the 6 seconds. Also smile during those 6 seconds and then see if that guy comes and says hi. Just a test to help you get up the nerve to talk to a guy...have a girlfriend help you...do this at a party. The guy will see you are interested in him and if he is single he just might try to pick you up.
2007-03-07 14:41:03
answer #2
answered by Jennifer U 2
I'm a guy and i know for a fact that a smiling, happy, laughing girl will make me feel more comfortable talking to her. What's more if you are good looking you should be able to dominate a conversation with a male, i.e you start the conversation and he won't reject you. Smile, Smile, Smile... and make eye contact.
Good luck...
2007-03-07 14:09:00
answer #3
answered by James G 1
well im 19 n u prob dnt feel like takn advise from me but i would look at myself like a decent lookn gal n when i realy want a guy i think to myself so wat if they dont like me iv been told im good lookin so i must be i flirt a little with a guy n u just know by the way they act if they like ya if they start to look into yer eyes n talk back go 4 it they are into ya. n if you have a serious look on yer face n you like a guy try to joke around with who ever yer with like yer mates this makes the guy think yer fun n up for a laugh. remember if yer not confident pretend to be thats what i do cuz all guys love a woman who knows what she wants believe me.
2007-03-07 14:10:21
answer #4
answered by nicoley 2
well, I've learned to expect rejection 90% of the time. once you put yourself in a position to be rejected, and you then are rejected, it becomes so much easier to approach people as you already know the likely outcome. but hang in there, sensitive girls like you are a rare find. eventually you'll meet someone who feels comfortable around you, and vice versa.
2007-03-07 14:19:01
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
**** it, you just be your single self. And whatever you do, DON'T get therapy.
2007-03-07 14:32:13
answer #6
answered by Buchyex 3
just smile,it opens many doors!!!!!
2007-03-10 10:07:25
answer #7
answered by pixelchick 2