No not really because why should I care what they think or how they act? They have to deal with people in their faces every day .... how would you act if people were in your face every day?
2007-03-06 19:44:26
answer #1
answered by polynesianladylove1 2
No, I don't agree. We are also the reason these celebs are rude. How would you feel if you were constantly hounded for your picture or autograph? How would you feel if there was someone always up your a$$ and you never had a private moment to yourself?? How would you feel if your every living moment was every body's business?? I understand why they get angry and become rude sometimes.
2007-03-07 04:06:16
answer #2
answered by Kat 7
There are some celebs whose movies or music I will no longer see or buy simply because of this. I know I don't make much of a difference, but - eventually - when they've insulted enough of their fans, they fall from grace and right into the Where Are They Now? barrel.
2007-03-07 03:45:08
answer #3
answered by JooniMoon 2
These people pay a high price for being in the public eye - yes, it is their choice and congrats to them for being successful this way, but truly ... even a saint would become rude at times if constantly bombarded by the press (who themselves are extremely rude in many cases !!)
2007-03-07 03:51:20
answer #4
answered by square_dotzz 4
Don't really know any of those celebs, and who cares anyway. If there's any, just tell them to get stuff.
2007-03-07 08:49:13
answer #5
answered by sCRIBE 2
i believe they has a duty to acknowledge the fans
but i guess its not much fun with a camera in your face 24-7
2007-03-07 03:56:28
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I'm totally agreed with you. Those stupid celebs who were rude because they think they are better than us, also they think their fans were annoying.
2007-03-07 03:45:53
answer #7
answered by yehaa yahoo 2
Yes but nowadays rudeness is almost expected.
2007-03-07 04:36:30
answer #8
answered by zeroartmac 7
incredibly. they would be nothing with out us.
example : vanillla ice.
some big stars dont realize how close they are to being has beens. they dont get the picture until nobody WANTS their autograph anymore....
2007-03-07 03:51:25
answer #9
answered by Not here 2 make friends 5
....kinda. Not really. I would find it hard to control myself if I was really annoyed or in a bad mood. But I know what ya mean.
2007-03-07 03:45:47
answer #10
answered by !!joinCampaignforLiberty!! 4
the way i see it, its our fault...we make them rich by buying their movies, cd's going to thier concerts etc, they have money they have fame they also have the traits that go with it; stuck up superficial and alotta the time snobs that wont smile for the camera unless they get paid to do so, and yet we still try to dress like them we still buy the magazines and read about them we still buy their movies cd's ect...we just feed their ego's...get over it we only have ourselves to blame for turning prolly nice caring ppl into egotistic a**holes
2007-03-07 03:58:01
answer #11
answered by jensxc 2