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just reading a lot of comments, and im just blown away... wow!
im usually in the religious section and i thought they had some powerful verbal sects. oh no! oh no! republicans in this section are loud and they are angry! wow.

2007-03-06 18:29:49 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

tinker thinker: lol i guess so, i dont pretend to know all that about politics anyway, i just try to stay informed on the basics. i dont think i could contribute much here anyway.

i just have to say, i dont understand why you guys would be attacking each other so much, i figure the bush administration would bring BOTH parties together. nobody can follow this president regardless of which party he's in. personally i think he's distroyed what was 'good' about the republican party.

2007-03-06 18:42:04 · update #1

19 answers

Please - realize that many republicans and many democrats, both have good points to be made.
Unfortunately there are some that go to extremes also- which only prove to be an embarrassment to whatever party.
Really isn't too different from the religious fighting. Some people can tolerate, others can't accept others views.

2007-03-06 18:47:05 · answer #1 · answered by Elke 2 · 2 1

I would have to agree with you. I have tried to bring up logical questions and answers about the attacks of 911. All I get is hate and no real sensible answers. Kind of like the way the 911 Commission treated the victims families by not answering over 70% of their questions.

Also I have raised questions regarding the safety of our troops and the war in Iraq.... Again it's like these people enjoy seeing our troops killed and maimed and could care less about the legalities of the war. Bringing the troops home to be reunited with their loved ones is something highly forbidden and most the people in this forum will snap and criticize you for even suggesting it.

There is not very much interest in the political section for the common good of all mankind. People are too wrapped up into the two party system...which I refuse to have anything to do with.

People slander me and call me a Dem liberal....but I am not!

I consider myself an independent looking out for America, the Troops and it's Constitutional best interest.

Peace to everyone and God Bless you all.

2007-03-07 03:09:56 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

No-- by and large, they're not evil at all. The sad thing is, the lunatics in both parties are the ones grabbing the headlines. Which came first, though, the lunatic or the headline? So many people in all walks of society believe that the loudest or most severe or outlandish wins. Members of both parties feel that they must be loud and angry to bne heard at all. Pray for the sweet voice of reason.

2007-03-07 02:33:35 · answer #3 · answered by rickmcconaghy 3 · 3 1

Wow...is that all you can say...wow!? No seriously. Not all Republican's are "evil." A lot of people are duped by their party just like the Democrats are. Ron Paul is a GREAT Republican and you should vote for him.

2007-03-07 03:54:14 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Not all Republicans are evil, some are misled, and some are just ignorant of the facts, and a great many are voting Democrat for now and hoping they can take their party back from the folk who subverted it.

There are however two groups that are pathological, and more likely than most to post here. There has been considerable research on the subject, and two scales have been created to measure the two groups. One is Right Wing Authoritarian (RWA) and the other is called Social Dominance Orientation (SDO).

A very few people score very high in both RWA and SDO, are called Double Highs, and are scary folk indeed. This group pretty much defines the Republican party leadership. And many Right Wing Church leaders (who are usually Republican Activists)

In those only scoring high in the RWA scale are the troops for these people, easily led, but only inn ways that are considered evil by most people. Among those traits:

* Be prejudiced against many racial, ethnic, nationalistic, and linguistic minorities.
* Be hostile toward homosexuals.
* Support ‘gay-bashing.’
* Be hostile toward feminists.
* Volunteer to help the government persecute almost anyone.
* Be mean-spirited toward those who have made mistakes and suffered.
* Insist on traditional sex roles.
* Use religion to erase guilt over their acts and to maintain their self-righteousness.
* Be ‘fundamentalists’ and the most prejudiced members of whatever religion they belong to.
* Accept unfair and illegal abuses of power by government authorities.
* Trust leaders (such as Bush) who are untrustworthy.
* Make many incorrect inferences from evidence.
* Uncritically accept insufficient evidence that supports their beliefs.
* Uncritically trust people who tell them what they want to hear.
* Use many double standards in their thinking and judgments.
* Be dogmatic.
* Be zealots.
* Be hypocrites.
* Be bullies when they have power over others.
* Help cause and inflame intergroup conflict.
* Seek dominance over others by being competitive and destructive in situations requiring cooperation.
* Believe they have no personal failings.
* Avoid learning about their personal failings.
* Be highly self-righteous.
* Use religion to erase guilt over their acts and to maintain their self-righteousness
* Rarely join left-wing movements, where their hostility distinguishes them. (LaRouche, Farrakhan)
* But much more typically endorse right-wing political parties.

2007-03-07 02:50:03 · answer #5 · answered by Dragon 4 · 4 3

That can't be a serious question...it seems like you're trying to start some sort of silly conflict on here. Does that make you evil?

2007-03-07 02:58:05 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

when you don't have a factual leg to stand on, and lack the intellectual integrity to admit you're wrong, the knee jerk reaction is anger. They're not mad at us, they're angry at them selves for being deceived

2007-03-07 03:43:31 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Illiteracy and stupidity prevent them from having any actual knowledge about things or coherent thoughts and arguments, so they have nothing but malice, Just feed them a banana, they will shut up for a while.

2007-03-07 02:52:08 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

Reagan was instrumental in tearing down the Berllin Wall. Was that evil?

2007-03-07 02:47:48 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

You must not have read everything. Libs and Cons are equally loud and angry here.

2007-03-07 02:41:47 · answer #10 · answered by AintSkeered 3 · 2 2

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