to lazy, movies back then TOOK real TALENT and hard work, today they are lazy with al the special effects, its about the look of the actors and actresses and NOT REAL TALENT. I mean ginger rogers wasnt that hot but she had the talent to back herself up
2007-03-06 15:03:13
answer #1
answered by ? 3
because that was the 40s, 50s, and 60s. There was music and someone singing in almost everything then... but so many people make fun of that now. Until Chicago, musicals hadn't won Academy awards for decades... they just wouldn't be popular and wouldn't make any money. There's the occasional musical now, but we'll never go back to before.
2007-03-06 15:05:24
answer #2
answered by kmnmiamisax 7
It;s all about profit.Today's movies mainly cater for young people whose taste for movies are usually predictable.To make a musical similar in style to that period that would sell today would cost an enormous amount of money(e.g. WEST SIDE STORY cost about eight million dollars to make back in 1961. If it was made today it would cost more than three hundred million .) Movie studios would not gamble on that because people today may not go to see it.
2007-03-06 15:22:46
answer #3
answered by ROBERT P 7
Unless they were to make a musical with nudity and violence it really would interest the "american people". I personally love musicals and wish they would make more, but in our society its not "cool".
2007-03-12 08:48:28
answer #4
answered by megadethbabe86 2
the box office. Does not sale
2007-03-12 12:43:28
answer #5
answered by bolis la mas bolis 3