Homeopathic Treatment(s) for Influenza/Cold :-
Head remedy; restlessness with prostration and excessive thirst at short intervals Arsenic Album 30, 4 hourly
Intercurrent remedy Influenzinum 200 and Sulphur 200, 4 hourly
Early stage with chill and sneezing; heaviness and tiredness of body and limbs; loss of thirst, bursting headache; relief from passing large quantities of pale urine Gelsemium 30 or 200, 4 hourly
Severe pains in limbs and back; bones feel 'broken', bursting headache; shivering,and chills in back; eyeballs sore Eupatorium Perf 30 or 200, 3 hourly
Rapid prostration; high fever, gastric symptoms; dull red face, nervousness Kali Phos.6X or 30, 4 hourly
With dry, hacking cough; headache is worse after least movement; wants to lie still and alone; better by pressure, tongue is coated white; great thirst Bryonia Alba 30 or 200, 4 hourly
Patient very chilly; feels cold even in bed; least movement or exposure intensifies the sensation of cold; fresh shivering and chill after drinking; aching in limbs and back; nose stuffed up at night Nux Vomica 30 or 200, 4 hourly
Severe pains in back and thighs; chilliness, no fire or heat can warm up the patient; rapid pulsation with temperature not proportionately high; restlessness; violent pulsations; bruised feeling all over Pyrogenium 200, 3 hourly (3 Doses)
Cold/Catarrh/Coryza :-
1st Stage :-
Icy coldness of whole body; internal and external both.
To give heat to the system Camphor 6X or 30, 1/2 hourly
Cold due to sudden exposure to dry cold wind; chilly feeling; headache, watering of eyes and sneezing;a nxiety and fear; feverish feeling Aconite 30 or 200, 2 hourly
Running of nose during day and blockage at night with chilly feeling Nux vomica 30, 3 hourly
Cold with sneezing and profuse from eyes and nose; worse in warmth and indoor; better in open air Allium Cepa 30, 3 hourly
Dryness of nose with headache; worse from motion; thirst more; lips parched and dry; stools constipated Bryonia 30 or 200, 3 hourly
Sneezing; watering of nose and eyes; throat sore with constant desire to swallow saliva; foul smell from mouth; feverish feeling with sweat which do not relieve. Worse at night Mercurius Sol 30 3 hourly
Watering and burning of eyes with streaming nose; acrid discharges Euphrasia 30, 3 hourly
Chilly feeling though face is hot; restlessness; unquenchable thirst, drinks often but little at a time; better hot drinks Arsenic Album 30, 3 hourly
Acrid discharge from the nose which corrodes the upper lip. Nose filled with phelgm; breathes through the mouth Arum Triph 30, 3 hourly
Cold; running of nose and sneezing; redness and pain forehead; watering eyes Sabadilla 30, 4 hourly
Cold;pain throat; red face, rush of blood towards head Belladonna 30, 4 hourly
Aching pain; dullness; chilliness in back; sneezing; bland and thick discharge from nose; feverish; better by passing urine Gelsemium 30, 3 hourly
Coryza with sneezing and aching in bones of extremities with soreness of flesh Eup Perf 30, 3 hourly
Cold; better from cold bathing Calcarea Sulph 30, 4 hourly
Dripping of nose while eating Trombidium 30 or 200, 6 hourly
Dripping of nose while going to sleep Thuja Occ 30 or 200, 6 hourly
Dry coryza; sniffles of infants, blockage of nose Sambucus Nig 30, 4 hourly
2nd Stage :-
Discharge from nose; yellowish or greenish; stringy Kali Bich 30, 4 hourly
Greenish yellow mucous from nose; loss of taste and thirst; better open air Pulsatilla 30, 4 hourly
Thick yellow discharge from nose; post nasal cattarh; constipation Hydrastis Can 30, 4 hourly
Watering from nose like a tap; thirst more; stools constipated; cold aggravates till noon and ameliorates after noon Natrum Mur 30 (in acute stage Bryonia 30), 4 hourly
In fat and flabby patient; worse after bathing; chilly patient Calcarea Carb.200, 6 hourly
Watery discherge from the nose and finally it becomes thick, yellow. Pain in the throat on swallowing as if full of splinters; sensitive to cold Hepar Sulph 30, 4 hourly
Cold worse early morning; chronic; dry catarrh; aversion to take bath Sulphur 200 weekly (3 Doses)
Chronic catarrh; dry coryza, with blockage of nose; worse change of weather and cold Psorinum 200 weekly (3 Doses)
Chronic cases with tubercular history Tuberculinum k 200 or 1M, fortnightly (6 Doses)
Obstinate chronic cases when indicated remedy fails Bacillinum 1M, weekly (3 Doses) .
Choose the remedy which is most similar to the patients symptoms, Do not try to mix or exceed the given dosage or remedy.
Take Care and God Bless You !
2007-03-06 20:02:38
answer #1
answered by Soul Doctor 7
Too bad you have issues with needles because i was going to tell you try acupuncture. It got rid of my worst flu symptoms in 4 hours. I still felt kinda bad for a few days but I could function better after the treatment.My suggestion is that you try something one of the hot flu remedies( if you can keep any food down without hurling).Get to a drugstore and try the lemon flavored ones, add to hot water and you'll be sleeping like a baby in no time.Theraflu really helps. Don't eat any dairy or meat either. This will only make it feel worse. Keep cool washcloths handy to help bring a fever down and an extra blanket in case you get the shivers.Good luck!
2007-03-06 16:53:40
answer #2
answered by Yahooanswerssux 5
You can try some OTC Cold/Flu medications; however, your best bet is to put aside your fear and see a doctor for a proper evaluation and treatment. If you have a bacterial infection, the OTC medications will NOT help, nothing will except an antibiotic.
I hope you feel better soon.
Paramedic in SC
2007-03-06 15:02:04
answer #3
answered by JD, MAPSY 6
Stay in bed with lots of blankets drink heaps of water and have someone bring you some chicken soup, oh some headache pills would be good and a box of tissues.
2007-03-06 16:50:49
answer #4
answered by sandra 2