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It's been a while and I can't remember how soon I started to feel exhausted. I just remember having to take naps constantly.

2007-03-06 14:00:21 · 7 answers · asked by Anne 5 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

I'm not sure if I'm pregnant. I'm due for my period in a few days, and for the last 3 days I've been super exhausted with no explanation. Pregnancy was what came to mind. Who knows. I'm not really trying, but I'm not trying to prevent it either.

2007-03-06 14:14:54 · update #1

I'm not sure if I'm pregnant. I'm due for my period in a few days, and for the last 3 days I've been super exhausted with no explanation. Pregnancy was what came to mind. Who knows. I'm not really trying, but I'm not preventing it either.

2007-03-06 14:17:21 · update #2

7 answers

I started to feel very tired at about 4-5 weeks... I didn't realize I was pregnant until week 7 however

2007-03-06 14:05:57 · answer #1 · answered by hollilynn 5 · 0 0

With my 8 month previous, I felt indicators somewhat early. interior of two weeks i replaced into exhausted and my breasts harm SOOO badly. I undergo in suggestions feeling positive, and then at some point I took ONE bite of a hen wing and felt like i replaced into going to throw up. From that 2d on (approximately 10 days submit thought) the indicators hit complete rigidity. I additionally had a great try day after at present (approximately 10-11 days submit thought). some women persons will argue that it somewhat is a lot too quickly to sense indicators, yet they weren't experiencing my poor nausea and breasts so sore I cried if certainly one of my little ones bumped me lol. sturdy success! playstation : at that factor I additionally had cramping like my era replaced into coming any day, besides the undeniable fact that it by no potential did.

2016-10-17 11:02:51 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I conceived around 15 Dec. on Christmas day, I was so tired I asked my mother (a nurse) to give me an iron and vit. B12 shot, as I thought my iron was low again. By then I've been taking regular naps, sleeping more than awake is better description, for about 3 days. So what's that? About 7 days after conception.

Luckily, we never got 'round to the injections.

2007-03-06 14:07:47 · answer #3 · answered by elainevdb 6 · 0 0

i started to feel sleepi and exhusted from about week 4and 5 and then the vomiting started the same time and i was sick right up until now which is 14 weeks .i still feel sick but dont throw up so its getting better i think good luck with everything and i hope all goes well :)

2007-03-06 14:10:41 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I didn't find out until this past Saturday... the Monday and Tuesday before, I was already falling asleep at work. So I guess it can start as soon as implantation. Good Luck!

2007-03-06 14:11:51 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It can start immediately. Enjoy the naps and don't let anyone make you feel guilty about them. You have a person under construction in there. It saps your energy all up!
Congrats! ;o)

2007-03-06 14:08:15 · answer #6 · answered by TJTB 7 · 0 0

your body is changing so i am sure it is normal to feel exhausted at any time...after implantation would be the time your body would really be getting prepared (with breasts preparing, maybe early weight gaining, hormones falling into line with being pregnant)...so that would be 5 to 10 days from conception....

2007-03-06 14:07:23 · answer #7 · answered by mrs_r_wilkins 2 · 0 0

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