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12 answers

personally i feel really sorry for her. i'm not a fan of her but i think the media is what turned her into what she is now. she needs a lot of help that's all i can say. and yes we need to find a different subject to talk about than brittany.

2007-03-06 13:52:23 · answer #1 · answered by Maddy 2 · 2 1

I feel really sorry for her , she's obviously going through a bad time , and yes I think we should back off.
When a person shaves their head like that , it's a real cry for help . I think she probably has post partum depression.
Brooke Sheilds ....Marie Osmond....and several other celebs have spoke about this issue ...you are not immune to this just because you ARE a celeb.
I think when she split up with JT , was the beginning of the slippery slope down ....her music ...her persona......everything....they should probably still be together,they have known each other most of their lives ...but such is the music biz on relationships.
She just got involved with alot of bad people I guess ...Madonna........Paris Hilton ( neither have any morals) ....and K Fed who seemed only to care about her credit card ( he already left a pregnant girlfrind to be with Britney)....she had 2 childeren close together ..went through a divorce ,and her career going downhill.
I think she will recover and come back with another album , but she definately needs alot of help ..I hope she stays in rehab and gets back on track.

2007-03-06 14:26:46 · answer #2 · answered by Wishing 3 · 1 0

We should back off. The media forgets that celebs can't be perfect. no human can. I doubt she's crazy, I dont think anyone drove her crazy, but she needed to let off a lot of steam and frustration. Which is fine as long as she doesnt take it out on her kids :(

2007-03-06 14:27:56 · answer #3 · answered by Tanya K 2 · 0 0

More like alcoholic and out of control.
The press is trailing her because she is news, but you would think she knows how to deal with it now after so many years.
She chose to get married 2X and she chose to have kids with a man who doesn't have a real job. She thinks money can buy her happiness. Watch her end up like Michael Jackson, wacky and broke.

2007-03-06 14:22:02 · answer #4 · answered by Tomo718 3 · 0 0

We didnt do it. She is going thru a divorce, and a custody battle. We didnt cause that. We didnt force her to start using drugs, that was her choice and hers alone. We are what made her famous. She is having a meltdown because of what is going on in her personal life, and the drugs didnt help.*

2007-03-06 15:12:32 · answer #5 · answered by Check this out! 7 · 0 0

to be honest britany did this her self because she hit rock bottom and it was her way for a cry for help and she wanted people to look at her and the media. i think if she didnot want all the bad press then why be famous.i think we should not back off she wanted in the spot light now she got it

2007-03-06 13:53:13 · answer #6 · answered by crystal w 3 · 0 1

She has been leading a reckless lifestyle for longer than all of us know. It is what happens when you use alot of prescriptions, alchohol, and cocaine, which she allegedly has been doing for years. You start to lose it , and life gets pretty freaky--

2007-03-06 14:45:03 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

those photographer's drive star's crazy alway's following them 24 / 7

2007-03-06 13:58:01 · answer #8 · answered by David 6 · 1 0

even as my friends kept bugging me to spend time with them quite of staying living house on my own. i'm by technique of nature a loner. it drives me nuts because i actually favor to be by technique of myself at cases, yet them bugging me shows that they care about me. and that i does no longer replace that for the global.

2016-12-05 08:39:21 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The question should be more like ~ Is Britney reading our answers about what we think about her on YahooAnswers? LOL!

2007-03-06 14:57:05 · answer #10 · answered by Bunnytoes:) 3 · 0 0

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