well my "best" friends supposably (two of them) are my cuzin and my other friend. They exclude me out of conversations, they talk about me, and my cousin tells stuff that i tell her to my other friend. They laugh soooo loud and stuff and then when they go to a public place and see someone laughing that hard they go..omg! and stuff like that. i said well it anoys people that you laugh pretty loud sometimes, and they go well if your embarassed by us then you can leave and leave us alone!! and i always feel out of the conversation and stuff like that.
I have other best friends that ACT like my bff's and in fact we've never even gotten in a fight. when i tlk with them, i AM included and know that they wont blab to other people!
are the first two my REAL bff?
i still am friends with them of course, but are they my BFF?
12 answers
asked by
Pregnancy & Parenting
➔ Adolescent
When you have a best friend, there should be no doubt in your mind that they're your best friend. It seems like your looking for the confirmation which your mind has already come to....that they're not very good friends to you. You should be able to trust your friends and feel apart of the friendship. I think you already know the answer to your question.
2007-03-06 12:59:35
answer #1
answered by Tina D 3
Have you ever seen that movie Mean Girls with Lindsay Lohan? It sounds slightly like a slight case of relational agression. It also sounds that you may have exceeded them in maturity level. Just hold on to that old girl scout motto - make new friends but keep the old ones. You deserve respect and it doesn't seem as though they are giving you that respect. It's possible to turn things around, take control of the situation as leader and make sure they know without being too mean that you will not accept them being disrespectful to you. Just remember, relationships are dynamic and will change with time. You have to evaluate if their company is beneficial to you or not, and depending what you decide you will either try to work things out or let them go.
2007-03-06 22:36:23
answer #2
answered by babydoll32 2
no they're not ur friends. u have 2 deal w/ ur cousin to some point since ur related & will see eachother at family events and stuff but u should ditch the jerks in my opinion. its only gonna hurt them if they loose a nice person as a friend. real freinds may tease eachother, but they never make eachother feel disrespected or unappreciated. you mentioned u have other friends so spend time with them, at least you won't be lonely after you loose the other 2 and at least they make u feel comfortable...
2007-03-06 21:04:52
answer #3
answered by Bebe W 1
Well in my opinion a friend wouldn't say or do anything that would make a friend feel bad.You cannot trust these girls with things you say to them in confidence.They don't seem to be as mature as you so take that into consideration.There is a good saying about friends ."A friend will say good things about you behind your back". A friend would never try to intentionally hurt you or exclude you and would respect your feelings. These girls may be friends(albeit not true friends), but I would not consider them best friends forever.
2007-03-06 21:31:33
answer #4
answered by gussie 7
even i,as a special little person, know that if u r being excluded from conversations and are bein talked about by your so called bff's they couldn't be your real friends...ur real friends wouldn't exclude u from conversations and talk about u...wut u should do is talk to them about ur problems...talkin can change a lot.
2007-03-06 22:15:31
answer #5
answered by tay 2
Yea, everyone else pretty much summed it up. They are definately not your bffs. You should also probably pray about it too. God says you should love your enemy as you love yourself. That is tough to do sometimes but it does help! God bless you.
props to you for not being the one that's making fun of someone!!
2007-03-06 21:53:06
answer #6
answered by knapa 2
dont talk to them ignore them get some one else.
if they gonna be like that well forget them.
blame your cousin
if she hadnt come along you would stilll be firends
talk to your bff about it
telll her how shes acting
talk to your cousin
ask her how she would feel.
if that dont work then get some one else
2007-03-07 12:07:14
answer #7
answered by michell w 2
well, i guess,
trish, is that you?
from poveda?
grade 7?
its me! your bff
and max is the other one right?
max is your cousin i'm your bff and were both your friends, right?
2007-03-07 01:19:42
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
they don't sound like BFF to me!
2007-03-06 21:02:22
answer #9
answered by ilovegarfeild 1
no they are not real friends cuz real friends wouldnt talk about u
2007-03-06 21:00:33
answer #10
answered by ~L3_L3~ 3