It's kind of tough to prevent, but there are some things that have shown some benefit in reducing the risk...Flax seed, DIM ( a supplement that contains brocolli and cauliflower), brocolli and cauliflower, reducing saturated fats in the diet.
I am high risk, and I make sure I have regular breast exams, mammagrams and breast ultrasound (if necessary). If you live in a major city, check with some of the teaching hospitals to see if they are conducting any breast cancer studies. I have qualified for a number of them and had 2 years of free breast MRI's. Especially since it's hard to prevent, it's really important to be on top of these breast exams. If it's caught early, it's very treatable.
2007-03-06 12:10:55
answer #1
answered by Liza 6
Being as healthy as possible with diet and exercise is about the best you can do. If you have a mother or sister with it, it would be good to have more frequent testing...under certain circumstance genetic testing is done....and some women have had thier breasts removed so they could not get it because they were so genetically predisposed to it. That's not most women. However, every 13 minutes a woman dies from breast cancer. The answer at this point is early detection to save lives. Monthly self breast exam and regular mammograms are key. There are some studies that show that women who breastfeed are less likely to get breast cancer. Most studies for preventative measures are very sketchy now. We study more on detection and cure.
2007-03-06 20:10:57
answer #2
answered by tlbrown42000 6
There is no real way to prevent breast cancer, but there are ways to detect it early. Monthly breast self exams are very important. If you do them every month, you will get to know your breast, so you will immediately notice if something changes. That's how my mom caught hers. She was 35, felt a lump, and had to force her doctor to give her a mammogram and biopsy. She is now a 24+ year breast cancer survivor.
2007-03-06 22:21:34
answer #3
answered by aqx99 6
Delete fried foods from your diet, when you do use oils use the good ones such as flax or olive oil... also, deodorant has cancer causing chemicals it has been proven but it is still out there for everyone to buy - there are natural versions such as Toms of Maine that don't have the aluminum in them. Overall good health is the key, by keeping your immune system in top shape you can avoid cancer. Read Natural Cures by Trudeau for full info, that book changed my life for the better, I am 10 times more healthy now.
2007-03-06 20:08:08
answer #4
answered by ? 3
You can prevent breast cancer by eating healthy,excercisng, and not smoking.Also in your 40s you can go for annual check ups for early detection.
2007-03-06 20:09:46
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Massaging your breasts regularly helps circulate lymphatic fluid, which gets rid of txon build ups and prevents swollen lymphnodes. Swollen lymphnodes have a higher incidence of cancer. Here is a good explanitory video on how to do it.
You should also never sleep in a bra because laying on the straps and things can cut off lymphatic fluid circulation. Improperly fit bras can also do that.
2007-03-06 20:20:58
answer #6
answered by Brian W 2
Do BSE (breast self exam) every month after your period to detect lumps and unusual changes. If breast cancer is in your genes, then try to cut the fats, and other carcinogenic products and environment to lessen your risk.
2007-03-06 20:08:52
answer #7
answered by Mimi 2
If there was a way to do this everyone would and no breast cancer would exist. I had it. I was a walking fruit and vegetable. Didn't save me.
2007-03-06 20:07:18
answer #8
answered by dtwladyhawk 6
you have to do monthly breast exams also make sure if you have a family history of breast cancer that you talk to your doctor about what to do he may require a mammogram i have to have one every year now that I am over 40 if you have questions talk to your doctor to he/she may be able to give you the answer you are looking for
good luck
2007-03-06 20:07:50
answer #9
answered by Sandra C 4
if any of your female relatives had it, your chances automatically can go up but there are a few things you can to to lessen them. obviously don't smoke, maintain a healthy lifestyle with plenty of exercise and good food, and get regular mammograms as frequently as your doctor recommends. there have been studies saying that birth control pills with estrogen in them increase your risk, but this is not 100% agreed upon.
2007-03-06 21:21:29
answer #10
answered by Anonymous