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Ive been going out with my bf for about a month now and ever since then there has been a lot of drama. My best friend since 3rd grade is mad at me because she liked my boyfriend and now i have two other boys that like me. My friend Brandon likes me now because ive been talking to him more and he found out i like starwars and football. and this boy named gary who ive never said more than two words to(probably less than that). I don't know what to do because nothing like this has ever happened to me ive never even had a boy like unless he was a psyco freak. i realy want to make up with my friend but she won't even let me talk to her. when i gave her a valentine i told someone else to give it to her and she read it and thought it was sweet until she found out i wrote and tore it up and spit on it. i dont know how to talk to her at all. PLEEEZ HELP ME!

2007-03-06 11:39:34 · 2 answers · asked by Bubble G 1 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

2 answers

don't worry about your friend she is just jealous of you and what you have. if she was a true friend she would be happy for you. as for the other boys, stay true to your bf and yes it is fine for a girl to have a bf and other male friends.

2007-03-06 11:49:18 · answer #1 · answered by luckylovelee 2 · 0 0

Let your girlfriend be childish.She needs to realize it isnt your fault if the guy chose you over her,unless of course you KNEW she liked him and started going with him anyway.It sounds like you need to quit dating tho, because you have so many choices to choose from.Be friends first and then take the best match.

2007-03-06 11:46:33 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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