ya these are silly lines used by companies and they don't care as long as u buy their products......
Here's a classic example:
Years ago my chem teacher told me about this ad on radio which basically goes something like:
" Try our new skin lotion. It'll refresh all YOUR CELL WALLS AND make u look better"
NO joke ..... Cell walls....
2007-03-06 11:14:54
answer #1
answered by Sultan Cartman 5
It can't be. It's an oxymoron.
Unless it's a new improvement. As opposed to the old improvement. I guess that sort of works.
Companies seem to just put it on things to make them sound good! Without realising it doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
2007-03-06 19:04:30
answer #2
answered by Shanti76 3
Well it could be referring to a new product (new because its different from its older version) yet its improving on that 'old' product. I think they are using new in REFERENCE to its predecesor(s). i.e. which is newer, a tube tv or a flat screen. The flat screen is, therefore it is new and improved. Makes sense ya?
2007-03-06 19:13:06
answer #3
answered by J 2
it really depends on the context in which you are using it but if its new whoever made it, did a better job than the last time they made it. Or it was so improved its like new. and so on
2007-03-06 19:04:38
answer #4
answered by Okaydokay21 4
just a gimmick like the real artificial genuine chocolate syrup
2007-03-06 19:03:54
answer #5
answered by sapphire_630 5