Yes you wife and I have our second son to prove it......
2007-03-06 09:43:40
answer #1
answered by yetti 5
A woman can get pregnant ANY day of her monthly cycle. It's just that the chances of conception are higher on some days that others. She can even get pregnant during her period.
2007-03-06 18:00:41
answer #2
answered by Emily & her mommy love Da Bears! 6
It can happen! I know because within 2 days of my period ending I was pregnant... actually the odds that I was under I shouldn't have but I have a two year old son to prove it can and does happen! There are days in a month were your chances of conception are most likely to happen but you can get pregnant at just about any time of the month.
2007-03-06 17:52:57
answer #3
answered by ♥ PrincessLeia ♥ 5
Not likely...A woman's ovulation usually occurs between 10-12 days after the last day of her period and lasts for 48-72 hours. Assuming she had a regular normal period. Some women have spotting or even bleeding, but it is not an actual period, and they can get pregnant at this time...If you don't want a pregnancy use condoms, or don't have sex...
2007-03-06 17:46:35
answer #4
answered by All I Hear Is Blah Blah Blah... 5
Yes. You must understand, there are no hard a fast rules about this. A woman can become pregnant anytime. There are no formulas for guessing when it may or may not happen.
Your best bet is to make sure you use birth control...or you will be a daddy - for at least 18 years, child support, medical bills, school clothes.....all your responsibility - as much as the mother. Your childhood and independence ends when you become a father.....
2007-03-06 17:47:47
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Both my son and my unborn daughter (due 30th April) are examples of this!!
Going by a woman's cycle is not an effective method at all, everyone is different, and you must also remember that sperm can live in a woman's body for up to 72 hours.
I concieved my son about 3 days after my period stopped, and according to dates etc... I concieved my daughter one or two days after my period.
Hope I helped!
2007-03-06 17:52:25
answer #6
answered by Krissyinthesun 5
She can. Hell a girl can get preg on her period believe it or not. Not all women ovulate only once in between. It is very possible for a girl to ovulate at anytime.
2007-03-06 17:44:21
answer #7
answered by Cowgirl 3
if your asking if she can can concieve the day after her period, the short answer is no. ovulation doesnt occur then. however their are slight possibilities that she can concieve if so how she was ovulating already. but the answer is no
2007-03-06 17:42:09
answer #8
answered by jjsoccer_18 4
All women's cycles are different, but it is possible for this to happen, yes.
2007-03-06 17:45:35
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
a woman can get pregnant anytime she has unprotected sex... there is always a chance.
2007-03-06 17:42:50
answer #10
answered by ♥just me♥ 5