It's things like this
that make it look cool
like for myself and other teenagers want one now.
Thing is, i don't really know the effects much
and i don't know how ugly i would get
or how long i would live
so please persuade me not to.
6 answers
asked by
Social Science
➔ Psychology
yeah cheers by teh way :)
08:35:58 ·
update #1
I want to explain the financial stress that smoking can burden you with if it becomes a habit...It is expensive, and getting more so everyday. If you become addicted, you will do whatever it takes to come up with cigarette money. Most smokers end up smoking at the least a pack a day, some even two or three, and it doesn't take long for that to happen. It is most definitely NOT cool. What is cool is not smelling like a stale ashtray, being able to taste what good food really tastes like...Have you seen how people with emphysema live. It is one of the most dibilitating diseases there is...and the treatments for lung cancer are horrible...This is a real risk one takes when they smoke. Then there is the thing with becoming addicted and finding out that people really don't want smokers for employees because the eventual medical costs raise their insurance for the company, their employees tend not to be healthy. Health is becoming a sought after commidity for companies. Plus, it is a real hassle to do things with a cigarette in one hand. I just wish that I had never started smoking! I started when I was 12 because we thought it was cool, we didn't know about all the health risks...I have spent a fortune on cigarettes over the 38 years that I smoked. Because I smoked, all my kids smoke. I haven't smoked now for 4 years and I have never felt better, but the damage has been done, not only to myself, but to my kids, who wanted to be cool like their mom! YUK! Please don't is not cool, it is really stupid and low class...For petes sake, it kills people, why cut your life short by even a day, and why risk living with a possible disease for many miserable years because you thought something so uncool, was cool. Be smart and do the things that benefit you...not the things that will hurt you. There are natural consequences of doing things just because they seem cool. If you know it is bad, then why on earth would you choose to do it! I hope you will be really cool and make the right choice.
2007-03-06 08:58:09
answer #1
answered by wannaknow 5
Let me help you. I am a nurse and the other day at work I had to take of a 35 year old man who is living with a terrible lung problem and has to carry around an O2 tank every he goes so he can breath. Right now his lung problem is acting up and he is in the hospital getting all kinds of things done to him so he can have just a few minutes relief of the feeling of drowning. Imagine what it's like to feel like you are drowning from the inside out? And he is only 35 and started smoking when he was 17. So even though it might do nothing to you right now other then make you smell bad, in 20 years you could be very sick. So think really hard about that and then ask yourself if it's worth it. I can tell he sure is thinking that.
2007-03-06 17:18:20
answer #2
answered by raven_geisha 2
You know what you should do but you still need someone to tell you not to?
Alright, how about i tell you this. High school is such a small and meaningless part of life and trying to be cool there(although most teenagers aren't impressed with someone just because they smoke) is a waste of effort. What will you do when you are 25 and still hooked on cigarettes, wasting possibly thousands of dollars a year, standing outside in the winter several times a day to satisfy your addiction, and greatly shortening your life because you want some strangers to think you are cool for four short years of your life? Strangers who you will never see again after you graduate? Now ask yourself, is it worth all that hassle and risk for something that will probably not help you make friends anyway?
2007-03-06 08:22:18
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Wow, the scary thing is that that is the video that makes it seem cool!?? Come on smoking will give you wrinkles at a younger age, stain your teeth and hands and your cloths and hair will stink all the time. You also put yourself at life-long risk for diseases which can come from even as little as six months of smoking. Lots of teenagers do it but there are also lots of adults who now have families and lives they love but have to always worry that their past "coolness" will come back to haunt them.
2007-03-06 08:22:10
answer #4
answered by Allison S 5
well geez, kid!......that's like saying.
"why o why, I've seen all these movies where people get shot but I don't know what that feels like so I was thinking about shooting myself to see what happened -but if you persuade me not to...d-uh.
come on -grow up.
2007-03-06 08:15:21
answer #5
answered by ? 5
youre soo stupid!!!!
2007-03-06 08:26:18
answer #6
answered by ツ 4