it has nothing to do with being afraid or not.
It has to do with...
1) the current efficiency of "alternative energy" gives less benefit for more money. It costs more to buy in to Solar and wind energy and the over all output of the two combined is far less than what is currently available in coal or oil power individually.
2) There really is no evidence that "Man made global warming exists. Yes you can trot out your "experts" but the information on the subject is too limited and clearly based on opinion that facts. Facts show that weather has changed dramatically over millions of years, long before Humans and definitely long before the Industrial revolution. Don't believe me? In the time of the Roman Empire north Africa was the Bread basket of the world... It produced more food than any other part of the world, in less than a few centuries and before the industrial revolution the place became almost entirely desert. Was it man who did it? no it was the environment changing.
3) You are absolutely Right, we need to cut back on our oil dependence, but it should ultimately be an individual choice, not something forced on us. Personaly I think we need to conserve, but I choose to, I would never force others to do so if they decided not to.
4) The people being used to lead the change are people who obviously do not practice their own message or have things to gain from Green thinking. Gore uses 20 times more energy in his home and his natural gas bills for one month in his home is nearly double the gas bill for the 250 room Hotel I work in over one month. He is also a primary investor in a company that "cleans the Carbon footprint of companies" so he is profiting off this, isn't that why people hate bush? because he is profiting off oil? If you remove the Hypocrisy people will start to pay more attention to the message.
5) Again the cost benefit... There is none. A small country can not afford to switch to these alternative sources because some can not even afford to feed it's own people. Once the benefit and efficiency weigh the costs then I think there would be a greater acceptance.
Fix the problems with green living and you will see a green planet.
2007-03-06 08:15:17
answer #1
answered by Stone K 6
I don't really know. As a conservative I say that even if you don't buy into the greenhouse effect or global warming, you can't ignore the fact that going energy independent with alternate sources of energy is in the long run cheaper and more secure for the homeland.
2007-03-06 07:46:07
answer #2
answered by Anthony M 4
It would be a good thing to start using alternative energy. Maybe they are getting ticked off because of the way you express yourself. DO you start with the super smug attitude or the genuinely concerned one? DO you berate people for their choices? Maybe you should think about how you get your message across as well as the message.
2007-03-06 07:49:06
answer #3
answered by kerfitz 6
We are so tired of this going green notion being shoved down our throats at every opportunity. If you want to drive a prius, recycle, or whatever else feel free. Keep preaching your environmental religion to me and see how far you get.
At the moment oil is what drives our economy like it or not. Only the market will produce a viable alternative when the time is right. More government only makes things worse. That has been proven time and time again.
2007-03-06 07:51:21
answer #4
answered by dennis s 2
Because there are trillions of dollars of oil profits still in the ground. Until every last drop is extracted, you can stop dreaming about "alternative energy sources."
The fact is the oil companies spend billions of dollars every year to a) make people believe there's a debate over global warming (there isn't) and b) make wind and solar and other sources of power seem flaky and unreliable (they're not).
By the way, considering that the sun was the sole source of light and heat on the earth for billions of years, did you ever stop to wonder why you automatically call it "alternative"? That's thanks to all the billions oil companies spend on "experts" and PR to make damned sure you think of those clean energies as "alternates" to the "real" energy - namely, oil.
Get it now?
2007-03-06 07:48:32
answer #5
answered by wineboy 5
Because the people who have control of the money and power in this country make a lot of that off the control of America's dependency on fossil fuel.
Green ideas only work when there is no Illuminati to keep control. Only when the Earth is in danger of extinction will the powers start to care.
2007-03-06 07:52:21
answer #6
answered by Your Uncle Dodge! 7
we should get off the dependence of oil, it is killing our planet, look at the haze covering major cities, its not from second hand smoke, its from factories and cars use of oil.
We need to make it clear that we want a new fuel to rely on, it can be done some plants have ethanol that burns much cleaner, plus there isn't a limited supply of plants. why we haven't done this yet is very suspicious.
2007-03-06 07:49:56
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Our society wastes more than 75% of what it consumes. It consumes more than 55% of what is produced on earth.
Yet, people feel totally defensive and will come up with any number of excuses or justifications for wanton wastefulness, unbridled consumption, and disregard for the environment, other countries, and future generations.
It is a study in hedonism, hubris, and the concept that pride goeth before a fall.
2007-03-06 07:55:54
answer #8
answered by nora22000 7
Oil dependency is a national security issue. It's time we start looking at it that way, and take action!
2007-03-06 07:54:53
answer #9
answered by Dave 2
Until we come up with a practical alternative energy source, we will just have to disappoint you by continuing to drive our cars and fly in our planes. Now excuse me, I must go out and burn rubber and give my Mach 1 a big drink of 93 octane gasoline. I won't even be mad when I do it! I'll actually enjoy it!!
2007-03-06 07:51:12
answer #10
answered by Anonymous