i used to get really happy when i smoked and used to read up alot on wikipedia and research alot of things, used to play games and really enjoyed being high. but a couple weeks ago i smoked ALOT and had a really frightening experience, like i was hearing things and got really afraid, and RAN downstairs because i was so afraid, like when u hav adrenaline and u cant control yourself its just reflex to run away. like that.....and now i cant enjoy smokin anymore, in retrospect i think that it was just my mind, but now i cant enjoy smoking anymore, when i smoke it reminds me of the experience... anyone had an experiencee similiar(like getting really paranoid) and how can i be happy smoking again?..i basically ONLY get paranoid now, and not happy anymore.
i've really slowed down since then as well.
15 answers
asked by
Social Science
➔ Psychology
katie t. there is nothing on earth that could make me take crack or any of those hard drugs. never never never. nothing at all.
11:42:09 ·
update #1
Maybe you are growing past the need.
2007-03-06 05:14:22
answer #1
answered by justbeingher 7
I think thats what happens after a certain time. It can take some time to get used to, but maybe you will, maybe you won't. I had to quit smoking for a long time before I could get used to my ''new high self''. Now I'm not a social smoker like I used to be. I smoke only a couple of times a year and when I do I want to be with my closest friends or by my self in a nice relaxing place where I can enjoy it. I would have to say that my quality of life has gone up though. Its like my body and mind forced me into having a healthy relationship with it. I think it was a subconscious way of not smoking to escape, but to enjoy. Don't fight your instincts on this, do what you feel is best for you. Good luck.
2007-03-06 13:31:51
answer #2
answered by Hans B 5
The first time I ever got high I was 13 and got very paranoid. The last time I smoked weed I was 21 and got very paranoid. Several times in between it happened. I stopped smoking six years ago and although I've had bouts of depression between then and now--unrelated to marijuana--I don't think it's hurt my life at all not to smoke weed. One of my roommates smokes everyday and is in my view the perfect example of why people should quit if they can't moderate. He's surly, pissed off and paranoid as hell. Might as well just be mentally ill! Maybe you should quit.
2007-03-06 13:16:05
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
ok. i have been smoking weed for almost 20 years. i am an everyday smoker. there have been many of times where i felt very paranoid. i always felt like people were staring at me and they knew i was high. this always bothered me. and it still does. to this day i will not go anywhere in public because of thinking everyone knows im high. i think i do this because i dont want certain people(small town neighbors, my sons teachers, my co-workers) to know that i do something illegal. so actually paranoia will keep you from getting known as a dope head. i say don't get as high as what you did on that certain day. enjoy it. lay back and relax and take life in stride.
2007-03-06 13:41:01
answer #4
answered by kandi b 1
I think your just smoking way too much weed slow down for a bit and get a new dealer maybey it had something else in it??I have smoked weed for many years and somtimes this is all you need is a break slow it down your body is becoming to dependent and this is why your not enjoying it the same way as before.
2007-03-06 13:23:01
answer #5
answered by sweetsmiles69@jennieask-me 3
I think the best way to fix this problem is to find a new inhibitor to get you high, like tobacco chew or masterbation. It is good to have stopped smokin Mary J, bc she costs too much and that should make you unhappy in the first place. Don't smoke Mary any more and find something new unless you want to get psychiatric help for your problem, but there's more money GONE!
2007-03-06 13:15:41
answer #6
answered by Michael M 3
i used to know some rastafarians and they smoked only the really strong weed and(take note) the seeds and they really lost the plot. They drifted out to space and they ain't never coming back if you get my drift.
2007-03-06 13:20:26
answer #7
answered by Bertie D 4
Yea,,too much of anything is not good for you.
And Im thinking that you really did hear things~is your house haunted.Maybe you were just more receptive to this around you while stoned.
2007-03-06 13:15:26
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
You "blew your top" as the jazz men used to stay (Overdosed). Lay off the weed for a while and you'll be fine.
2007-03-06 13:15:29
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
maybe baking to many cells, sounds like it's time to take a break or quit, i did and now i can remember my name. i thank i can, or was it the tying my shoe thing. well anyway you get the meaning good luck
2007-03-06 14:02:20
answer #10
answered by michael_6446 2
That is your body and good sense telling you to slow down or quit. The real addicts do not listen.
2007-03-06 13:19:17
answer #11
answered by SKYDOGSLIM 6