Call first! ...remember to bring proof that you are over 18.
2007-03-06 04:07:05
answer #1
answered by motherhendoulas 4
The morning after pill I believe you can only get at the hospital.
This pill isn't an over the counter medication and it's a pretty harsh drug. (depends on the place you are in... some places have it over the counter, and some places don't)
Here is some more information on the pill. Be careful next time if you are trying not to get pregnant. They will only give you the morning after pill up to 3 times (if that) because it was designed for people who were raped, and not to use as birth control. Use a condom or go on the birth control pill.
Hope that helps.
2007-03-06 12:11:47
answer #2
answered by Danielle M 3
call them
2007-03-06 12:07:34
answer #3
answered by sammi 1
the day after pill also known as morning after pill or MAP.. you can buy it at any store.. unfortunally is available at most pharmacies over counter if you are 18 and over.. under 17 u need doctors prescription.. but i personally think its also another name for abortion cause what is doing is letting loose what is at the time a baby egg in the utures to be flushed out.. so the best thing is, if you cant handle a kid, keep your legs closed!
2007-03-06 12:38:31
answer #4
answered by myownworkchief 2
A lot of pharmacies do not carry the drug under moral grounds (it's basically an abortion in a pill, in my opinion), and most that do carry it will not sell it to someone under the age of 18.
2007-03-06 12:08:15
answer #5
answered by psalms1192532 2
You will want to call their pharmacy because although it is OTC I do belive it can only be purchased through a pharmacy tech. If don't have any in stock they can order them from another pharmacy to be transfered to yours. Most pharmacys do have them though.
2007-03-06 12:09:31
answer #6
answered by LittleMissAlleyC 2
i just went to the local health clinc and the gave it to me right there after asking questions
the day after pill is only by a doctors perscription. and you have up to 72 hours
2007-03-06 12:10:18
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I would assume they would carry it, but I would call before just to make sure.
2007-03-06 12:07:36
answer #8
answered by Luv2know 3
I thought you had to get a prescription from your doctor?!
2007-03-06 12:08:12
answer #9
answered by Greeneyed 7
call them first...they might not have it but know someone that does...or htey might be out and need to get some more
2007-03-06 12:06:37
answer #10
answered by jenivive 6