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Grandson had his precious little pet for about three months. It (he)...(Flash)...had evidently been experiencing 'seizures'. Why? This past Sunday morning Flash was discovered dead in his cage. Grandson (11 years old) was devastated! Also, I keep reading everywhere, that these tiny little things only have about a '2-year' life expectancey. Is that true? Because I know for certain that the Pet store told grandson he could expect a 6 to 7 year run wioth his Siberian Dwarf Hamster. Was my grandson lied to? Thank you for any offering of information.

2007-03-06 03:51:44 · 10 answers · asked by Papa_Ron 1 in Pets Other - Pets

I want to thank each and every one of you for your most kind and generous replies! They were all most enlightening and helpful. Much 'food for thought' for my grandson. Oh...and by the way...he does now have 'two' new Hamsters. They are Russian. Two sisters. He is of course very happy to have them, but certainly hasn't quite gotten over his loss just yet. He is new to this Hamster stuff, but he is reading-up on it, and so am I, and so is his mother. Again...thank all of you very much, most appreciated!

2007-03-06 21:58:28 · update #1

10 answers

There is different types of siberian dwarves and some can live to be about 5. But the average is about 2-3 years.

Seisures can occur in hamsters, although they are rare, and unfortunatly nothing can be done. The seisures will eventually kill the hamster.

I'm sorry for your loss

2007-03-06 04:00:47 · answer #1 · answered by allyalexmch 6 · 0 0

I am sorry to hear about you and your grandson's loss.

Unfortunately hamsters (especially dwarf) are delicate little creatures. They are susceptable to colds, anxiety and many other conditions that can take them pretty quickly. with even the best of care, the longest i have had any of my dwarf babies last is about 2 yrs. The rule of thumb is the smaller the animal, the sooner they burn out. It is a sad thing that your grandson was not properly informed. Hammys are great little creatures but they usually don't get to spend nearly enough time with us.

From the information you provided, i am sure you can be confident that unfortunately is was just little Flash's time and there wasn't much anyone could do. Once your grandson is ready for a new friend, try getting maybe a bigger hamster or maybe try a guinea pig. I have had my little guy for about 4 yrs and he is still going strong. And they are fun interactive pets as well!

Take care!

2007-03-06 04:02:49 · answer #2 · answered by blueorchid_14angels 1 · 0 0

The Siberian Dwarf Hamster only lives to be about 2 1/2 - 3 years of age.

Was the hamster being fed a proper diet?? Or around any type of sprays or anything else that might cause seizures?

2007-03-06 05:50:11 · answer #3 · answered by DP 7 · 1 0

Im so sorry to hear about your grandsons hamster, unfortunatley the pet store did tell you a bit of a porkie. Hamsters in general only live for 2-3 years, but as you have experianced adults and children alike get very quickley attatched to the little fellas. Hamsters are delicate creatures and dont have a particualarly high ammune system. Once they are unwell they do tend to be on their way out. But its unfortunate your grandsons hamster died so young. I would certainly let the pet store know about this, as all animals should undergo a medical check before they are sold on. Alternatively, if your grandson would like to purchase a hamster in the future, it may be wise to get one from a proffesional breeder.

2007-03-06 08:01:28 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I think you, grandson and Flash need to go back to said pet store and get money or another. There was a problem from the beginning and hamsters usually last 2-3 years although I have known of several that lasted a lot longer. Sorry for his lost, it is hard.

2007-03-06 04:01:42 · answer #5 · answered by lakelover 5 · 1 0

The life expectancey of a hamster is about 2 years. As for the little hammy being sick, it's anyone's guess. He may just not have been very healthy. Try to go somewhere reputable if you buy another one. Look for clear eyes and activity level.
Hope this helps

2007-03-06 04:00:21 · answer #6 · answered by gizmo 3 · 0 0

Siberian hamsters [also called "winter Whites"] can live around 5-6 years, so you were not lied to. It's hard to say what happened to him without seeing him. If he had a wet butt, it was probably wet-tail. If he was laying on his side kicking his legs before he died, it was a calcium deficiency. If it was a life-long problem it was probably genetic. If the seizures started all of a sudden, it could have been a stroke.

2007-03-06 04:04:52 · answer #7 · answered by chainsawpriestess 1 · 0 0

Aw guy i'm somewhat sorry to take heed to that! it ought to have died for such dissimilar motives, according to danger falling from something that should reason inner bleeding, or maybe even a stroke (something certainly one of my previous hamsters had) yet i does not worry approximately it, and that i'm specific you at the instant are not an intentional hamster killer, so in case you extremely need yet another one decide for it! approximately getting yet another hamster: in case you do, i does not positioned it interior an analogous cage jointly with your different one. Hamsters tend to get into fights, quite in the event that they weren't jointly from the start. desire I helped!

2016-10-17 09:56:12 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I used to have two hamsters and was told they would live about six years. One was perfectly healthy and lived for only three years and the other developed cancer. Pets in general are questionable buys, but I believe I was lied to and so were you.

2007-03-06 04:03:21 · answer #9 · answered by mindslikewater 2 · 0 0

A hamster's averange life is about 2-3 years,so I think the hamster maybe is sick or have skin problems if he die so fast .Or maybe there's not enough water or food for the hamster.

2007-03-06 20:13:38 · answer #10 · answered by Tweetybird 2 · 0 0

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