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why is it that women are only interested in how much a man makes?....don't deny it, evey women i ask in real life and say "thats not true, i'm not like that" but then when i point out that they never date a man without a car they shut up real quick

2007-03-06 03:17:18 · 35 answers · asked by MATTHEW B 4 in Social Science Gender Studies

35 answers

Matthew B that is not true of all women. You're hanging with the wrong chicks.

2007-03-06 03:21:26 · answer #1 · answered by ra63 6 · 5 0

The issue that most women would have nothing to do with a man without a car has nothing to do with money. That has to do with responsibility. Women dont want men who are irresponsible.
I think you are wrong by thinking that women are just after money. I wont even elaborate on that because it's just plain ignorant to think that.
Of course, there are women who are after money, and there are men who are just after womens money. But that's just a few. Don't generalize something so idiotic.
And on another note..........I dont beleive that a women would "shut up real quick" when asked if she'd ever date a man without a car. One reason is that there is a perfectly simple answer to that question, and two is because I have never known a man to end the arguement. We all know that a women always has an answer and will not just be "shut up". So dont flatter yourself.
And if the issue is regarding cars, then you should re-ask the question as "why are cars so important to women?".

2007-03-06 04:00:42 · answer #2 · answered by A 2 · 0 1

I have only dated one person, because im not that open minded, but anyways let me just share my opinion, if i were to date another guy, and he's in his 20's, i woudn't care much if he didnt have a car, or carry too much money, because the most major important point here is that he works and i will too, therefore, we can take a bus together, go to the movies. Plus having a boyfriend without a car is very beneficial to the relationship because knowing that if you're going on a date, by taking a walk together, plans alot of time for both of us.

2007-03-06 03:31:58 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

My ex-wife said she wasn't concerned about money and that she was a "cheap date" when we were dating. She wasn't a cheap date and very little made her happier than when I handed her a $20 bill. Most women need their man to at the very least, be totally self-sufficient financially, even if the woman isn't. When men and woman get married, the man takes on her debt far more than vice versa.

2007-03-06 05:25:28 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Yeah, I remember a few encounters I had while I was single. I'd take the time to go out on a date with some woman and we'd start conversing. She'd eventually ask how much I made, apparently not like the answer she got and I'd never hear from her again after the date. I didn't make six figures, but it was well into the middle class bracket.

Oh well. There's a reason why Kanye wrote the song "Gold Digger".

Oh, my. I see that the gold diggers here don't like my response.

2007-03-06 03:22:13 · answer #5 · answered by Wee Bit Naughty 3 · 4 2

I'm 16 and I can care less if my boyfriend has a car! I don't care how much money he makes either, as long as he's intelligent, respects me, is faithful and honest (other things too such as sense of humor etc.)..

I can ask my mom or my dad to take me to dinners and movies! Why would I care if a guy does that for me?!??!

All women are not the same, but if you've only been dating trash, then of course you're going to think all women are trash...

2007-03-06 03:21:19 · answer #6 · answered by i ♥þîÑk☆ 5 · 3 1

Money is important to me; that's why I make my own.

Now, don't get me wrong, I don't put a whole lot of value in rolling in the bucks. I couldn't care less about fancy cars, jewelry, and/or the general trappings of wealth.

But money is, to a great extent, security in our society. And I have no interest in life always being a constant struggle because I'm broke. (I've had plenty of that already.)

Still, since I make my own, I don't really much care about the financial status of anyone I date. (Though I do find irresponsibility to be a big turn off.)

I know that blows your theory... sorry.

2007-03-06 03:32:58 · answer #7 · answered by ISOintelligentlife 4 · 2 1

Society taught us that. If we women have to stay at home and look after kids, we would prefer to stay in the penthouse of an apartment, pick our kids up from school in a mercedez, and do so while wearing the latest designer wear. Because society taught women to depend on her men for financial stability they would want the best out of it, maybe her husband's achievements are her achievements.

But then now women are starting hold high positions in the workplace and they are willing to marry down, so this is starting to fade away

2007-03-06 03:22:25 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

What I've been told from women is that men who are the type of person to make a lot of money have personality traits they find attractive.

Also, I have been told that men who make a lot of money are more attractive to women, because those men are able to be independent of the women, and provide very well for a family. When a woman is selecting a mate, they consider the possibility that one day they will be married and have children.

Men with no money can't buy a house, can't send the children to good schools, can't afford good health care, can't buy a nice car, clothes, and all of the other things children need to be healthy, happy, functional, and succeed in life.

It's a survival instinct that women have. Nothing personal.

2007-03-06 03:19:23 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 3

Women are attracted to wealth and power, all of them, but each woman is different on how much she lets her affect it her choice in a mate, just like there are some guys who pick a difficult girl because of her looks and guys who seek a good mix, maybe a bit less stunning lookwise but good personality.

2007-03-06 05:58:07 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hunny, let's get real.

Your lady friend just spent money on a new outfit, had her hair and nails done, maybe even a bikini wax and a tanning salon trip. She spent a fortune on that sweet smelling perfume she wore for you. Don't you think she deserves to be taken out to dinner in a car so you don't mess up her hair? Come on now do you honestly think she wants to walk to the movies in her brand new heels? It sounds to me like the old double standard. You want to be with a well-put together lady, high-maintenance if you will, but you don't think it is your responsibility to be able to continue to maintain your eye candy. If you want the well-groomed gal, she must make the effort to make sure if this goes long term you can afford her.

Sometimes singles just don't get it. If you want to be sure that they are not just gold diggers then look for one who is independantly wealthy, but then aren't you guilty of doing exactly what you claim you despise in women.

It's a double edged sword no matter how you look at it. Either way, no matter how you look at it the subject of money will always crop up.

I have raised a few boys to adulthood who as teens used to lament that they couldn't get a hot gal to give em a second glance.

My advice to them and to you is, make sure you finish your education, so you can land a job that will allow you to afford an auto, maintain a residence, provide yourself with food, and life/health insurance, as well as the little extras. Let's face it if the above is not in order you have no business looking in the first place.

Keep focused on your career, making sure to make time for a social life. When you have done those things the right lady will come along.

Stop obesessing over the fact that they are just trying to make sure they don't waste their time with an irrisponsible loser, and make yourself worthy for the lady of your dreams. Your confidence will soar, and there will be no worries, if you follow my plan for you.

Good luck in your search. It's a rough world out there and you may have to kiss alot of toads before you find your princess.

2007-03-06 03:54:21 · answer #11 · answered by Laurie W 2 · 3 1

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