Yeah its normal, its your body adjusting to everything. You have a lot going on in there so you will feel bloated and sore, even period like cramps are normal. Congratulations x
2007-03-06 02:39:17
answer #1
answered by British*Bird 5
Sort of, I'm 30+ weeks and every so often I seem to get some PMT symptoms. When I was due on I'd know it because normal stuff that wouldn't bother me would send me off into a rant, I'd really lose my temper and patients. This is happening to me during my pregnancy, just hormones surges and stuff every so often, hopefully I'll return to my lovely bubbly self after I've had my baby.
When I was first pregnant I'd get back ache and period like pains and would think I was coming on but it passed so I guess it's normal.
2007-03-06 02:52:54
answer #2
answered by Bugs 3
Yep - I had this for the first 3mths but more so at the very beginning. Infact, it was this symptom that made me realise I may be pregnant. I kept feeling like I was coming on my period but I didn't and after a week of this I searched some forums and found that many people experience this.
2007-03-06 02:41:01
answer #3
answered by kimbo1605 2
Its funny, a lot of the same symptoms of your period are the symptoms of being pregnant too! When I was just newly pregnant, and didnt actually know it yet, I just thought my period was coming and coming with a vengence. My breasts hurt soooo bad, I was tired and very moody. Needless to say, my period never came, and I am 39 weeks pregnant now. But trust me, those lovely symptoms will go away, and soon you will feel great!
2007-03-06 02:57:09
answer #4
answered by aimeecadeau 2
Congrats! I am 8 weeks preg myself and to be honest and this is brutally honest I still go to the loo and expect that I have come on even though I KNOW I am preg. I think it is a case of when you haven't after a few more weeks I will stop looking for it but I think it is natural and try not to stress over it.
2007-03-06 02:39:00
answer #5
answered by Bagpuss 4
Yes I get that too, its normal. Go to the doctor so you can get booked in with the midwife and stuff. They will also probably give you a book which talks you through your pregnancy and stuff. You can also work out your due date on the net by entering the date of your last period.
2007-03-06 03:19:17
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Yes, I swore my period was coming because I felt a little crampy. but when it didn't come, I took the test and it was positive! I had slight cramps during my whole first trimester - this is a normal thing as your uterous begins to expand.
2007-03-06 03:12:51
answer #7
answered by kbis 3
I had that I had all the feelings of a period without the period a doctor told me it was just my womb stretching and growing, not sure if this is true but its what they said. Suppose it could make sense though.
2007-03-06 22:56:13
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I am having the same problem but doctor as phoned me today to confirm that my urine sample was deffiantly positive, as i was convinced that my period was about to come even though i am 6 weeks pregnant, but i am still going to the toilet checking myself. So i am guessing it is possibly a common problem.
2007-03-06 02:41:14
answer #9
answered by joanne i 2
yes,you can get that crampy ukkky feeling but remember to take it relatively easy for the first 3 months,especially if these feelings come on if you've been overdoing it.You never actually said if this pregnancy was a good or bad thing?By the sound of it you haven't quite decided yet.Good luck in whatever you decide!!.
2007-03-06 06:13:02
answer #10
answered by tennantsbiatchsokeepurmittsoff! 4