If everything goes OK, you'll be out of there double-quick. One night at most and if you get in early - you could be in and out in the same day.
C-section is 4 days. I'm not sure about tears/stitches or foreceps.
The epidural, if you go 'natural' is irrelevant - you'll still have a 1 night max stay.
2007-03-05 21:40:30
answer #1
answered by mark 7
i had to have a spinal block (numbs everything from the waist down.. very bizarre feeling... or not feeling, as the case was !) as they were about to do a c-section on me.... at the last minute they tried forceps, and they managed to delivery my baby that way. i had to be cut, and had loads of stitches, but because of the spinal block, i didn't feel any pain for about 12 hours. (bliss!)... i HATE having to stay in hospital, but by the time the medication wore off, i realise that it was the best place for me to be. i ended up staying 2 nights after the birth of my son. the doctors wanted me to stay another night, but i'd had enough of listening to other babies crying, as well as my own ! my sister has had 3 kids, and she's always been home less than 24 hrs later. she's been lucky though, and has never needed an assisted delivery. really, your length of stay all depends on how well u and your baby are after the birth. i think having a C-section would probably involve u being in for a few days, whereas a straight forward birth with no complications can result in u being able to leave the same day, or after only one night. all u can do is see what happens at the time, and try to be sensible in your decision. good luck. x (it's all worth it)
2007-03-05 21:54:45
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Hi there, well if everything goes fine you should be out of hospital within a few hours. I have 4 daughters, The 1st time i was in for 3 days because of the baby's temperature, the 2nd and 3rd time i was out within 24 hours and the Fourth time i was out after 48 hours, i had forceps and epidural with my last little girl, so decided to stay for an extra day to get my strength back a bit!
Good luck with the birth and i hope it works out the way u want it too!
2007-03-05 21:58:14
answer #3
answered by Mariette 2
Its up too u, I dont know wether your in australia but here as long as you and bub are well and have bith been able to, excuse this but poo without any hassles they let you go home I had a natural birth and have epilepsy and everything was fine, bub was only a 7 on the scale they have so she had to get to a ten before I colud hold her. but that wasnt long about 2-3 hours. You will be fine the longest I have ever heard of is 3 days here but belive me the longer u stay the better you will need all the rest you can get. I wished I stayed longer. Good luck :.)
2007-03-05 21:53:48
answer #4
answered by devangel11 2
I also hate hospitals and was more worried about staying in than I was giving birth, but in actual fact it was not to bad at all because everyone in there is in exactly the same position as you are. I had quite a difficult birth, my son was delivered by suction and I had several stitches. I gave birth at 4.10pm and went home at lunch time the next day, the time just flies by. Good luck
2007-03-08 07:11:55
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Are you in the UK? If so, you can be discharged six hours after the birth if everything went alright. But obviously if this would mean trailing home at 2 in the morning, they would ask you to stay till the next day!
After a C-section you will generally stay in for 3 nights. Stitches and tears don't usually require for you to stay in longer unless they are really severe.
2007-03-05 21:41:12
answer #6
answered by GoldieMeg 3
I went in on the Wednesday afternoon for induction. Went into labour on the Friday evening. Gave birth at 02:41 Saturday morning aided with the ventouse cap and I had stitches. I was back home for 3pm on the same Saturday!!
Everyone is different but nowadays hospitals will discharge you if you and the little one are fine.
2007-03-06 00:59:21
answer #7
answered by niccog26 3
I had an epidural and ventuse delivery (suction cap), was cut and stitched and I was kept in for 3 days, I think it may depend on the hospital though as all the women on my ward had been kept in the same length of time and were all discharged on the same day to.
It can be anything from 1 - 3 days though in general
2007-03-05 21:47:10
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I had a medically-necessary C section with my first child and was in for 4 days - they wanted me to stay in longer but I'd have gone completely off my head (like you, I hate hospitals). With my second baby, I had a natural birth and a few stitches - she was born at 6 o'clock at night and I was home by midday the next day. If there's nothing wrong with you and you feel able to cope (with breastfeeding, bathing etc) you needn't spend any longer than you feel necessary. Best of luck to you for the birth!
2007-03-05 21:40:58
answer #9
answered by Roxy 6
They will not keep you more than a day or two if everything goes well. They might keep you an extra day if you have a c section. Most hospitals shove you out the door before you are really ready unless the doctor requests a longer stay, because the insurance companys don't want to pay for more than one or two nights.
2007-03-05 22:45:54
answer #10
answered by cane_holder 4