Of course not. The purpose of a passport photo is for identification purposes. In the UK it is permitted for them to wear a hijab in the photo but that is because a hijab does not cover the face. You are revering to a Burqua and this is not aloud in passport photo's. Yes they are aloud to wear a headscarf in the photo as the face is not obscured. If a Muslim woman arrives at an airport wearing a face veil she is taken to one side, she reveals her face for the appropriate person to see that she matches her passport photo. Its as simple as that.
2007-03-08 12:30:23
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Muslim Hijab Photos
2016-12-12 19:14:53
answer #2
answered by ? 4
Great question!
Well, Muslim women don't have to cover their face at all; Islam doesn't make it obligatory upon us to do that, but if a Muslim woman chooses to do it, no one can/should/is permitted to stop her.
As for picture taking, I personally don't know of any Muslim woman who covers her face in such pictures (ID, passport photo, etc.). Even if we were obligated to cover our faces, we still would be exempted from covering it during important photo-takings (e.g., passport pic).
And I don't think they should cover their face in such pics (but if she chooses to do so, I HIGHLY respect her choice). Maybe some just want to, but then I'd think what's the point of the ID, you know? Consider driver license, for instance. If Muslim women covered their faces on their license pic, wouldn't they all look the same? Just the eyes would be showing, and how would the police--if they're stopped--know that the Muslim woman driving the car is the real one who's in the pic? For THIS reason, I personally don't think they should.
They may cover their face while driving the car, of course, though. But each country has dif guidelines, so I really don't know.
And if a Muslim woman doesn't cover her face in such pics (you asked), then the main reason has to be that she knows she doesn't have to cover her face--period--so she doesn't choose to do it.
The only parts that have to be covered in pics (and otherwise), are hair, chest region, neck, legs, arms, but I guess for ID pics, as long as her hair and neck are covered (since the head/face is the main part for the pic), she's following Islamic Law. So for my own ID pics, I cover my hair, neck, and chest region just in case.
(I'm a Muslim female, by the way, and a very proud one.)
Peace and blessings be upon you :D!
2007-03-08 09:46:31
answer #3
answered by ♡♥ sHaNu ♥♡ 4
Well, I'm covered, completely.
Not my face though, it's the only part I can't cover. I'm living in a non-Muslim country, and it's pretty hard to have my face covered.
The important thing is that nothing else shows. Proper hijab, loose long clothes, that's all that matters.
And yes... my dirvers licence, passport, and other offical things are taken with my hijab.
2007-03-07 21:06:00
answer #4
answered by ? 4
In Singapore you can't do that, thats the only photo that we have to take out the hijab and give our full feature of the face for passport and identification photos for security purposes only and I find it is fair enough.
2007-03-08 11:59:25
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
no they cant because, its not proper ID is it? if every Muslim girl and woman did that then there would be no telling who's going in and going out of the country Muslim men have been found to dress as Muslim woman to get in and out of country's illegally. so no this is not allowed, thats like saying can you go and have a passport photo taken with a hoody or a scooby mask on. . . .
2007-03-05 20:58:56
answer #6
answered by dragontears 4
There're NO MUSLIM WOMEN who cover full face, besides their heads, for their ID's; and there's no reason why they should, anyhow..
ISLAM, the true religion of the One and Only God, Allah (swt) does not require a woman to cover her face. Those who do it, do it on their own -some being fundamental (Saudi ladies, for example -but that's traditional, not religious).
Even at the time of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), women did not cover their FACES. MUSLIM women are required to cover their bodies and head in order ""not to expose their body parts"" which could invite temptation...
The headscarf is not to repress women, RATHER to protect their decency from the evil eyes, evil wishes, of the evil-mongers. Mary, Mother of Jesus, is reverently depicted in Scarf, so is Jesus depicted in long robes, which clearly indicates that the cover is an emblem of decency. Then, it's a wordly fact, that give respect you receive respect, you wear respectful clothings you demand respect, but if you half cover your body and show the best parts, you invite attention of people and become an easy fish... Consider for instance the high rate of kidnappings and rapes in the United States and the West... There's nothing of that kind in the countries which believe in the protection of self...
2007-03-05 21:19:17
answer #7
answered by Shangubi.. 2
Hey you sound like you want to learn about Islam in a decent way, but your Pic goes against it!
It is permissible for muslim women to show ONLY their faces when required for identification. ALmighty GOD has made provisions for us to suffice our needs in such consequences.
It is RECOMMENDED for covering the face. Those who wear the full Hijab but do not cover the face are NOT sinful. But to wear the Niqab is more pious and RECOMMENDED in a society that is full of crimes against women.
Take the US for instance, the rape rate in US is 1 woman in 1 second or more, if the US implement the Islamic ruling of covering the women decently and modestly, you will definitely see EXTREMELY good results.
2007-03-05 21:25:49
answer #8
answered by flameslivewire 3
well i cover my face too but while takin pictures 4 passport, college id , driving license etc we hafta lift our veils 2 show da face. the head scarf can remain. its coz all of the above is a legal thing n its not a sin if we show our faces 4 important stuff like dat. every country has dis rule.
i hope thts wat u meant 2 ask
2007-03-05 20:57:36
answer #9
answered by NS 5
well... only the face but in sum cultures like sum pakistans ! they were da whole thing!!ima muslim gurl and i wear it !!!! i wasnt forced !lol !! and i only cover my hair !!
2007-03-07 03:53:30
answer #10
answered by Anonymous