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I saw a very strange dream last night.
I saw that i was on the mountents, ranning from sameone.
There was someone which i couldn't see, and he/she was chesing me.
I was going up the mountens. I know that i have 2 find something.
I know that it was mine, but someobe whanted to getting away from me.
Will i was ranning i sow i big big man half man half bird, with big big wings, looking at me, right i front of me.!!!!!
The sun was in my eye's sow i could see that he has telling me, but i could see him mouth moving.
After i will i left and i continiue going up, because the person how was folowing me i could feel it was toooooo close.
I was on the top of the monten and i so a pare of wings, sow beawtifull, white transparent, and when the sun light was going there the colour was changing to ping/white/purpple/transparent...
Sow beatyful colors!!!.
I know what i was looking 4 those wings were mine.
I had to take them.
The bad person was very close.i fol and he didn't take the wings

2007-03-05 19:16:02 · 3 answers · asked by iona 3 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

3 answers

if you fear something in life its often represented by a monster or a powerful animal coming towards you in a dream and you fear loss of something don't worry ,i dream and most of them are scary in mine horses charge toward me so i stand my ground an let them come i always wake up before they hit face your fears and your fears will disappear .

2007-03-08 23:26:20 · answer #1 · answered by nate 1 · 0 0

Try present tense: '... I am on the mountains, running from someone who I can't see, and they are chasing me. I am going up to the mountains. I know that I have to find something that is mine, but someone wants to take it away from me...'

2007-03-05 19:32:48 · answer #2 · answered by eyvind 2 · 0 2

ur first answer spoil this page.

2007-03-05 19:29:19 · answer #3 · answered by Difi 4 · 1 1

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