The problem with life is you see it the way you instantly perceive it...And if you are in ur teens you are an easy victim to this. But not to worry abt ur age. Everyone eventually grows out of it. If these comments are harsh in nature, you should stand up against it. For this you need to think rationally. But forget that. Lets get to the issue of commenting...
At the end of it you might feel beaten up. That is the usual psychology regardless of whether you are male or female. To some extent it may also depend upon how you were brought up. Probably you were brought up in a family where you had no privilege to talk back... Hence you are not successful at talking back. This may or may not be the problem. But what I am trying to point out is that there may be a lot of social elements coming into the picture. Now keep all the social elements apart...
Think human evolution! Think sociology! Think how the male and female brains are wired to think differently. If you look at it scientifically men and women are different. Understanding this difference can help us understand the opposite sex and related problems. This is something that is lacking in our society. I am sure if you are able to understand these things you will find all comments trivial.
As for what makes men different from women...I can't jot it down here. I suggest you read Allan and Barbara Pease's book "Why Men Can't Listen & Women Can't Read Maps". You would surely enjoy reading it. Everything is presented concisely with a bit of humour in it.
2007-03-05 20:06:26
answer #1
answered by deostroll 3
I can think of many reasons am listing some
1.They are jobless
2.They want every girl and next to none wants them.
3.They have had a questionable upbringing
4.Have no values
5.testostrone speaking
Essentially they are jerks and are awaiting evolution.
While all guys like girls:) I m sure [ok but for the gya bunch]
it is the gutter types who pass comments n the like.
Ignore em as much as you can.When you cannot please approach the police anything in the middle usually does not work.Ignore there threats as 99% its just hog wash,they usually **** in their pants when the cop calls up home.
Be strong.Strength is the only medicine to lifes bull ****
2007-03-05 22:45:09
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Dressing modestly can help. So can taking on a bit more 'attitude'. Not by being rude or a ruffian, but by asserting yourself, walking fast, carrying yourself differently, acting less 'innocent' or 'sheltered' and seeming self-confident. Call up anyone who consistently bothers you.
I am in my early thirties and I have people bothering me still. Girls, mostly. I know why but female anger and the need to vent doesn't interest me. Neither does gossip. I could gossip or enjoy a couple glasses of red wine at home with some bread and chocolate while painting or reading a magazine. I could go see a movie, play with the cats, go out for a burger, go to the temple, bike ride, go for a drive, walk, shop and do other things. I do not need to deal with atttude problems.
2007-03-05 19:01:31
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Not at all. Females should be reaspected. Firstly they are ur mothers then sisters. Again when they are friends n friends should be preffered to kings.Thats why its said that Animals are the best friends ,they hve no ego ,they pass no remarks..
U know swan picks out only pearls n can seperate milk from water. Plm tell me what is your birth sighn n where u live{upto you}Good wishes i send u with a suggestion to ignore such people .
2007-03-05 19:47:28
answer #4
answered by raashi 2
One should not comment on others, not to girls and ladies only.
Such people who are habituated in making comments may not be having real social life at home and they do not understand the values of social life.
2007-03-05 18:51:32
answer #5
answered by PT B 2
Because girls comment on boys. Your question is a perfect example for that.
Actually peopel comment over everything around them. Girls notice only the comments meant for them. It's the same with guys...
2007-03-06 08:34:03
answer #6
answered by plato's ghost 5
i dont understand what you are asking. Please elaborate.
2007-03-05 18:46:40
answer #7
answered by Zvisineyi 2