Can someone really be a woman in a mans body? or vise versa? If you get a sex change operation, does that really change anything, I mean genetically you are still your birth given sex, are you not? You will never be able to get pregnant and never be able to get a period. You were born a man or woman by nature, thus your sex is such. Is this not evidence that one is transexual by mental disorder and not because they are bound by science or genetics? what if I beleive I am a dog in a man's body? Does that mean I should get an operation to be a dog? Im not saying transexuals should be outlawed or anything-( whatever makes them happy as long as no one is being harmed)..what really bothers me is when they say it's a genetic issue and health insurance should cover a sex change operation or part of it -as is the case in some U.S cities- like my city S.F....That is wrong...
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