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Can someone really be a woman in a mans body? or vise versa? If you get a sex change operation, does that really change anything, I mean genetically you are still your birth given sex, are you not? You will never be able to get pregnant and never be able to get a period. You were born a man or woman by nature, thus your sex is such. Is this not evidence that one is transexual by mental disorder and not because they are bound by science or genetics? what if I beleive I am a dog in a man's body? Does that mean I should get an operation to be a dog? Im not saying transexuals should be outlawed or anything-( whatever makes them happy as long as no one is being harmed)..what really bothers me is when they say it's a genetic issue and health insurance should cover a sex change operation or part of it -as is the case in some U.S cities- like my city S.F....That is wrong...

2007-03-05 18:29:32 · 7 answers · asked by yellowmedia 3 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

7 answers

If you believe the Bible, and I do explicitly, then all of this is perversion.

I don't believe of one second that anyone is born this way. I also don't believe they can change because they are reprobate

2007-03-05 18:36:25 · answer #1 · answered by Kye H 4 · 1 1

confident, some psychological issues are genetic. yet while and with which technology they look, is anybody's wager. And confident, while you're dealing which comprise your make sure's psychological matters, extraordinarily in the event that they at the instant are not dealing properly with their issues, i'm advantageous that's inflicting countless stress interior of you. you won't get their ideal condition, yet you could improve another difficulty as a results of further burden that's been placed on you. i'm hoping you have a solid help team(i.e. acquaintances or different kinfolk) and are able to have a minimum of a while for your self to savor existence. as long as you have some stability on your existence, you could never improve any of the matters your mothers and dads have. So attempt to no longer hassle approximately it too plenty. And if it happens, then you definately will take care of it and you'd be fantastic.

2016-10-02 11:21:59 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Would like to ans. that but we are not in their body or soul.Maybe they have something more than just born male or female.The confusion comes in where i think they can,t relate to the sex they were born and identify with another gender.Which is gender disphoria. What makes you straight ?

2007-03-05 18:57:46 · answer #3 · answered by becca 2 · 0 2

it is truly a genetic glitch. i have seen on documentaries that those that have the surgery are finally happy in their own body for the first time in their life. and we have seen thousands of people like this... i know it is a genetic glitch. my hearts goes out to those people. i can only imagine the hell they must go through.

2007-03-05 18:57:44 · answer #4 · answered by Sandra Dee 5 · 1 3

mental disorder, just like homosexuality. lets see how many low ratings i can get.

wonder why every other XY in the world is a male. could it be just a coincidence? i think not. of course it isnt due to genetics

2007-03-05 18:33:58 · answer #5 · answered by Pop 3 · 3 3

90 percent genetic 10 percent Acquired.

2007-03-05 18:34:05 · answer #6 · answered by Unoptrid1aq 4 · 1 4

Doesn't everyone pay insurace premiums? This a insurance case more than a moral one.

2007-03-05 18:33:54 · answer #7 · answered by ryan s 2 · 1 3

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