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Have any of you pro-choice people ever went and looked at any of those sites that show what happens to a baby is aborted. even at 5 weeks that baby looks like a human being. and the cruel part is these babies who can feel every thing. i even read about a procedure where they pull all of the baby out of the mothers body exept the head and poke a hole in the back of the baby's head then they suck the brains out of the baby. or where they suck the Baby out of the womb in peices with a vacum. this is the cruelest form of Murder. How can any one think that abortion is ok, that a woman should have the right to brutaly Murder thier unborn baby.

2007-03-05 16:27:49 · 25 answers · asked by Thumbs down me now 6 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

25 answers

I'm just going to throw this in.

For the people who say abortion is okay if the woman was raped...if a woman is raped, and she goes to the hospital or the police...they give her the morning after pill. So if she goes to the authorities within 24 hours there is almost no way she will be pregnant. I know this isn't the case for young girls raped by family members, but any way you look at it, the vast majority of abortions are NOT done for victims of crime...they are done for young ladies just scared and looking for a way out.

Some pro-choicers also say it's okay because the embryo/fetus doesn't even look like a baby...which IS pretty true, up until about 8 weeks. But isn't that admitted that you're judging something by how it looks rather than what it is? If you examine that embryo's DNA, it's human, not a pig, not an alien, not a monkey.

Or that it isn't a baby yet because it can't live on its own. Well, no baby can live completely on its own when born. Yes, it can breathe, but that's IT...it can't feed itself or change its own diapers or soothe itself when crying.

I know women do this when they feel like they don't have any other options, or they feel that they have the right to choose what happens to their bodies. Personally, I feel that my right to choose goes all the way up to my choosing to have sex. With or without birth control, if you have consentual sex, you have the chance to get pregnant. If you're not willing to take that chance, do everything in the world to not get pregnant, meaning multiple forms of birth control. Any one method can fail. Don't tell me I wouldn't know what I'd do until I was in the situation. What about a girl who IS on the pill who is only 18 who happens to get pregnant while she's trying to go to college and work full-time? What if you were her? Wouldn't it be hard to have a baby? Why yes, it would, but I AM that girl, and I believe that even though my fetus isn't capable of living on its own, it will one day live, and it was MY job to make sure its life never began if I didn't want it to. I didn't do a good enough job, and I'm living with the consequenses and honestly...it's not that bad.

2007-03-05 17:55:43 · answer #1 · answered by grayhare 6 · 7 6

What about girls of 13/14 who got pregnant through incest? Women who were raped? Women who are pregnant with a viable fetus with only a head and torso? Should they also not get abortions?

All that being said. I'm kind of in the grey area. I'm against abortion, if you were stupid enough to have unprotected sex and then got pregnant - there's no reason to get pregnant these days. On the other hand, I'm for it when there's something seriously wrong with the fetus (and I'm not even talking Spina Bifida or Downs Syndrome... I mean defects 100% more serious than that). Or if a girl was raped, or got pregnant through incest - as I said above. I just think it should be done sooner, rather than later, preferably before 12 weeks.

Also, I read somewhere, can't remember where now, that if you get an abortion early enough they give you pills to help you miscarry, instead of doing the vacuum thing. Don't know about the brain sucking thing - can you cite your sources for this?

As someone who has lived in a country where abortion was illegal for a very long time, I've seen what can happen to women when they try to self-abort or get a backstreet abortion. It wasn't even possible sometimes to get an abortion if the girl/woman got pregnant as a result of rape, because a court had to decide if she had the right to terminate (unless it was medical) and sometimes it took them ages to come to a decision - in most cases it was too late. I was one of those who were happy when abortion was legalised 10 yrs ago. If they're gonna do it anyway, at least let them do it right, I say.

So no, I can't say abortion is always wrong. There is still that place between black and white where it can be justified. I will not take the high ground on this one, disgusted as I may be at someone who keeps getting pregnant and keeps getting abortions, because I never had to suffer through the nightmare of getting pregnant by my own father.

2007-03-06 00:48:30 · answer #2 · answered by elainevdb 6 · 6 4

Well, when I was a teenager a friend of mine gave me a book where they talk about this girl who was pregnant and his father found out and forced her to have an abortion at almost 8 months, they explained in the story (which was a real life story) step by step exactly what an abortion was...at the end the one who was telling the story was the baby (of course they made it that way so it would have more impact) anyway, the baby was thrown thinking he was dead, but he was alive, a nurse found him an named her Hope. Anyway...at that time it made a huge impact on me, I was against abortion, (of course I was only 16 years old and didn't know ANYTHING about how hard is to be a GOOD parent) but then....I got pregnant at 17, abortion was out of the question, had my baby, and I struggle to be a good mother, now....I'm 34...I've lived long enough to understand that an early abortion sometimes is better than seeing million of kids either orfans, neglected, suffering from hunger or abused by this irresponsable parents who would be better for them to be sterilized than bringing kids to this world.....yes...I am Pro Choice...I think abortion is an option as long as is made before 2 months, after that is just Wrong..... sometimes life just gives you another perspective to see everything, another point of view, you either take it or choose to close your eyes and see what in your own eyes seems to be the wrong thing to do. It's very easy for everybody to judge when you don't know what the reasons are, and whatever they are...they will deal with that.

2007-03-06 00:58:22 · answer #3 · answered by fun 6 · 5 3

The only times I believe an abortion is okay is if the woman develops a condition that is unsafe for the mother and/or child or that the woman was raped. I personally can't believe that some pro-life people would still want to make a woman go full term from a rape and have her always look at the child and remember that terrible incident. I don't wish ill will on them but I would like for them to think what would they do if they were in that situation or had someone very close to them raped and impregnated. The mother and child would be both traumatized by that for the rest of their lives.

2007-03-06 01:26:52 · answer #4 · answered by Crystaline 2 · 1 4

Hello abortion is legal. I am for abortion for many different reasons and even though i haven't had one if i did want one then i would not care what people like you think/thought.

I would have an abortion for the following reasons:
1)If i were raped
2)If the fetus had something horribly wrong with it and would only suffer a horrible life.
3)If my life were in danger and i was told i would die if i followed through with the pregnancy then i would abort because i would not want to leave my son motherless.
4)If i did not or could not handle another kid.

It is not your decision on why people have abortions. If you seem to think it is murder then how can you support the troops that kill people everyday? Abortion is a medical procedure not shooting someone in the head like the troops do.
It comes down to this:
My Body
My Sexuality
My Uterus
My Vagina
My Morals
My Life
My Choice
Not Yours

If it was a baby then they would not call it a fetus. A fetus is not a living, breathing human being until it is born and breathing on it's own. For someone to know so much it looks like you would have done a little bit of research to know that they did ban partial birth abortions as in they no longer perform them.

I am a mother but i am for abortion and i cannot help it if you do not like it.

2007-03-06 01:42:38 · answer #5 · answered by ஐ♥Julian'sMommy♥ஐ 7 · 6 5

I actually gave a speech about abortion in a college public speaking class because 24 out of 30 people thought that abortion is ok. I went to many websites and printed pictures and brought in a board with many photos of abortions. Needless to say, I made 4 girls cry and got a A for my final speech. I think that it is wrong. There is no way that there is any situation in life that is so bad that is it worth risking spending eternity in hell. I believe that from the moment of conception that baby has a soul and is a human. I am not a bible thumper but I do feel strongly about right and wrong, I am also a biology/nursing major.

Also, one thing about rape. Only 5% of rapes end in pregnancy in women ages 12-47. Rape isn't usually about sexual satisfaction, it is about power.

2007-03-06 03:01:59 · answer #6 · answered by chaddysboo 2 · 5 5

Most of those sites are totally off. All of those sites with the pictures and videos are biased sites. I have yet to find one of those sites to have an actual reditable medical site back up all the info it gives out. An embryo at 5 weeks isnt even close to an inch big and its neural system is just starting to develop.

Here is an ultrasound done at 5 weeks 6 days.
Thats the ultrasound my cousin had done. see down the bottom where it says CRL 0.26cm (CRL means crown to rump length, the length of the embryo.).. if these links arnt clickable then just open a new web page and copy and paste.

This website tells you what procedure of abortion is done at what point in time durring pregnancy.

The majority of abortions are done in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy and only done in the third trimester if it is medically nessacary. (all my info is for the USA) If born befor week 23-24 it is considerd a miscarriage but doctors HAVE to try and save the fetus if born at week 20 or after because it is so close to viability.

By the way you said "have the right to brutaly murder their unborn baby" Its not brutaly murdering anyone. First of all murder is the malitious killing of a living breathing human being. That embryo/fetus is not a living breathing human being. Yes it has a heart beat but the viability of life is based on brain activity. Befor weeks 23-24 of pregnancy that fetus' brain isnt developed enough for the activity to keep it alive with out the mothers body.
Also i dont see how its so brutal because i highly doubt that any woman has an abortion just out of spite for that potention child.

I dont understand why people are so cought up on abortion when if you dont like it DONT HAVE ONE. simple concept right? Since your so against abortion i assume your going to adopt a few children. If a woman has an abortion its nobodys business except hers. Its her body she can do what she wants with it. That embryo/fetus is living off of her body and taking from her body. The same as a tumor would do. If you dont think someone should have an abortion because its killing then i supose we all need to become vegans or vegitarians. We shouldnt use bleech or use antibacterial soap. We might as well take away meds to all cancer patients because those meds kill the cells that are infecting their bodies.
I can pretty much squash anything a pro-lifer says to me like they have befor. "God has a plan for everyone and you take it away by having an abortion" 1 not everyone believes in god. 2. if god has a plan for everyone then he sure as h*ll planned abortion too.
"what if the fetus you abort was the only one who could cure aids or cancer ect." ....what if they were the next sadam, jeff dahmer, ice man, hitler ect. plus many more arguements. They are pointless and go both ways. No one has ever been able to back up what they tell me with a creditable medical website. When infact i can and i talk to my OB/GYN about this stuff all the time (when i see her often seeing as im 39 weeks pregnant) i ask her about it befor i go and talk about it on the internet because i HATE to give out false info. I dont only get my info off of the internet because we all know that the internet is filled with lies. Ive looked up plenty of medical books in a libary about abortion. There for i also know what i send people from websites is real or not because it is the same as what i get out of medical books.

Its pretty twisted that so many people care more about a woman having an abortion insted of the THOUSANDS of children waiting to be placed in a good home or even in a home ate all. Thousands of children are never adopted and are bounced around from foster home to foster home until they are 18.

There are plenty of good reasons for someone to have an abortion. You dont know everyone and their reasons so dont be so quick to judge. what if they had a tubal pregnancy where the embryo implanted into a falopian tube and not the uterus. The woman would have no choice but to terminate the pregnancy because her and the embryo WILL die. The tube would burst and can actually kill the woman with in minutes.

2007-03-06 01:50:37 · answer #7 · answered by Jenn 3 · 7 3

I know i totally feel the same way. I cant believe that alot of people support abortions when killing a baby is the same thing as killing an adult. Why arent the mothers punished for killing an inocent defenseless human being. I think people that do that are selfish, cold blooded people that deserve to die as well. It isnt fair that they get pregnant and totally kill the baby and there are girls that cant even have one. Girls that want to abort should totally think of other methods like adoption or giving them away its better than to kill them. I am totally against abortions and i will stick by it cuz i love babies and babies are miracles from god and if they are sent to this world its for a reason and nobody should have the right to take their life away. the only person that can do that is the one that created him. GOD

2007-03-06 00:40:53 · answer #8 · answered by babygiggles 2 · 9 5

Hey i still couldnt' read your whole descriptoin it was too graphic. I used to be pro choice and consderd having one but i didnt and now my baby is kicking me and i love it and im SO THANKFUL TO THE LORD that i didnt do the abortion ( part of that was getting good advice and prayer form my sister and mom ) but no i didnt c those sites i think its sick and i coudlnt look at that now while being pregnant i think ti would be too sad adn freak me out too bad. its just disgustin how they do ti and i woudl be scarred for life if i saw something liek that.

2007-03-06 00:35:55 · answer #9 · answered by lady26 5 · 9 2

The womens choice what to with her own body...BLAH BLAH BLAH..... yup, heard that all b4...what about the baby? whos choice was it 4 the baby to be there? So it gets no rights and deserves to die a brutal horrible death because "its her body her choice BS" i cant believe in a society as modern as oours this filth still passes as an argument


2007-03-06 01:30:19 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 5 3

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