there is some-thing special about the number one.
The number one and all numbers before it and beyond it are special, it occurs at frequent intervals e.g. 11, 21,61,100 etc.
It is known to be the name of the soul because I am means me the number one person.
It is a winning number e.g. first in a race.
For over 1000 yrs it was in the date for example 1760, 1850,1999 etc.
It is 3 times in Sept 11 2001.
I am NOT serious. I am writing BS.
It is a case of Apophenia. that is a medical disease where pyschotic and religious (same thing really) people see links between numbers.
Question - why are so many people falling for these silly numbers things common in T.V.; films, books etc.
7 answers
asked by
teacher groovyGRANNY
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