PERSONAL.. WarninG! haha..Okay ive asked b4 about how i get what i think are contractions when i pee, and past 3 days i have had a problem going # 2, that it hurts to go in my stomahce area. Well i just tried to go again and i finally was able to but i am getting a sharp pain in my bottom area and and my vagina area.. and now reallly reallly bad back pains once again. I have been experiencing the bad back pains for a week now that have been horrible. Last week my doctor checked for UTI, hemmroids and i dont have any of them!
Tuesday i was 1 cm dialated and she said my cervix was thinning out a lot. Braxton hicks/contractions were bad for 2 days straight but nothing really to much today. Only when i get up my tummy gets hard as a rock and is hard to move around but i manage!
Any help please :-( 1st time mommy as you can see!
1 answers
asked by
Jessica D
Pregnancy & Parenting
➔ Pregnancy
Also the past couple days i have been naseous @ night, and tired and having a hard time breathing and everything but the doctor said the babies head is down and everything...
36 weeks..
14:33:02 ·
update #1